Threadcrapping, trolls, and “+” threads...

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I have very little patience for threadcrapping, and IME + threads work great. Most of the time when someone is getting off topic or trying to tell me that I shouldn't want to do the thing I want to do I just tell them to stop, and they do.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Seeing as this is first and foremost a discussion forum (i.e. a forum for debate) not wanting a debate seems a bit over the top.
Debate and discussion are two different things.

+ threads are there to help keep a discussion from becoming an argument about something the thread isn’t even about, or from getting derailed arguing the premise rather than engaging with it usefully.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Seeing as this is first and foremost a discussion forum (i.e. a forum for debate) not wanting a debate seems a bit over the top.

Free-for-all debate is only one form of discussion. There are others, which are just as constructive in their own ways. You don't need to embrace them yourself, but you need to leave space for others to do so.

Looking through older conversations of interest held on this message board forums, that convo seems to be "the norm"

A discussion starts, people engage, a troll shows up and the thread just becomes an argument with that troll that continues until the lock
An argument followed by a threadlock seems to be a daily or weekly occurrence


Mod Squad
Staff member
Looking through older conversations of interest held on this message board forums, that convo seems to be "the norm"

A discussion starts, people engage, a troll shows up and the thread just becomes an argument with that troll that continues until the lock
An argument followed by a threadlock seems to be a daily or weekly occurrence

So, let us remember that "conversations of interest" implies introduction of a selection bias, depending on what is "interest". There are some topics that are more problematic, others which we never need to touch. There's also the context of our size to consider - half a million threads, and tens of thousands of users.

Saying that there's a "daily or weekly occurrence" means that a moderator has maybe one real issue arise a day, or less. So, thousands of people engaged, and I have one real issue to look at a day? That's awesome!

Since I am pretty sure this thread is directed at my posts: I want to be clear that I am not a troll. I disagreed with something in a thread. People responded and I responded to those posts (especially ones that tried to characterize me as a bad person for disagreeing). I stayed out of the + thread and I try to adhere to mod texts when I get them. But was expressing genuine opinions, not just trying to derail a thread

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