D&D (2024) Monk Playtest

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Yeah, same. The white room analysis that proves monks are weak can make sense, but somehow I have managed to have a blast playing monks anyway. (So far only in Tier I and II, however.)

14th Level. Diamond Soul.

It's crazy good, to the extent that I've always viewed it as the defining high-level monk feature (even though it's passive).

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I think Monk could use a bump up in the Hit Die department. A D10 would be a welcoming change indeed. Probably a bit more Ki Points would be nice.

Although, with Iron Kingdom Requiem having a feat/Essence that pretty much does bump up a class's Hit Die to the next step permanently, I'm probably good in that department anyway since IKR is one of the few 3PP material that I allow in my DND 5E games. Meanwhile Fizban, and Kobold Press has options to help a bit with Ki Points.


My issue with stunning strike is that it is so much more effective than the other ki options that it turns monks into a one-trick pony. When you think of monks, you think of stunning strike. Maybe the answer is not to nerf it, but to give them a few more options that are competitive with it, to increase player choices. Mercy monk actually does this, which is why everyone (including me) is playing Mercy monks right now. More options equals more fun.

I actually think the monk chassis is pretty good - they do play differently than other classes, and they do feel like a highly mobile, light fighter. They're just a bit undertuned. They just need a bit more damage, a bit more survivability, and bit more ki, especially below level 5.


Sure, but they are supposed to be frontline fighters, so if you are going to give them more ki you have to give them more options to use it that increase their survivability. The knock on monks right now is that at low-medium levels (i.e. 95% of games according to WotC) they are underpowered and one dimensional. Like, is there a worse first level experience than playing a monk? It doesn't exactly sell new players on the class.


Monk is probably my favourite class but I am aware how problematic it is. It really gets stuck in racial and cultural stereotypes in a way that other classes manage to avoid (except for the super cringe samurai subclass). I think we have a better, more aware WotC now so I am really interested to see what they will come up with.


Sure, but they are supposed to be frontline fighters, so if you are going to give them more ki you have to give them more options to use it that increase their survivability. The knock on monks right now is that at low-medium levels (i.e. 95% of games according to WotC) they are underpowered and one dimensional. Like, is there a worse first level experience than playing a monk? It doesn't exactly sell new players on the class.
IMO, they are supposed to be skirmishers and assassins. They get lots of movement buffs.

So running past the front line to punch the wizard in the back and get him to drop concentration, or getting in the archers face to give them disadvantage. Not standing still trading blows with a guy in armor and a great sword.

Could probably emphasize it a bit more at level 1.
Evasive footwork: "when you take the dash action, you do not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn."

Now at level 2, you can spend a bonus action + ki, jump over the front line and kick an archer in the back.

Something no other class can do. (Except the occasional misty step).

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Monk is probably my favourite class but I am aware how problematic it is. It really gets stuck in racial and cultural stereotypes in a way that other classes manage to avoid (except for the super cringe samurai subclass). I think we have a better, more aware WotC now so I am really interested to see what they will come up with.

The last monk I played, technically a kensei, called herself a Swordswoman. If somebody called her a monk or kensei she would have been all "WTF?"

Or just killed them for impertinence.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Evasive footwork: "when you take the dash action, you do not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn."

Yeah it kind of annoys me that the thing rogues get for free costs monks a Stunning Strike. (Although it does also grant doubled jump distance.)


another way of expressing the trouble with an ac10+Wis+DEX D8 hit die PC with stunning strike imagine a bladesinger
  • PC: I cast hold monster but it only lasts 1 round & lets us attack it with advantage plus does xx damage.. Does it save?
  • GM: it saves
  • PC: I cast hold monster but it only lasts 1 round & lets us attack it with advantage plus does xx damage.. Does it save?
  • GM:it fails but legendary resist!
  • PC: As a bonus action I use FoB to cast hold monster but it only lasts 1 round & lets us attack it with advantage plus does xx damage.. Does it save?
  • GM: it fails
  • PC: I attack with advantage dealing xx damage
  • GM a couple turns latr: On the monster's turn... hold monster is in effect & your version grants no save on it's turn right?...
  • minutes later PC: LETSTAKEASHORTREST
  • fighter/warlock/moon druid/sorlock/etc: Yea LETSTAKEASHORTREST

It doesn't break concentration, it completely nul;lifies an opponent for one full round & gives everyone advantage to attack it
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