OK, let's see if this worked, since it won't let me upload the spreadsheet directly and I had to follow @
Parmany_HøygoblinKhan and make into a zip file.
By the way, looking at it now, I probably should create a new first column with the overall monster type of each group. It's usually pretty obvious, but in the animals and NPCs sections at the end, the breakdown isn't immediately obvious (animals are grouped by type alphabetically - amphibian, ape, arachnid, etc. - while NPCs are grouped alphabetically by presumed character class - artificer, barbarian, bard, etc.). Also ignore the varying typefaces, that was originally from before I put in the sources, and different typefaces indicated different sources...
Like I said, I'll create an updated version once FToD and the POD version of the MME3 come out, with edits for things I just mentioned...