D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded III HARDCOVER/PoD is FINALLY OUT! Get it now from the DM's Guild!

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Got mine today too! The art is amazing. I particularly like the Filipino monsters. Very flavorful!



DM's Guild Author
And both the Twitter and FB posts were suddenly taken down lol. I wonder why. But I'm still very grateful for their plug.
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DM's Guild Author
I wonder if they only leave promos like that up for just a day? I have seen them plug other stuff, but I don't remember if they have left those up or not.
I checked as well before making my earlier post. The other DM's Guild plugs they previously made are still available.

I checked as well before making my earlier post. The other DM's Guild plugs they previously made are still available.

How far back did you have to look? I went back to the start of the year and did not see any others. Also, I wonder if posting about your book, while they have a new monster book just out, was too confusing for people?


DM's Guild Author
How far back did you have to look? I went back to the start of the year and did not see any others. Also, I wonder if posting about your book, while they have a new monster book just out, was too confusing for people?
Probably. It could be any number of reasons. Most likely I'm guessing someone (probably a fan) posted it without getting approval from a manager. Another reason was there was also a lot of pushback from people who found the PoD price too expensive. We'll probably never know but a plug is still a plug. Better than nothing at all. :)

For the other DMs Guild plugs, you can do a search. Most were posts from 2021 but nothing so far this year.

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