Monster Mash: CaBaNa vs. the dragon


First Post
Perky does use fade away.

Shifty therefore does not target him with Dragons Grace.
Shifty still moves south.

PZ's maintain there actions as well.

The only change to the turn, is that Shifty does not use dragons grace at all.

Everything else runs like it reads.

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Round 10

The circus, somewhat depleted but on the rebound, capers around firing rays at the dragon. (all three PZ OAs miss. Skull and Red both hit. The dragon kills PZ 3 and 8 with OAs.)

The dragon lumbers back forward and makes to grab Shifty with a mighty claw, but he slips on a pile of zombie parts and misses. (breath fails to recharge. Dragon moves NE,E and fails to grab shifty. Weak! Dragon has reach 2 so doesn't trigger Fierce Rebuke.)


Shifty the Adept 58/58 +2 defenses tsnt, +2 to next attack <== You're up
Skull Lord 45/45, 10 cold resist, +2 def tsnt
Zingy the Mote dead
Mortimer the Thrall 1/1
Ringmaster Red 128/128, 10 cold resist
Pack Zombie 9 1/1
Pack Zombie 10 dead
Pack Zombie 11 1/1
Pack Zombie 12 1/1
Pack Zombie 1 1/1
Pack Zombie 2
Pack Zombie 3 1/1
Pack Zombie 4 1/1
Pack Zombie 5 1/1
Pack Zombie 6
Pack Zombie 7 1/1
Pack Zombie 8 1/1
Kalad The Paladin 27/54, bloodied, 10 cold resist, +2 defenses TSNT
Perky the Arcanist 16/46, bloodied
Dragon 269/408
Gibberling Bunch dead

Zones in effect:
  • burst 3 around O29: the circus gets +1 AC
  • undead allies within 2 of Skull Lord get regeneration 5 and +2 to saves
  • all allies within 5 of Gnome arcanist have concealment

Resources used:
Ringmaster Red: Call of the Grave, Fireball
Kalad: AP, Sacred circle, Divine Strength
Shifty: healing burst
Dragon: APx2, breath weapon, frightening presence
Perky: Fey step, Fade Away



First Post
Shifty moves over and prepares to defend himself.

the Drum Major defends himself with his whirling bone staff, and whistles off to another member of the Small Car Troop (who promptly stands) before spewing more fire at the be-smudged dragon.

Red goes crosseyed while shooting lasers

The newly standing Car clown holds onto the dragons claw in hopes of keeping him from hurting Shifty.

Kalad nurses his wounds while Perky fires off at the dragon.


Shifty the Pact bound adept
healing burst fails to recharge
Minor shift to O28
Standard action Total defense

Skull Lord
Minor Skull of deaths command on PZ12
Minor Skull of withering flame on dragon 23 to hit fortitude for 9 fire and necrotic damage
Standard total defense

Flame skull death master
Standard flame ray on dragon 15 to hit reflex for 10 damage

PZ 12 assists shifty the pact bound adepts defenses (+2) against next attack from the dragon
other PZ's take total defense.

total defense

Gnome Arcanist
moves to K30
scintillating bolt on dragon 14 to hit for 6 radiant damage and dazed (save ends)


Round 11

The circus fails to damage the dragon this time, all their blasts going wide.

The dragon makes another pitiful attempt to grab the adept. Snarling, it retreats behind a rocky protrusion, ignoring the nearby zombie.
(fails to recharge breath. Fails to grab. Moves to T28-U29, taking an OA from PZ12. It has improved cover against Perky, Red, and Skull, and Shifty doesn't have LOS.)


Shifty the Adept 58/58 +2 defenses tsnt, +2 defenses vs. next dragon's attack <== You're up
Skull Lord 45/45, 10 cold resist, +2 def tsnt
Zingy the Mote dead
Mortimer the Thrall 1/1
Ringmaster Red 128/128, 10 cold resist
Pack Zombie 9
Pack Zombie 10
Pack Zombie 11
Pack Zombie 12
Pack Zombie 1 +2 def tsnt
Pack Zombie 2
Pack Zombie 3
Pack Zombie 4
Pack Zombie 5
Pack Zombie 6
Pack Zombie 7 +2 def tsnt
Pack Zombie 8
Kalad The Paladin 27/54, bloodied, 10 cold resist, +2 defenses TSNT
Perky the Arcanist 16/46, bloodied
Dragon 269/408
Gibberling Bunch dead

Zones in effect:
  • burst 3 around O29: the circus gets +1 AC
  • undead allies within 2 of Skull Lord get regeneration 5 and +2 to saves
  • all allies within 5 of Gnome arcanist have concealment

Resources used:
Ringmaster Red: Call of the Grave, Fireball
Kalad: AP, Sacred circle, Divine Strength
Shifty: healing burst
Dragon: APx2, breath weapon, frightening presence
Perky: Fey step, Fade Away



First Post
The circus takes the moment of respite to pop off a few shots, the Drum Major moves over to see, then shouts at Mortimer Hey you maggoty meal of mutated mucous get up and start flinging that nasty stuff at the dragon again!!!

Everyone else begins to set up for the dragons inevitable return, except the Small Car Troop, who want a tasty of meaty dragon hide... And take off running to get behind him.

Starting next week the RP is going to get longer again... Sorry to all who are entertained, I know it's been getting shorter and shorter.

I assume improved cover = superior cover, if not adjust the attack roll numbers accordingly. currently all ranged against dragon are at -5.

Shifty Pact Bound Adept
healing burst recharge fails
standard total defense

Skull Lord
Move to R29
Minor Skull of Deaths Command on Mortimer the Thrall
Standard for Move back to M30

Mortimer Mutated Thrall
Standard Gobs of Filth 21 to hit AC for 6 poison damage
move to O29

Flame Skull deathmaster
Standard flame ray vs dragon miss...

PZ 1 and 7 begin running around to get behind the dragon. (double move and run until T23 if it changes I'll make a specific note)
PZ12 attacks to assist FSDM next attack succeeds!
PZ12 then move shifts to R28

total defense

Perky Gnome Arcanist
Standard action ready action
scintillating bolt when the dragon no longer has superior cover. (feel free to roll for me if it happens)

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Round 12

The circus waits for the dragon to emerge, with only Red risking a shot, which misses. (I'm afraid the Skull Lord can't raise Mort, since he's not undead. I picked PZ11 instead, just to keep things moving, but you're welcome to change that.)

The dragon collects itself and waits for a moment, casually swatting down the nearby zombies. (breath recharges. Claw attacks vs. PZ11 and 12 both hit.)


Shifty the Adept 58/58 +2 defenses tsnt <== You're up
Skull Lord 45/45, 10 cold resist
Zingy the Mote dead
Mortimer the Thrall 1/1
Ringmaster Red 128/128, 10 cold resist, +2 to next attack vs. dragon
Pack Zombie 9
Pack Zombie 10
Pack Zombie 11
Pack Zombie 12
Pack Zombie 1
Pack Zombie 2
Pack Zombie 3
Pack Zombie 4
Pack Zombie 5
Pack Zombie 6
Pack Zombie 7
Pack Zombie 8
Kalad The Paladin 27/54, bloodied, 10 cold resist, +2 defenses TSNT
Perky the Arcanist 16/46, bloodied
Dragon 269/408
Gibberling Bunch dead

Zones in effect:
  • burst 3 around O29: the circus gets +1 AC
  • undead allies within 2 of Skull Lord get regeneration 5 and +2 to saves
  • all allies within 5 of Gnome arcanist have concealment

Resources used:
Ringmaster Red: Call of the Grave, Fireball
Kalad: AP, Sacred circle, Divine Strength
Shifty: healing burst
Dragon: APx2, frightening presence
Perky: Fey step, Fade Away



First Post
update coming.

The Zed clowns and living clowns begin realizing how dire the situation may become...
They begin whispering back and forth, formulating a plan,
then seem to come to an agreement, and stop speaking.

The dragon hears some scratching around as the circus moves about, he feels like he knows where each one has moved. They keep making small whispers or drag limp body parts...

Some chanting seems to come from ahead, the dragon braces, and no bolt of energy comes... just a softly muttered thanks.

The Drum Major calls out, Knew guy! lone the fellow next to you a leg to stand on! Now No excuses, get up!
A subtle moan escapes as the Small Car Troop member shuffles to his feet. Don't let him get back here until shifty comes to his senses! Fire shooting out of his mouth toward the dragon for emphasis.

The dragon then has to jerk his head back to avoid an errant laser ray which scorches the wall beyond him, and using the cover, three pack zombies run by the dragon, hardly noticed, and block the way by linking arms and sticking out their bony bits.

some more shuffling...

Shifty Pact-bound adept
fails recharge of healing burst
move to K28
minor action Dragon's grace on Perky, Gnome Arcanist resist 10 cold until encounters end.
minor action shift to L28

Skull Lord
Minor action Skull of Deaths Command on PZ 5, PZ 5 stands
Minor skull of withering flame miss
Standard action total defense

Flame Skull Death Master
Flame Ray on dragon probably miss...

PZ 5 move to Q30 standard total defense
PZ 1 move run to Q29 (avoids the opportunity attack.) standard total defense
PZ 7 move run to Q28 (avoids opportunity attack.) Standard total defense

Kalad the Paladin
Total defense

Perky the gnome arcanist
move to K29
standard Total defense
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ooc: Sorry, I missed your update. I rely on email notifications, I often don't notice updates right away.

Round 13

The circus shuffles round, the clowns forming a defensive line while Red and Skull fire off wild shots. (PZ1 and 7 need a double move to get in place, so no total defense.)

The dragon lumbers forward around the corner and, irked to find his way blocked by clowns, blasts them with icy breath. (breath weapon hits all three PZs, but misses skull. Not bothering to roll damage. rolls)


Shifty the Adept 58/58 <== You're up
Skull Lord 45/45, 10 cold resist, +2 def tsnt
Zingy the Mote dead
Mortimer the Thrall 1/1
Ringmaster Red 128/128, 10 cold resist, +2 to next attack vs. dragon
Pack Zombie 9
Pack Zombie 10
Pack Zombie 11
Pack Zombie 12
Pack Zombie 1
Pack Zombie 2
Pack Zombie 3
Pack Zombie 4
Pack Zombie 5
Pack Zombie 6
Pack Zombie 7
Pack Zombie 8
Kalad The Paladin 27/54, bloodied, 10 cold resist, +2 defenses TSNT
Perky the Arcanist 16/46, 10 cold resist, bloodied, +2 def tsnt
Dragon 269/408
Gibberling Bunch dead

Zones in effect:
  • burst 3 around O29: the circus gets +1 AC
  • undead allies within 2 of Skull Lord get regeneration 5 and +2 to saves
  • all allies within 5 of Gnome arcanist have concealment

Resources used:
Ringmaster Red: Call of the Grave, Fireball
Kalad: AP, Sacred circle, Divine Strength
Shifty: healing burst, dragon's grace
Dragon: APx2, frightening presence
Perky: Fey step, Fade Away



First Post
Shifty runs yelling about how the dragon tried to freeze his friends face off! He has completely lost track of his job in the party, and is soon realizing it...

The Drum Major wakes another undead clown from eternal slumber. coughing fire, waiting for some help to unclog the flumes...

Ringmaster Red spots the dragon moving and focus' every nerve on burning out the big buggers eyes! Blasting a fiery hole in one wing...

the only standing Small Car Troop member, helps out the Skull Lord, like a good undead servitor...

Kalad and Perky go back to back to ward off the EVIL dragon!

Shifty Pact bound adept
Neither dragons grace or healing burst recharge.
Move to O29
Flaming Staff on dragon miss
Minor shift to O29

Drum Major Skull Lord
Minor skull of deaths command on PZ 1
Minor skull of withering flame miss
Standard total defense

Red Flameskull deathmaster
flame ray on dragon Critical! and would have done max damage either way...

Standard Assists next attack made by skull lord
Shift to P29

total defense

Perky gnome arcanist
total defense

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