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Monster Mash: Oni vs. Lord Sessadore


[sblock=rulings]Since the phasing description does not specify that such creatures cannot be restrained, I'm going to interpret the power's ability to restrain as being more specific than the wraiths' ability to pass through objects. So both moon wraiths are restrained. However, MW2 gets an OA when the celebrant's readied action fires. Now let's see if I can get this new initiative order right...

Also, maybe I'm being a noob here, but I can't remember ever seeing another ranged power without a range specified. Surely it's an error that the range is omitted on Voice of Solemnity? I'm leaning towards range 10 myself. Compare to Succubus' Dominate power, which has range 5, is a standard, but the target is dominated TENT and has no movement restrictions. It doesn't matter for this round, since it missed, but I'd like to clarify this for future rounds.

The lich suddenly appears in a different place and assaults the minds of its foes, but they hold strong... for now.

The moon wraiths swing wide and charge. One of them strikes the celebrant with its foul touch, but when the other charges, the celebrant summons green bonds of energy, stopping it in its tracks. (ooc: 12 necrotic damage, celebrant weakened 'tent, both moon wraiths restrained, MW 2 gets an OA (pending).)

Initiative and status
Mind Flayer 101/101, stealthed against all enemies <== you're up
Angel, 152/152, 5 squares up
Baelnorn 210/210
Celebrant 102/117, weakend 'tent
Moon Wraith 1 76/76, restrained (save ends)
Moon Wraith 2 76/76, restrained (save ends)

Resources used:
Celebrant: coils of despair

Current Team HP: Oni 362/362, Sessadore 358/370



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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=Rules stuff]Here's another question for you: can phasing creatures be grabbed? :p Also, can a creature be grabbed by two creatures? Might need to know that at some point. I don't see anything preventing it, but I could be wrong.

In other news, MW1 would have to be in at least R8 to be able to be caught in the burst - if it were there, each wraith would be in one corner of the burst. I'll just assume it's there for now.

I think I had another one, but can't remember it. Oh well, mustn't have been important ...
Oh! I remembered. Another comparison for a ranged dominating power: the vampire lord. Range 5, dominates (save ends, with -2 on save), aftereffect dazed (save ends). It's a minor action, recharge 6.[/sblock]
The black-robed figure glides forward with unearthly speed ... are there even legs under that robe? As it reaches the wraith, a gust of wind blows the hood back, revealing a bulbous purple head with two large, pupil-less eyes and four tentacles instead of a mouth. The creature leans forward at the end of its glide, tentacles lashing at the bound wraith. The wraith hears the words "You are mine, unbodied one", but they seem to simply enter its mind without bothering with sound.

Meanwhile, the fiery angel hovering above the deck nods and says, "Yes, master." The voice seems to speak in whatever language the listener feels most comfortable with. It dives down towards the deck of the ship, unleashing a flurry of steel on the second trapped wraith.
[sblock=Actions]Mind Flayer
Move: to W10.
Standard: Charge to S9: Tentacles on MW1: 22 vs. AC, 11 damage. Forgot to include CA for restrained, so that's 24 vs. AC, 11 damage, and target is grabbed on a hit.
Minor: none

Move: fly to AC19, descending at 45 degrees so he's at deck level at the end. Go through AD15-18 then to AC19 so as to not provoke.
Standard: Blade Flurry vs. MW2. Longsword: 30 vs. AC, 14 damage. Dagger: 29 vs. AC, 7 damage. Bah, I forgot CA again. So, assuming 31 and 32 hit AC, that's 21 total damage.
Minor: none.
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[sblock=more rules]I was a bit less confident on this one, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that phasing creatures can be grabbed, too. If you need a justification, say that phasing only lets them through nonliving and non-undead obstacles. Anyway. I don't see a reason a creature can't be grabbed more than once, though I think I'd allow the same escape attempt to target both grabs.

The mind flayer wraps grotesquely pulsing tentacles around one wraith. (ooc: you forgot +1 from charging too, I think. Anyway, it's a hit. MW1 takes 5 damage (insubstantial) and is grabbed.)

The angel swoops down to strike at the other wraith, dispersing bits of its ectoplasmic substance with both sword and dagger. (ooc: MW2 takes 10 damage total.)

Initiative and status
Mind Flayer 101/101
Angel, 152/152
Baelnorn 210/210 <== you're up
Celebrant 90/117, weakend 'tent
Moon Wraith 1 71/76, restrained (save ends), grabbed
Moon Wraith 2 66/76, restrained (save ends)

Resources used:
Celebrant: coils of despair

Current Team HP: Oni 347/362, Sessadore 346/370


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First Post

IMO you can grab a creature with phasing, but it can escape when it moves with no check as phasing specifically mentions being able to move through creatures.


The husk of an eladrin stood on the deck one moment, then was simply perched atop the mast at midship the next. Its mouth continued to move silently as it pale eyes stared down its enemies below. The sibilant voice bored into the angel's mind soothing and coaxing and demanding all at once.

Now the baelnorn spoke aloud for the first time, Release my pets, wretch!

The withered eladrin waved it hand and the deck below was bathed in sickly, mindbending light that seared body and mind.


move: Lich Step to the crows next at S14, recharge Lich Step.
minor: Voice of Solemnity: +15 vs Will (Target: Angel) (1d20+15=35)
the target falls into a sleepy trance. While in this trance state, the target is immobilized and dominated (save ends both). In addition, the target truthfully answers any question the baelnorn asks.
Since the angel has conveniently put itself next to the railing, I'd like it to chuck its weapons overboard. I reckon since unarmed attacks don't have a prof bonus it might get -3 and may not be able to use certain attacks but this certainly DM arbitration territory as to effects.
standard: Fey Ire: +13 vs Will (Centered on Y15) (1d20+13=33) (holy crap on a stick invisible castle loves me)
23 radiant damage and the target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage and is dazed (save ends both).

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Wow ... that was a pretty horrifically good turn, Oni. And nice call with the angel's weapons - that never even crossed my mind. Though if I'm not mistaken, that doesn't happen until the angel's next turn.

I think you might have a point with phasing > grabbed, but remember that they're restrained at the moment, so they can't move ;)[/sblock]
The lich's assault has sent the man's mind reeling, but he manages to collect himself enough to utter more arcane sibilants. His form twists, elongating and smoothing until it is a great serpent. The human's clothes seem to meld with the new form, leaving no evidence that the serpent was once a man. It coils on the deck, hissing in frustration.
Take 5 ongoing psychic.
Coils of Despair recharge: 4. Doesn't recharge.

Standard: use Serpent Form. Since he's now Large, expand NW (so he's occupying squares Z-AA, 16-17.
No other actions. Bloody dazed ... :mad:

Save vs. ongoing and dazed: 17. Well, at least that went right ...[/sblock]


First Post
The wraiths hiss and snarl struggling against their bonds even as thier essense seems to slowly draw back together. They lash out at the creatures in front of them with shadowy claws. One manages to break free from its bonds.


Moon Wraith 1
Regen 5 HP
Standard: Lunar Violation: +12 vs Fort (Target: Mind Flayer) (1d20+14-2=14)
Well I'm sure that doesn't hit
Saving Throw (1d20=9)

Moon Wraith 2
Regen 5 HP
Standard: Lunar Violation: +12 vs Fort (Target: Celebrant) (1d20+14-2=19)
Necrotic Damage (2d4+7=11)
If that hit, target is weakened until the end of their next turn.
Saving Throw (1d20=17)



ooc: Since you guys seem to be agreeing about grab vs. phasing, we'll run with that.

Round 2, continued

The lich teleports into the crows nest and commands the angel to drop his weapons. (ooc: The celebrant takes 23 radiant, etc.)

The celebrant turns into a snake, its mind in torment. 5 psychic

Both wraiths miss, though one of them manages to twist free of its bonds. (ooc: if I understand what you guys have agreed to, then MW1 is still grabbed, since it didn't move, yes?)

Initiative and status
Mind Flayer 101/101 <== you're up
Angel, 152/152 immobilized, dominated
Baelnorn 210/210
Celebrant 62/117
Moon Wraith 1 76/76, restrained (save ends), grabbed
Moon Wraith 2 71/76

Resources used:
Celebrant: coils of despair
Lich: Fey Ire

Current Team HP: Oni 357/362, Sessadore 315/370



Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]So it looks like Mr. Angel will lose his weapons ... how do you want to run that, cov? Can he use Weapon powers with 'unarmed' as his weapon? Or are there any convenient weapons racks lying around on the deck? :p[/sblock]
The illithid's tentacles draw the wraith closer to its mouth, and the foul creature begins to ingest ectoplasm, dissolving the apparition's 'body'. Words enter the baelnorn's mind, I will make you my pet, dead one.
[sblock=Actions]Mind Flayer
Standard: Bore into Brain vs. MW1: 31 vs. Fort, 16 damage. Forgot CA again, so that should be 33 vs. Fort. On a hit, target is dazed (save ends). Remember Stalk the Senseless :)
Move: none
Minor: sustain grab. (I think that's how it works, right?)

Since he's dominated, I'll let covaithe figure out what he does.
Save vs. immobilized and dominated: 18.[/sblock]


Round 3

The mind flayer makes a hideous slurping noise, causing the wraith to struggle silently in its grasp. (ooc: hit, 8 damage and MW1 is dazed (save ends). The mind flayer is invisible to it, which I find slightly weird, since it's grabbing it too.)

The angel watches in horror as its limbs obey the lich's commands, and its weapons sink beneath the waves. It quickly shakes off the domination, though. (ooc: dominated implies dazed, so only one action per turn, which is to dump the weapons. Yes, weapon powers can be used unarmed; unarmed attacks are considered the same as improvised weapons, which have no proficiency bonus and do 1d4 (one hand) or 1d8 (2h) on a hit. Though I think unarmed can only be done 1h. See PHB p.219 at the top. There are lots of things on this map that can be used as improvised weapons, and I might be talked into allowing you to fashion a club if you find something suitable to make it out of.)

Initiative and status
Mind Flayer 101/101
Angel, 152/152, unarmed
Baelnorn 210/210 <== you're up
Celebrant 62/117
Moon Wraith 1 68/76, restrained (save ends), grabbed, dazed (save ends)
Moon Wraith 2 71/76

Resources used:
Celebrant: coils of despair
Lich: Fey Ire

Current Team HP: Oni 349/362, Sessadore 315/370

map unchanged

Voidrunner's Codex

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