Moon Knight - SPOILERS

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I was hoping to see the gods, not their avatars but that's a minor thing. The Ennead clearly have some power but have chosen to be hands off with humanity. I wonder when that decision was made and how humanity could have abandoned them. I doubt we'll get an answer in this series but it's a nice bit of food for thought.


A suffusion of yellow
I was hoping to see the gods, not their avatars but that's a minor thing. The Ennead clearly have some power but have chosen to be hands off with humanity. I wonder when that decision was made and how humanity could have abandoned them. I doubt we'll get an answer in this series but it's a nice bit of food for thought.
Well the last Classic Egyptian temple was in use until circa AD 550, though the Cult of Isis persisted longer (Isis gets mentioned in medieval European text). The temple site at Philae was finally sunk by the Aswan Dam - so I suppose the Ennead gods do have a case about being abandonned/forgotten.

For an MCU link the gods magic manifested with a purple glow - the same one used by Agatha Harkness, and so far theorised to be linked to the Dark Dimension.
It’d be interesting to see if the Overvoid is revisted in future MCU stories.

ps - just remembered Wakandan Spirit World had a purple filter too, in comics the Wakanda gods came from Egypt
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So after so many marvel movies and shows where you could naturally ask "Well why didn't they bring in Avenger X or superhero Y" we actually have a show that answers that question.

Marc asks the extremely obvious question.... "well if the world is about to end by an egyptian god, can't we get the other gods to help?"

And instead of hand-waving it....we actually get some screentime to answer it! It was a cool scene, and actually solved the issue to a reasonable satisfaction.

Yeah this series is really good so far. Layla is fast becoming my favorite side kick character, and of course Oscar Isaac is killing it. I also love that while Moon Knight is not a particularly strong hero by our current superhero standards, we are getting some godly flexes like the Eclipse and the night sky change that show that when a god wants to throw down, they still have juice in the tank.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Layla ”it belongs in a museum - in Egypt!” had a nice opening, with her mother?

How to say, "My background is... complicated," by implication, rather than explication.

and this is yet another group who sat back and did nothing about Thanos!

Yes, well... why would they? They don't seem to have a lot of stake in the world....
...and probably don't live in our Universe to be directly impacted by the Snap.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
My impression is that it was the 3rd personality.
I don't think so. Marc doesn't know who the 3rd personality is at this point. He's just discovering him. Whereas it's clear Marc knows something more about Layla's dad.


Yes, well... why would they? They don't seem to have a lot of stake in the world....
...and probably don't live in our Universe to be directly impacted by the Snap.
Yeah, this is one of most believable "why weren't they there" stories yet. The gods are like "humanity gave us up, we really don't give a crap about them, but stick around to their own reality tv"

One interesting tie in would be with the eternals, as its highly likely the Eternals were in Egypt at some point. Did they have any encounters with the Egyptian gods or the "moon knight" of that time? (assuming their was one). Don't know if we will ever get an answer, right now they seem content to keep things self contained, but it is Marvel....I would be shocked if we didn't have something in the last episode that hooked this in to the greater phase 4, even if its just a cut-away scene or something.
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