We already know there is at least some voice work from the trailer and the background clip.
I'm aware. It's just one of those things where having fancy voice acting is at the very bottom of my list of must-haves.
Ability to create characters you want to create? If it limits traditional classes and race or add ones not part of Forgotten Realms, that's a problem. I should be able to create a PC who hails from anywhere in Faerun.
Ability to create a custom party or modify any party NPCs? While not perfect, PF Kingmakers ability to retrain the NPCs was a good decision - I turned Octavia into a pure wizard because I already had myself as the rogue.
Depth and richness to the game? At least as long as BG2, please.
Interactive with the world? I want to be able to have uses for spells and abilities. I want to be able to use telekinesis to drop a barrel of oil on the enemy and have someone be able to ignite it by shooting an arrow into a lantern and knock it off the table into the puddle of oil. I should be able to get through puzzles or obstacles in multiple ways rather than trudging around to find the one key or talk to the one NPC to do so. But, if for example I smash open a door, there ought to be a chance that enemies come a-running rather than stay where they are at waiting to be slaughtered.
Ease of control and ability to change keybindings.
A crafting system that doesn't result in me having a bunch of unused reagents before I decide what to create - a prompt telling me "you have enough of x, y, and z to craft A or upgrade B" rather than going in my inventory and seeing what I can make while I have 37 x, 52 y, and 12 z sitting in my inventory. Implementing the rules from Xanathar's would be a bonus.
Variety in the various magic goodies. If the main good magic item to be pilfered in a particular dungeon is a flaming longsword but I prefer an axe, there should be some way to allow selection of the base item as an axe and overlay the goodness into it.