WotC More info on Baldur's Gate 3 coming February 27 2020

In this brief clip we see some voice acting for Volo and a quote, some motion capture, orchestra, some photography that I'm not sure how it would be used in a video game and lastly a date February 27 2020, which happens to be the date of Pax East. Speculate away.

In this brief clip we see some voice acting for Volo and a quote, some motion capture, orchestra, some photography that I'm not sure how it would be used in a video game and lastly a date February 27 2020, which happens to be the date of Pax East.

Speculate away.


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I don't doubt Larian's technical skills. I have complete confidence that they can design and build a solid adaptation of 5e rules with beautiful, interactive environments. I do hope they go for adapting 5e and not being "inspired" by 5e as with the disastrously awful Sword Coast Legends did.

By slapping the "3" on the title, I have enormous expectations from this game. Fairly or unfairly, they've decided to imply a direct connection to what came before with that numeral...and I expect it to sit well with its elder peers.

Now had they simply dropped the "3" or given it its own title, something like "Clever Title: A Baldur's Gate Story"....I wouldn't be writing any of this lol.

Larian Studios has said inspired by 5e rules because just straight up using 5e rules is impossible, somethings can't be ported unmodified into a CRPG from a 5e table top D&D, the tech just isn't there. But Swordcoast Legends game wasn't inspired by 5e at all and in fact I've heard some say it was closer to 4e. Speculation on my part, but I suspect development on Swordcoast Legends started during the 4e era and they made the mistake of trying to be current by mislabelling it 5e inspired when it was 4e inspired.

I honestly believe Larian Studios will get as close to 5e D&D as they can given the limitations of computer technology.

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There's nothing that says "21st century marketing" like an announcement for an announcement.

I mean, they tried it in the 20th century, maybe even before, but it's the 21st where we've truly perfectly completely wasting everyone's time with announcements for announcements (which are often even more "meta" by essentially being in part announcements for future announcements!). The level of time-wasting and stupidity is really made extra-high by the fact that this is the 21st century, and we all have smartphones, and social media, and content being directed at us, so unlike the 1990s or whenever, there's pretty much a 0-5% chance we'd actually miss such an announcement anyway. So it's not like even has the slightest bit of value to us!

21st century!!! Woot!


On that metempsychosis tweak
While waiting for the trigger of our speculation, we can speculate on what the speculation trigger will make us speculate about.


There's nothing that says "21st century marketing" like an announcement for an announcement.

I mean, they tried it in the 20th century, maybe even before, but it's the 21st where we've truly perfectly completely wasting everyone's time with announcements for announcements (which are often even more "meta" by essentially being in part announcements for future announcements!). The level of time-wasting and stupidity is really made extra-high by the fact that this is the 21st century, and we all have smartphones, and social media, and content being directed at us, so unlike the 1990s or whenever, there's pretty much a 0-5% chance we'd actually miss such an announcement anyway. So it's not like even has the slightest bit of value to us!

21st century!!! Woot!

It still had some useful info, we now know they are using motion capture and what Volo will sound like.

It still had some useful info, we now know they are using motion capture and what Volo will sound like.

I mean, that's not really "useful info".

That they're using motion capture, on an AAA videogame in 2020 is like knowing that the game will utilize your videocard, and have stereo sound or better. Technically it's information. Technically, just barely.

Volo is closer to information but we don't know if this dialogue is representative of how the dialogue is in the game, or if it's just something they did for the trailer. Given that it's terrible - awful overacting and it sounds like it was recorded in a phone booth, rather than a studio - I must pray that it is not representative, and instead is just something they whipped up for this.


On that metempsychosis tweak
I mean, that's not really "useful info".

That they're using motion capture, on an AAA videogame in 2020 is like knowing that the game will utilize your videocard, and have stereo sound or better. Technically it's information. Technically, just barely.

Volo is closer to information but we don't know if this dialogue is representative of how the dialogue is in the game, or if it's just something they did for the trailer. Given that it's terrible - awful overacting and it sounds like it was recorded in a phone booth, rather than a studio - I must pray that it is not representative, and instead is just something they whipped up for this.
"Our game uses motion capture, and can operate with 1080p speed and 100 fps!"



Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I mean, that's not really "useful info".

That they're using motion capture, on an AAA videogame in 2020 is like knowing that the game will utilize your videocard, and have stereo sound or better. Technically it's information. Technically, just barely.

Volo is closer to information but we don't know if this dialogue is representative of how the dialogue is in the game, or if it's just something they did for the trailer. Given that it's terrible - awful overacting and it sounds like it was recorded in a phone booth, rather than a studio - I must pray that it is not representative, and instead is just something they whipped up for this.
Man gamers are picky.


I mean, that's not really "useful info".

That they're using motion capture, on an AAA videogame in 2020 is like knowing that the game will utilize your videocard, and have stereo sound or better. Technically it's information. Technically, just barely.

Volo is closer to information but we don't know if this dialogue is representative of how the dialogue is in the game, or if it's just something they did for the trailer. Given that it's terrible - awful overacting and it sounds like it was recorded in a phone booth, rather than a studio - I must pray that it is not representative, and instead is just something they whipped up for this.

It's not terrible, I like it!

Man gamers are picky.

You like announcements for announcements (for announcements for announcements)? Seriously? I guess someone has to, explains why they keep doing them!

It's not terrible, I like it!

The sound quality is literally bad - as I said, it sounds like it was recorded in a small room with relatively hard walls - you should never be able to hear that in an AAA game unless you're an expert. And I'm not, but I do have ears. And he's straight-up overacting in a way that is frankly embarrassing and is going to look really silly if the entire game is like that (I doubt it is, but D:OS1 absolutely was, and D:OS2 improved a lot but still had quite a number of just-outright-terrible and over-the-top-in-a-bad-way voiced bits).

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