Most Iconic SF/F Princesses


The first two was easy:

Leia Organa - Star Wars
Dejah Thoris - John Carter of Mars

And then it becomes hard....

Either Princess Peach from Super Mario, or Princess Tuvstarr, as painted by John Bauer.

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Adora, Aurora, Eilonwy (books, not film), and Zelda are my personal iconics of those who've been mentioned, but I also have a soft spot for the more obscure Princess Gwaelin/Lora (Dragon Warrior/Quest 1).
Thanks for the Zelda nudge, I knew there was one I should be thinking of but couldn't put my finger on.

Can't believe I forgot Midna!



A suffusion of yellow
We haven't heard listed Snow White or Guinevere yet...

yeah in all fairness I was going to put Snow White but I've got a soft spot for Moana so used her as Disney gestalt

I entirely forgot about Guinevere though, funny how King Arthur has fallen into obscurity in a DnD focused forum

the popularity of Princess Peach may be an indicator of the average age of thread participants


yeah in all fairness I was going to put Snow White but I've got a soft spot for Moana so used her as Disney gestalt

I entirely forgot about Guinevere though, funny how King Arthur has fallen into obscurity in a DnD focused forum

the popularity of Princess Peach may be an indicator of the average age of thread participants

Princess Peach is multi generational and still relevant.

Switch is a massive hit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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