MotW Toughness Feats

Axiomatic Unicorn

First Post

In an absurd scenario, you could actually take dragon's toughness at level 6.

F2/Mnk1/Rng1/Pal1/Cler1 = Base Fort save 11

But that kind of abuse is silly and not really my concern.

I guess I am partly convinced that under normal play it won't really rock the boat to bad.

I still have a problem with the new ( feat != feat ) concept. I think that is a very bad precedent, even if it is not directly harmful in this case.
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If the 4 toughness feats were in a chain, with each being a prerequiste for the next, I don't think I would mind any of them.

If you did this would you restrict characters from taking each feat more than once? Once Dragons' toughness is reached, a character could take it over and over again at a level lower that would normally be allowed.

As it stands a single classed fighter can only take Dragons' toughness at 18th level. The only way to take it much earlier is to do wacky multiclass combos to pump up fortitude save quickly.

A human fighter could start taking Dragon's toughness as early as 2nd level if the feats form a chain. Or would you keep the fortitude save requirment as well?



As long as you keep the fortitud requirment it sounds OK to me. In fact I like that it forms a chain.

But I don't think these particular feats would really see that much abuse anyway.


Axiomatic Unicorn

First Post
Maniac said:
As long as you keep the fortitud requirment it sounds OK to me. In fact I like that it forms a chain.

But I don't think these particular feats would really see that much abuse anyway.


Yeah. Like I said, I think I am more hung up on the conceptual change than I am with the actual feats.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
What is killing me is that these new toughness feats are on the fighter bonus feat list while the original toughness feat isn't.

And it isn't there fore good reasons; look closely at the list. It's all about technique. The toughness feats don't belong in there.
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First Post
Something I've considered house-ruling is to add Toughness to the Fighter's list of bonus feats, to restore consistency, and to allow the entire familiy of feats to be automatically "upgraded" when the character's base Fortitude save gets high enough.

This makes the Toughness feats at least somewhat attractive to most characters, since you can invest the feat early your career and still get a noticable return later on at higher levels.

Malin Genie

First Post
I quite like the 'upgrade' version proposed above.

Or how about Toughness gives 2 + (0.5 x level), advancing like a 'good' Fort save?

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