I'm sorry to hear that the sheet isn't working as desired for you.
First, what type of pdf reader are you using. The sheet is only designed to work with Adobe Acrobat Reader XI. While using this version, be sure to enable javascript in Edit >> Settings >> Javascript >> Enable Acrobat Javascript (actual wording may differ, I'm translating from a Dutch version).
Secondly, the button to hide fields is called 'hide auto-filled fields' because it only hides those fields that you cannot be emptied manually (or by using the 'Reset' button). The button is not designed to hide all the fields, as most of the fields are empty and/or won't be part of a print-out.
Once you have hidden the auto-calculated fields, you should be able to print an empty sheet. Note that all buttons and fields with blue text are visible on screen, but will be ignored when printing. If you want to see what the print-out looks like, check the print preview in the print dialogue. Even though it is small, it should accurately represent the way the print will turn out (i.e. what will be printed and what not).