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(MSH) Nightmares of Futures Past

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I am no mutant, whatever does it means. As I stated before, I am the Red Snake Sorceror, master of the Dire Flame, and keeper of the Elder Scrolls. I do not know this devices you call car, I don't. I have seen them before, but I did not establish conversation with anyone since I saw them for the first time, that is why I asked about them." Sheng pauses for a moment. "And what do you mean with when I am? I do not understand"

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Fastlane and Co.

"Oh, I'm a mutant alright. Mutant born of mutants. As I said said my name is Fastlane, and mine is the abilty to impart motion to objects." He turns to Sheng, "a car is this horseless carriage as you call it, a scientific device, in this case I am supplying the movement, this is not normally the case. As for mutants we are the next stage of man, with abilities such as mine. This causes fear and jealousy on the part of normals. But actions such as yours only incite them, this we do not need. Not with Senators, a leader of high rank, and reporters, those who spread news and rumor in town. As for Solaire's question, where or when are you from, that you are ignorant of these things?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I hail from the Misty peaks of China. I was named Sheng Tsung once. I journeyed in search for the Elder Scrolls, many years ago. Eventually I came across the Scroll of Essence, which was hidden in a cave, guarded by an elder warrior. I defeated him, and then slay him with my bare hands." He says, almost rejoicingly remember the fight. "I walked into the cave and grabbed the scroll" he gestures a closing hand with a satisfaction face "But then, I was trapped in the cave for centuries! When I came out of the cave, breaking free from the spell, everything had changed: There was no forests around the cave, there was giant snakes of metal full of people, running through lines of steel. I learned they called them trains, towers of rock raising high into the sky where there used to be untamed plains. And the elder warrior, he was into my mind, trapped and locked to my soul because of the cursed scrolls!" He shouts the last sentence.
"But you are not linked to the scrolls, you could kill your enemies! If you are superior, why not crush them under your boots?!" wonders the sorceror, his eyes gleaming with brimstone and fire.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Perhaps so. The voice of the elder urges me to leave such thoughts, but I see assassination as the most quick way to solve a problem. At the end, what matters is to stay alive." replies the sorcerer
"And you should hear me instead of revealing your evil side to these men."
"You start to annoy me more than usual old man."
"Perhaps when your soul is trapped inside an evil sorceror and assassin you'll understand me"

Sheng Chuckles as the only sign of the inner conversation.


Thy wounds are healed!
Fastlane and Co.

The roar of low flying jets gets suddenly louder as a triad of sentinels races about a half mile away from where the three men sit. Interestingly they are not headed in the direction of the white shirt mob and luckly they are not headed towards the three men either.



With the tome secured and safe Providence starts to feel the Troubleseeker start up once more.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sheng spins around in te car looking at the sentinels. "What kind of sorcery is that? Giant men of steel flying with fire in their feet? The future is each time more strange."


"Yeah, listen, Red Snake whatever. Those giant men of steel are probably the best reason NOT to draw undue attention to yourself. Mutants like me and Fastlane may possess superior abilities to normal men, but we're still outnumbered by humans by like, a thousand to one, if not more. And humans command those giant men of steel, which are more powerful than most mutants. I don't know about your little fire and quake spells, but those sentinnels are a threat to anyone the human population at large considers abnormal. And buddy, you may not be a mutant, but you are way abnormal. So could you please dispense with the theatrics and use your head. If you are an intelligent guy, you'll listen to us and use discretion regarding whatever you decide to set on fire."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"You are a gentleman compared to these apes"
"It was about time that you learned to respect my ways. Anyhow this man is telling you what I have told you before."
"I do not like your tone, perhaps you insolence is what drew the attention of the ones I saved you from. However your words make, at least remotely, sense. I shall control the use of my spells, IF I assess it as fitting the situation. Your fear to the steel men is intriguing. Perhaps they have claimed the lives of people known to you? Fear is good, it makes a warrior cautious."


"Damn skippy, Asia Man! Now you're speakin' my language. People like us have to hang together and be cautious. Cuz' those people back there, they're more afraid of us than we are of them. Only it's a panic kind of afraid, not the kind that makes you think clearly, cuz' if they were, they wouldn't have formed into a mob. As for my so-called 'insolence,' let's just say I was minding my own business. I have no idea what sparked them into a riot. If I did, believe me, I would have turned it off. I'm here to make friends, not enemies. But that's why my first act in town wasn't gonna be to just kill anyone who stepped in my way."

There used to be a wise man named Professor X. The lady that taught me just about everything I know told me about him. He used to work together to bridge the gap between humans and people like us. But there was this guy, Magneto, who was basically just a terrorist and thought mutants should enslave humans. His actions are one of the main reasons people like us are feared and treated like second-class citizens, or worse. If people knew more about us, they would respect our abilities and realize our potential to help mankind reach new heights. That's why we have to show them that we aren't all just terrorists and murderers. Because if we do things Magneto's way, all they're gonna do is keep repressing us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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