D&D General MtG Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Spoiler Thread


Good luck assembling Vecna, I'm surprised all the pieces are rare/mythic. Practically impossible in Limited, I doubt it's a viable in Standard. Fun for casual and difficult even in Commander.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Lol, seems more likely every passing day that Elminster is not getting a card.
I'll be shocked if he doesn't appear in some fashion or form.

On the other hand, as discussed in the Maro article linked above, they made the conscious decision to use this Set to celebrate and sell 5E books, so Mordenkainen is a natural choice.


Book-Friend, he/him


Yeah, Mordenkainen seems kinda meh to me. I can’t imagine ever using him over Jace Mindsculptor.

Comparing him to one of the most powerful planeswalker cards ever printed is a little much, given the price tag.

The -2 ability is not nothing. There aren't a lot of blue planeswalkers that can make creatures ... just 4 of the 25 Mono-Blue Planewalkers (I'm ignoring the Beeble Un-card, and the DFC Will). And these are legit threats after you draw a few cards.


Comparing him to one of the most powerful planeswalker cards ever printed is a little much, given the price tag.

The -2 ability is not nothing. There aren't a lot of blue planeswalkers that can make creatures ... just 4 of the 25 Mono-Blue Planewalkers (I'm ignoring the Beeble Un-card, and the DFC Will). And these are legit threats after you draw a few cards.
I don't even rate JtMS that high. My man Big Teferi is the best control Walker printed. :p

(Note: I think T3feri should be banned all formats)

Voidrunner's Codex

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