D&D General MtG Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Spoiler Thread


Ah, yeah I had to look up the translation, I see. Hmm. I cannot think of a card that does that off the top of my head based on if it is your turn or not.

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This is a very similar mechanic to what Hearthstone used for werewolves (power and toughness swapped every other turn as they shift back and forth between forms). Does MTG have a history of doing this too, or did they crib it from Hearthstone?
"Angry Mob," from The Dark, changed its P/T based on whose turn it was. Legends had a spell, "Transmutation," that flipped power and toughness. "Shapeshifter" was a creature that modeled shapechanging by moving points between its power and toughness. All this was back in the '90s.

I'm not aware offhand of any card that put the pieces together in this exact way (a shapechanger creature with exactly two configurations, where the difference is P/T being flipped, that changes based on whose turn it is). But all the pieces have precedent in Magic, and it isn't like it's a hard idea to come up with. It's more likely coincidence than deliberate imitation.

Bardic Dave

"Angry Mob," from The Dark, changed its P/T based on whose turn it was. Legends had a spell, "Transmutation," that flipped power and toughness. "Shapeshifter" was a creature that modeled shapechanging by moving points between its power and toughness. All this was back in the '90s.

I'm not aware offhand of any card that put the pieces together in this exact way (a shapechanger creature with exactly two configurations, where the difference is P/T being flipped, that changes based on whose turn it is). But all the pieces have plenty of precedent in Magic, and it isn't like it's a hard idea to come up with. It's more likely coincidence than deliberate imitation.
Yeah could be coincidence. Even if it is directly inspired by Hearthstone, that’s not really a dig at MTG, considering HS is an MTG clone. One game is distinctly more indebted to the other. MTG could “steal” design ideas from HS for the next ten years and HS’s debt would still not be wholly paid.



At the 10:38 mark you see the Artwork for Asmodeus's card among the other art, which is most Dragons, but no stats as the card they revel is Inferno of the Star Mountains. Asmodeus's art has alot more red in it them black, its a hint he is mono red.

I searched through all the previews today, there are no previews left for the main set, yet some how there are main set cards left unrevealed, including Asmodeus WTF.

How do we find out what there cards are?

Looks like there's a spot in red...


I agree with everyone who thought Orzhov was the logical choice for Asmodeus, but mono-black is not unreasonable; he is after all a being almost wholly defined by pride and ambition. (Red, on the other hand, would not fit him at all. Passion and impulsiveness are the exact opposite of Asmodeus.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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