Muhlatimic Dragons

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So to make sure I understand this...

the Cosmic (dimensional) dragons are going to be...

Entropy - Void (Black Hole) Dragon -- like the Bestiary, or redesigned?
Fate / Material Plane - Nexus (Wormhole) Dragon-- moved down from Nehaschimic
Time / Transitive Planes - Cometary (Time) Dragon -- just like in the Bestiary
Matter / Elemental Planes - Planetary (?) Dragon -- is that the one based off King Ghidorah?
Spirit / Outer Planes - Stellar (Solar) Dragon -- the Seraphim??? but that doesn't have age categories...
Thought / Far Realm - Lunar (Quasar) Dragon -- that was the Typhon one, right?

Is that how it would work?

Hiya mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
What book are you thinking of including the new dragons in? And would they be 4E or something else?

Anti-dimensional dragons sound really cool...

Mulling over an idea at the moment for a 4E Epic Bestiary on Kickstarter this summer. I just realised I have over 50 epic monsters between about 50-100% completed (because of the stupid way I designed the Vampire Bestiary to begin with) and just sitting there. So the pdf writing would be finished before the Kickstarter would begin and the funding would mainly be so I could commission the art.

...some really cool ideas for stretch goals too. ;)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
So to make sure I understand this...

the Cosmic (dimensional) dragons are going to be...

Entropy - Void (Black Hole) Dragon -- like the Bestiary, or redesigned?
Fate / Material Plane - Nexus (Wormhole) Dragon-- moved down from Nehaschimic
Time / Transitive Planes - Cometary (Time) Dragon -- just like in the Bestiary
Matter / Elemental Planes - Planetary (?) Dragon -- is that the one based off King Ghidorah?
Spirit / Outer Planes - Stellar (Solar) Dragon -- the Seraphim??? but that doesn't have age categories...
Thought / Far Realm - Lunar (Quasar) Dragon -- that was the Typhon one, right?

Is that how it would work?

More or less yes (on all that). A few things are still in flux and obviously there will be changes when things get converted to the new system as well.

Plus all of the above assumes we'll ever get to see ALL of them anyway. Certainly one or two of them could crop up in a future project. ;)

There are all sorts of non-True (non-age category) dragons at the non-epic levels: the drakes, linnorms, Dragon Turtle etc. So what would higher-category (Epic, Cosmic etc.) 'other' dragons look like?

I could see a 'Dragon Asteroid' with an iron-nickel shell as the sort of Epic/Cosmic equivalent of a Dragon Turtle. Its breath weapon might be a "railgun" stream of magnetically-hyperaccelerated iron bits?

And maybe a dragon whose body was a cosmic string, and whose wings were domain walls (2-D flaws in spacetime, basically the 2D equivalents of cosmic strings)?

I see some types of epic+ non-true dragons. I would see asteroid work for an Epic/Cosmic Dragon Turtle. Maybe the Epic/Cosmic Linnorms could be based on types of planets.
Rocky Planet Linnorm - Epic ?
Life Planet Linnorm - Epic?
Gas Giant Linnorm - Cosmic ?
Also, since the former Lunar dragon might be Quasar instead, the Lunar name could be used for one of these.
Dragon Asteroid - Epic?
Dragon Moon - Cosmic?
Dragon Cosmic String? - Eternal?
For the drakes, I am not very sure. There could be drakes based on the dragons (Black Hole Drake, Quasar Drake,etc), or they could be based off the epic elementals (Undrake? Quintessence Drake?).

Compiled some (not even all) of my random 4th Edition 'leftovers' into one pdf and it looks like I have the guts of a 96 page Epic Monster book thats already about 50% done and dusted. So after I complete the Vampire Bestiary: Castle Dracula I'll finish writing this Epic Monster book and then (when the writings totally sorted) start a Kickstarter to commission the art.

Had an idea that maybe I could add a number of custom slots (maybe 10?) to the Kickstarter, where people could suggest monsters for me to design for them...and I design them.

For the Stretch Goals I was thinking that each time a certain stretch target was met I would add an even more powerful monster to the book. :D

Of course this is all just speculation at the moment. ;)

But I am looking into selling softcover and hardcover versions of my books marketed on Lulu (the setup is a million times easier than RPGNow). I'll probably redesign the covers for the Epic Bestiary (3E) and Ascension (3E). Still worried about the 'missing' art in Ascension though (as a print product) and not sure I want to waste months finishing it (but I would fix all the known errata).

Khisanth the Ancient said:
There are all sorts of non-True (non-age category) dragons at the non-epic levels: the drakes, linnorms, Dragon Turtle etc. So what would higher-category (Epic, Cosmic etc.) 'other' dragons look like?

I think what we have really missed out on is all the Dragon-spawn monsters for epic, cosmic, eschatolic and muhlatimic dragons. Lets just say I have a few ideas. ;)

I could see a 'Dragon Asteroid' with an iron-nickel shell as the sort of Epic/Cosmic equivalent of a Dragon Turtle. Its breath weapon might be a "railgun" stream of magnetically-hyperaccelerated iron bits?

And maybe a dragon whose body was a cosmic string, and whose wings were domain walls (2-D flaws in spacetime, basically the 2D equivalents of cosmic strings)?

Love both those ideas, especially the Asteroid Dragon. :cool:

It'd be cool if one of those dragons (probably the quasar dragon) did something with exceeding the Eddington Limit. A point where luminosity becomes so great that it defeats gravity? How awesome is that?

"You can't go into the light; the light is actively pushing you away!"

Hey amigo! :)

Alzrius said:
It'd be cool if one of those dragons (probably the quasar dragon) did something with exceeding the Eddington Limit. A point where luminosity becomes so great that it defeats gravity? How awesome is that?

"You can't go into the light; the light is actively pushing you away!"

Thats one of the coolest things I've read in a while. Puts me in mind of Rimmer's 'Hard Light Drive' in Red Dwarf. :D

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