Murder is the Pits

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Rosalynn moves to the side and fires her bow, but fear of hitting ronwolf sends the shot wide. Ironwolf swings at the half-orc again but misses this time, and his opponent's returned blow is mighty indeed, knoocking him to the ground unconsious (ironwolf goes into the negs.) Rosalynn cries out "Mongrel curse your eyes!" and shoots again, this time dropping the half orc.

As the crowd roars its approval to the dramatic ending, Rosa drops to her knees beside Ironwolf, and tears off a strip from one of her sleeves to bind the worst of the wounds. (untrained heal check successfully stabalizes Ironwolf.) Arena workers move into the ring, to stabalize the half orcs and carry them off, and with Rosa and one's help, Ironwolf is able to walk from the ring to the approving cheers of the crowd.

Once out of the ring, the arena slave manuvers Ironwolf gently onto a bench and says to Rosalynn, "Nice move, bandaging him. The fans like to see a pair that really cares foreach other, especially mixed ones."

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The man with the probe
Vanitri HP:4/7, AC 17

Vanitri dances around to get to G11 (Via H9 and 10) and waits for Michael to flank the halfling at F10 before striking again. He will keep his eye (Dodge) on the other halfling in case he decides to close or throw again.

(+3 to hit +2 more for flank if there, 1d6+1 +1d6 sneak if flank, 18-20x2 crit)

OOC: Vanitri gets a sneak attack if the halfling was flanked, did you add that damage? If so, and that changes things, let me know and I'll adjust my actions.

OOC2: The dancing is a little extra, basicly, more of a taunting/gracefull step around, but hopefully it will impress the crowd. Perform Dance +3 btw if you need it :)

Edit: Added the dancing and attack numbers :) I didn't mention the sneak attack because I didn't expect the flank, sorry.
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Bront said:
Vanitri maneuvers around to get to G11 (Via H9 and 10) and waits for Michael to flank the halfling at F10 before striking again. He will keep his eye (Dodge) on the other halfling in case he decides to close or throw again.

OOC: Vanitri gets a sneak attack if the halfling was flanked, did you add that damage? If so, and that changes things, let me know and I'll adjust my actions.

no, I didn't. I added it in, but the halfling is still up.

Please, PLEASE, give me your adjusted attack and damage bonus and AC each time you post an action. I'm going crazy flipping between the prior page of the thread, your sheets and looking up taget dc's for aid another and charge mechanics on the srd.

(this isn't just Bront, all involved shoudl internalize this deep wisdom.)


First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
Rosalynn moves to the side and fires her bow, but fear of hitting ronwolf sends the shot wide. Ironwolf swings at the half-orc again but misses this time, and his opponent's returned blow is mighty indeed, knoocking him to the ground unconsious (ironwolf goes into the negs.) Rosalynn cries out "Mongrel curse your eyes!" and shoots again, this time dropping the half orc.

She breathed a sigh of relief...but felt a pang of sadness and concern for Ironwolfe as she ran to his side.

Kahuna Burger said:
As the crowd roars its approval to the dramatic ending, Rosa drops to her knees beside Ironwolf, and tears off a strip from one of her sleeves to bind the worst of the wounds. (untrained heal check successfully stabalizes Ironwolf.) Arena workers move into the ring, to stabalize the half orcs and carry them off, and with Rosa and one's help, Ironwolf is able to walk from the ring to the approving cheers of the crowd.

Rosaylnn allowed herself a small bow, but turned quickly back to Ironwolfe. "I'm glad I was able to help you..." She says to him somberly.

Kahuna Burger said:
Once out of the ring, the arena slave manuvers Ironwolf gently onto a bench and says to Rosalynn, "Nice move, bandaging him. The fans like to see a pair that really cares foreach other, especially mixed ones."

Rosalynn gives him a blank look and waits for him to leave before muttering it wasn't an act...

She turns to Ironwolfe. "Are you going to be okay for a few minutes? I can go see if Micheal and Vanitri are done so that Micheal can maybe heal you some."


"I'll try to keep the moving around to a minimum, I should be OK."

Kahuna Burger said:
Please, PLEASE, give me your adjusted attack and damage bonus and AC each time you post an action. I'm going crazy flipping between the prior page of the thread, your sheets and looking up taget dc's for aid another and charge mechanics on the srd.

(this isn't just Bront, all involved shoudl internalize this deep wisdom.)

ooc: I'll try, I understand how that can drive you crazy. That's why in my games I ask everybody to make their own rolls on invisible castle, it simplifies the DM job tremendously. Would you consider having us do that in this game? Can't remember if we discussed that before...

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Patlin said:
ooc: I'll try, I understand how that can drive you crazy. That's why in my games I ask everybody to make their own rolls on invisible castle, it simplifies the DM job tremendously. Would you consider having us do that in this game? Can't remember if we discussed that before...

I'm fine either way. If you want to make your rolls and post the link, thats fine, if you want to just give me the bonuses and I can roll, that works for me too.


Bront said:
Vanitri dances around to get to G11 (Via H9 and 10) and waits for Michael to flank the halfling at F10 before striking again. He will keep his eye (Dodge) on the other halfling in case he decides to close or throw again.
(+3 to hit +2 more for flank if there, 1d6+1 +1d6 sneak if flank, 18-20x2 crit)
OOC: Vanitri gets a sneak attack if the halfling was flanked, did you add that damage? If so, and that changes things, let me know and I'll adjust my actions.
OOC2: The dancing is a little extra, basicly, more of a taunting/gracefull step around, but hopefully it will impress the crowd. Perform Dance +3 btw if you need it :)
Edit: Added the dancing and attack numbers :) I didn't mention the sneak attack because I didn't expect the flank, sorry.

Michael grumbles as he chases after the halfling into f10.
"Herding bloody goats".
He watches Vanitri intently as he herds the halfling onto his rapier with a backhand sweep of his hammer.
Warhammer: +2(+1 bless) (+2 flanking)=+5 1d8+2 20 *3 critical
Assist another to give Vanitri +2 to hit.

Is Vanitri bleeding too much?


The man with the probe
Kahuna Burger said:
I'm fine either way. If you want to make your rolls and post the link, thats fine, if you want to just give me the bonuses and I can roll, that works for me too.
OOC: I'd personaly rather you roll combat stuff, just because occasionaly there are modifiers you know of that I don't, such as flanking which may or may not happen, or other situations. I'll try to give you modifiers in my post from now on :)


First Post
Patlin said:
"I'll try to keep the moving around to a minimum, I should be OK."

Rosalynn gave him a small smile. "Stay put mister. I'm going to try and find Micheal." she said in a mock stern tone. She skips off in the direction where she last saw Vanitri and Micheal.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
round 4

reflanking the halfling, micheal supports vanitri in landing a telling blow, and their opponent collapses in the sand. The other halfling closes in to within ten feet and launches another knife at vanitri, striking again (3 hp).


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