Murder is the Pits

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Ironwolf, caught up in Rosalyn's song, begins to hum along quietly. The music stirs his blood, and he prepares for the enemy to close in with more anticipation than dread.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Rosalynn is Red,
Ironwolf is Blue.
Half-Orcs are Green,
So what do you do?

(the half orc pair are wearing splint mail and each holding a longsword. No ranged weapns are visable.)


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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Meanwhile in the other ring, the two halflings tumble through thier archway showily and move into the ring. They each have a knife out in one hand.


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Kahuna Burger said:
(the half orc pair are wearing splint mail and each holding a longsword. No ranged weapns are visable.)

Ironwolf readies an action to step forward 5' and attack the first enemy to come within 10' of him.


The man with the probe
Vanitri whispers to Michael "Stay Close till they make a move." as he steps forward 20' (to J6, assuming I am the burgandy dot) and readies an attack if a halfling approaches him within 5'. He has his Masterwork Rapier at the ready. He is watching the halfling closer to him a bit more intently (He'd dodging the one on the lower half)


Bront said:
Vanitri whispers to Michael "Stay Close till they make a move." as he steps forward 20' (to J6, assuming I am the burgandy dot) and readies an attack if a halfling approaches him within 5'. He has his Masterwork Rapier at the ready. He is watching the halfling closer to him a bit more intently (He'd dodging the one on the lower half)
Michael crosses behind him to I5, eyes flickering side to side as he attempts to watch both halflings simultaneously, but eventually settling on the upper halfling.
He speaks a second Word, and the glory of Sela manifests itself about himself and Vanitri.
(cast Bless).
"Pick a target, Vanitri, and let's make a rush."


Jennileerose said:
Rosalynn will step forward 5' as well, still remaining behind Ironwolfe, whip at the ready.

ooc: Ironwolf hasn't moved yet, the 5' step would occur only as a part of his readied action.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
round 2

As Vanitri and Micheal move forward, the halflings tumble farther apart and as they come to showy stops each hurls a daggar. Fortunately both shots go wide.


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Voidrunner's Codex

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