Murder is the Pits


The man with the probe
Vanitri 1/7, AC 21

Vanitri, not looking good, takes a 5 foot step back towards Michael takes a full defensive action. "Heal, unless you want to go for your fancy ending" he says to Michael.

OOC: If you only have your domain spell left, you can't swap that for a cure spell, so now is as good as any for an enlarge.

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Bront said:
Vanitri, not looking good, takes a 5 foot step back towards Michael takes a full defensive action. "Heal, unless you want to go for your fancy ending" he says to Michael.
OOC: If you only have your domain spell left, you can't swap that for a cure spell, so now is as good as any for an enlarge.

(OOC: I seem to be left with two Guidance/Cure Minor Wounds and Enlarge Person. I was afraid I might want a Cure Light wounds spell, but forgot about the domain restrictions.
Ros' is gonna be so mad at me...)

Michael's eyes flicker back and forth between the downed halfling and Vanitri. Is anyone bleeding more than they should?
(not that this is an ideal examination situation, mind you, nor does he have time to do more than glance...but if Vanitri is in a bleeding-out mode, he definitely wants to drop everything and handle that.)

If anyone is bleeding badly and in danger of death, Michael tells Vanitri to cover him, converts a Guidance cantrip to Cure Minor Wounds, and casts it on the unfortunate person.
Otherwise, Michael casts his Enlarge Person spell, growing to a height of 12 feet tall, drops his large shield -- now the size of a palisade-- in front of Vanitri (it shrinks down to normal size, but Vanitri can wield it for a +2 AC bonus) and holding his Large Hammer in both hands, tells the standing halfling to
He doesn't say it loudly, but being 12 feet tall means you project whether you want to or not.
If he has any extra chance he will look at Vanitri hopefully, aware that someone should say something impressive or witty and that he is not that someone. (Aid another on Intimidate or Perform: Gladiator?)

Intimidate check to force surrender:
+0 ranks +1 Charisma + any situational bonuses for his partner being down and the fact I'm four times his size?

Large Michael
Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor: 10 +7 +0 +0 -1 +0 +0 16
Touch: 10 Flatfooted: 16

Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: 2 +1 +3
Ref: 0 -1 -1
Will: 2 +3 +5

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Warhammer +2 2d6+4 20 *3
(size penalty of -1 balanced by strength bonus of +1, wielded 2-handed for the *1.5 damage bonus)
(Warhammer is now Large)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Vanitri is wounded but not in danger if he manages not to take any more damage. The downed halfling is not in immediate danger, though it would be good to end the fight quickly.

The remaining halfling wavers for a moment but does not surrender (close roll, though). Nor does he attack the suddenly large cleric. Instead he backs up 20 feet and stands lightly on his feet swaying back and forth, obviously focused on nothing but staying out of Large Micheal's way for the time being.


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Ironwolf will take advantage of this period of enforced idleness by meditating. (He will take 20 and regain his psionic focus.)


The man with the probe
Vanitri takes out his bow and fires a shot at the halfling and then steps behind his now rather large partner "Get him, but be careful". (+3, 1d6, 20x3)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(ooc: taking some liberties on assuming your actions)

Vanitri's shot misses the nimble halfling. Large Micheal charges the halfling, but he manages to dodge the mighty swing of the warhammer. But as he attempts once more to tumble out to a range where he can throw his daggars, he stumbles and opens himself up to another attack. This time Large Micheal swings true, and the halfling is laid out cold in the sand.

The crowd applauds. According to Petra's briefing, you will have a round to showboat before the arena slaves come in to retreive the halflings and tend their wounds.


The man with the probe
Vanitri calls out to Michael "Hold your hammer up high and strike a mighty pose." (Assist his perform Gladiator if I can with my action) Vanitri will make quite a spectical with an athletic dance followed by a quick tumble, through Michael's legs, into a pose kneeling on one knee with his arms out in the classic "tada" pose. (Dance +3, Tumble +4)


Bront said:
Vanitri calls out to Michael "Hold your hammer up high and strike a mighty pose." (Assist his perform Gladiator if I can with my action) Vanitri will make quite a spectical with an athletic dance followed by a quick tumble, through Michael's legs, into a pose kneeling on one knee with his arms out in the classic "tada" pose. (Dance +3, Tumble +4)

Michael is not so dumb as to ignore good advice, raising his hammer over his head with both hands and checking the other halfling to make sure he's not dead.
( OOC: I just realized exactly how much damage that was if I connected. Yeesh!!)
If there are any small children in the audience he feels obliged to get some good out of this, and he walks around the rim of the arena as he leaves, shaking their hands solemnly and encouraging them to eat their vegetables, because they do, in fact, make you big and strong.
Otherwise, he continues to pose until his enlarge person spell runs out, having no desire to get stuck in the halls.
That would just be embarrassing.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Ironwolf: [sblock]As you wait for Rosalynn and the others, various people pass in the halls, busily on their way elsewhere. One however, walks up to you. You recognize one of the twins from Petra's stable as he says heartily, "So, you did well for your first time out. Well, you won, anyway, looks like you took some good hits..." as he leans forward with a concerned look on his face, another voice interjects.

"Excuse me, are you the new gladiator, Ironwolf?" The other gladiator looks up startled, as a yound man in preists robes and wearing a silver symbol of (for some reason) a hand with its fingers crossed comes over. When you nod, he grins. "A donation has been made in your name for you to recieve the healing power of Grendath. The donor also asked me to present you with this token," he offers a lock of blond hair tied with a purple ribbon, "in the hopes that it will lead to greater conquests...." he pauses just long enough, " the ring." He winks in a most unpriestly way. "So, if you will allow me?"

(assuming Ironwolf allows the healing spell, he is now at 6 hp.) "Grendath's luck to you in the future, stop by if you need to buy potions and such."

The other gladiator looks at the 'favor' and grins, but you can't help but think that it looks forced. "Well, one fight and you've got your first groupie. Looks like you'll do well here." He turns and walks away quickly.[/sblock]


First Post
Rosalynn rushes to where Vanitri and Micheal are exiting the arena and spies the pair.

Micheal! Vanitri! Come quickly please! She calls to them, running over.

Voidrunner's Codex

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