Murder is the Pits

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Patlin said:
KB: [sblock]Did that fool just take an attack of opportunity on me as I stood up? I don't know if that's a sign of guilt or just all the jealousy Petra's been building up coming out, but either way Ironwolf's tolerance is reaching his limits. He grumbles "Back Off!" and gives his assailant a dirty look. Can he tell the twins apart well enough to know which one has been attacking him?[/sblock]
Ironwolf:[sblock]not only are you pretty sure he tried to take an AoO on you, he looks increasingly enraged and hisses back, "You think it's yours? You think you can just walk in and be given it?" You aren't entirely certain what he will do if you turn your back to go after another centipede.[/sblock]

Ironwolf charges off to attack the stunned centipede, moving to I11. He hits it with a solid blow, dealing 12 damage.

[If the situation has changed by Ironwolf's turn, for example if his intended target is slain, he will charge whichever centipede he can reach.]
I'm not certain that you can cherge into a side attacking possition, if you see what I mean. I would defer to the Judge, but I don't think you have a chargable opening on that one, and its just over your movement to move to that space normally. Might be better to charge to beside the other twin and take on that beast. Or just move and regain your focus, your call.

EDIT: wait, I lie, if ironwolf waits for vanitri to move around, he can charge to van's old space with no worries. (well, except those discussed above)
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Kahuna Burger

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Vanitri deftly moves around the stunned beast and inserts his rapier to good effect. The twin flanking with Tiny makes a similarly well placed strike with his sickle and shouts "Brother, finish him!" The other twin, who had been engaged in an Akward Moment (tm) with Ironwolf moves over and lands a forceful blow, leaving the beast lying in the sand. Silmultaneously, Micheal is successfully pushing his centipede onto the ferociously swung axe of the mountain, and their beast too is unmoving. The halfling leaps across their downed foe to caper triumphantly on the cleric's oversized shoulders, and the crowd roars its approval for the unusual pair. With a clear feild, Ironwolf charges into the remaining Beast and quite suddenly the day is won.

Tiny moves quickl over to Rosalynn and tosses the slightly suprised bard up to land on his shoulders. Recovering quickly, she ends her song on a final triumphant note while gesturing to the group as a whole. The crowd cheers even louder as the group leaves the ring.


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KB: [sblock]Guess we'll see if our boy has combat reflexes then. Ironwolf is still going after the centipede, we'll see if he's mad enough to completely blow his cover by striking Ironwolf in the back.[/sblock]

Edit: Looks like you posted before me, KB. :) Guess it's good I wasn't changing my action.


Once outside the ring, Ironwolf sheaths his sword and turns toward the twin whom he had the problem with.

"You have some sort of problem with me friend? Best we resolve it before we go back into that ring, I think. At least if we are going to be on the same side."

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Patlin said:
Once outside the ring, Ironwolf sheaths his sword and turns toward the twin whom he had the problem with.

Upon leaving the ring, you realize the twins didn't come out with the rest of the group. You don't see them still in the arena, but they might have exited through the other archway in the rush of the beast tenders coming out to retrieve and treat their charges.

The mountain is still jubilant even though he is coming down off of his wild rage. "Now that was an amusing pairing, me giant fellow! is that a trick you can teach to my 'little' friend here? Tiny, boy, did you see that?" The half orc just smiles happily, seemingly completely enamoured of Rosalynn.


Thwarted for the moment in his desire to confront his fellow gladiator, Ironwolf instead akes a moment to express his concern to Mountain, since he seems to be in such a good mood.

"One of the twins spent more time attacking me than he did attacking the centipedes. Any idea what he might be upset about? If it's the special treatment from Petra, I promise you that's nothing we've asked for!"

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(ooc: did I award XP for your other ring matches yet? Its 375 each for this one.)

The mountain looks shocked at Ironwolf's words. "Are you certain boy? Thats not a minor charge, you know." He glances at Tiny, who shrugs and pauses a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Too clumsy for jumpy twins." the half orc finally decides. "Could have been on purpose.... hey...." A thought suddenly catches up with him. "All up, Mountain. Told you I should bet on all up! I buy drinks tonight!"


(No xp previously handed out for this adventure, KB.)

"Oh, I'm sure. I suppose I might have been mistaken when he tripped me, but when I stood up he tried to trip me again. Mostly, I want to know what it is he's upset about."

Voidrunner's Codex

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