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Mutants & Masterminds: San Angelo

Saturday, March 1st, 2003

San Angelo wakes up on this first day of March to a steady wind and driving rain.

By mid-day, the rain hasn't let up and the wind has gotten stronger.

By mid-afternoon, old timers in the city talk about this storm as being one of the worst late winter/early spring storms in memory.

By evening, some low lying areas have experienced some flooding but the rain has slacked off and the winds have decreased somewhat.

Most people spend the day at home and many turn in earlier than normal that night.

The last few weeks have been rough for San Angelo. The city's super team, the Justice Foundation, has been missing from the city and no one is sure where they are. Criminals have taken advantage of their absence. But the last week, even the hard core criminals have been quiet. Because something even more sinister has been stalking the city. Missing persons reports have increased dramatically over the last week and in the last three days, four mutilated bodies have been discovered in various areas of the city's downtown area.

(Ringmaster and Tyke)
Brent Colvert and his limo driver Lloyd Tuttle happen to be out on the wet streets in the late evening of the first day of March, returning home after attending a benefit dinner for the San Angelo Zoo. They are just passing the zoo, which is on their left. They are driving down a much deserted major downtown street when Brent sees something out the window of the limo to his left, some sort of large, shambling shadow, that appeared to enter into the zoo and then disappear into the darkness. Moments later, an unearthly howl comes from somewhere on the zoo property...

(Shadow Demon and Shade)
Meanwhile, not two miles away, Kirosaka Otomo and Sam Torquill are gathered in the apartment of a fellow San Angelo City College student, Allison Chase. The three students share a class at the college and Allison had approached Sam and Kiro with a problem. Apparently her boyfriend, another San Angelo City College student named Bob Harris, had disappeared two days ago. "We were walking home on Thursday night, after having seen a movie. We passed a convenience store and I needed to pick something up. Bob told me to run in and he'd wait outside. When I got back out of the store, he was gone. I looked around the store in the alley and behind it. In the alley I found this," she says, pulling out a scrap of something, possibly a jacket. It is a light tan color and appears to have some dark red stains on it, looking very much like blood. "This is part of his jacket. I think something terrible has happened to him." Upon closer examination, here is something else stuck on the piece of jacket, stuck on by the dried blood. It looks like coarse brown hair. Moments later, sounding far away, an unearthly howl is heard, coming from somewhere north of the apartment complex...

Taking a break from patrolling, Billy Janssen sits atop a famous bronze statue, that of Minuteman, a revered San Angelo hero of the 1940's. The statue sits in Confluence Point Park near city center, and in fact just across from the San Angelo Zoo. The night is quiet, almost too quiet. The statue is rainslick and slippery but makes a good vantage point to observe the park. Suddenly, the silence is broken by the sounds of running footsteps and hard breathing. Moments later, several young toughs, obviously from a local gang, come running past the statue, not looking up and not seeing Billy. Billy is unable to make out what gang affiliation they have. There are four of them and they appear to be quite scared, almost as if they are running from something or someone. Just then an unearthly howl can be heard coming from somewhere across the street, maybe coming from the zoo...

Artorios Civilis, otherwise known as Centurion, is flying leisurely over the city on this rainy and windy night. He finds himself suprised at the calm of the place given the usual level of criminal activity. As he approaches Confluence Point Park and the famous statue of Minuteman, he sees four young kids fleeing the park's east side into the streets. They are running hard and appear quite scared. A few seconds later, Artorios hears an unearthly howl. It seems to be coming from the other side of the park, maybe from the San Angelo Zoo...
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Sam stares at the piece of jacket, "Oh man, I'm sorry Allison. You think what happened to those other guys happened to Bob?" It wasn't really a question. "Did you... Did you try calling him or anything?" Sam pauses for a second as the howl from afar cuts across his voice.

"Did you guys hear that?"
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First Post
Seeing the scared youngsters running from the park Centurion pauses for a moment. “What are they up too?” he thinks to himself. Then he hears the unearthly howl from the direction of the zoo. “Perhaps they’re running from something that has escaped from the zoo, I better check it out before someone gets hurt.” Centurion flies off in the direction of the zoo where he believes the howl came from.


First Post
"I heard it." Kiro stats flatly not really seeming to look directly at anything. His face partially hidden in the shadows of his hood he resides in the corner of the room absorbing all the information. He atempts to discern where the noise came from without waising the cautions of too many people.


Shapermc said:
"I heard it." Kiro stats flatly not really seeming to look directly at anything. His face partially hidden in the shadows of his hood he resides in the corner of the room absorbing all the information. He atempts to discern where the noise came from without waising the cautions of too many people.

Sam stands up, "That didn't sound like a dog."

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Spyder watches the gangers with some interest and is about to follow them when he hears that terrible howl from the zoo... "What the h@# was that?" he thinks. He jumps down to the ground and run towards the zoo, keeping an eye out for any animals on the loose. When he gets close he will try and move stealthy Hide +12; Move Silent +12 and see what caused that howl Spot +9 with Dark Vision; Listen +9

OOC do you want us to put these kinds of things in our posts or would you rather that we did not? I have only been in one other game and we did in that one is all.

(Shadow Demon and Shade)
Kiro's attempt to determine where that howl came from is difficult at best. However, he does know that the San Angelo Zoo is only a little over a mile north of the apartment building and the howl did seem to come from north of the building. As Sam and Kiro contemplate all of this, the unearthly howl is again heard. Allison hears it this time and actually shrinks back into her chair, looking startled and frightened.

Centurion flies to the zoo in a matter of seconds and then flies slowly over the whole of the place looking for any escaped animals or anything else out of the ordinary. The zoo is rather large and there are many trees on the property so Centurion is unable to get a really good look at the entire zoo grounds from the air. On his initial fly over the zoo, he sees nothing strange. Then, he hears the howl of what sounds like a normal wolf followed by that unearthly howl again. Centurion is pretty sure that there is a wolf habitat somewhere inside the zoo but is not sure where.

Spyder crosses the main road outside the zoo across from the park and approaches a fence that runs around the zoo. Climbing it is an easy enough task. Dropping down on the other side, he hears the lone howl of a wolf followed moments later by the unearthly howl that he heard a few minutes ago when he was still in the park, this time causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up. Spyder thinks the howl came from somewhere to the southwest and if he isn't mistaken, the zoo's wolf habitat is in that direction.

OOC: Listing skills you want to use and their bonuses is fine with me.


Sam looks to Allison. "How about you lock your door and keep your windows closed while Kiro and I go see what's going on?" he suggests gently.

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Spyder moves towards the SW side of the zoo, trying to be somewhat quit Move Silent +12. When he gets close to where he thinks the wolf habitat is he will leap up into a tree Leap 30' and look around Hide +12 and Spot +9 using Dark Vision.

"Hmm well as I am some kind of spider-hybrid mutant, maybe there is some other wolf-hybrid thing out roaming around and it just got lonley...cause it sure don't sound like no normal wolf" thinks Spyder.


First Post
Centurion flies is the direction he thinks the last howl came from, looking for any signposts that may indicate where the wolf habitat is located.

OOC: using Dark vision and spot +6.

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