D&D 5E (+)My Current Set of WIP 5e HOmebrew Classes, for A Thing


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So, I'm working on some homebrew classes, that should form a workable set of classes that could make up the full suite of classes in a campaign, and that all feel like they're from the same world.

These are also classes that I think either do an idea better than the PHB class along a similar theme does, or classes that I think are genuinely just missing, or both. The idea isn't to just replace the PHB, though, but to supplement it, while providing a work that needs no more than the basic rules to supplement it.

The Assassin - (note that the definition of an assassin is someone who kills for political or religious reasons. Someone who kills for money should be called a hitman or something else /rant) This is what the rogue would be if the class fully leaned into the killer from the shadows, rather than needing to also be the plucky Jack/hero. Assassins refer to their traditions of training by Guildnames, always named after creatures that exemplify the tactics of the "guild". The Guild of Manticores focus on poisoned strikes and the use of fear, the Doppelganger focuses on infiltration and studying targets to fully understand them, the Peryton focus on direct violence and athletic prowess, especially on parkour and on physically impressive feats to get to targets that would otherwise require magic to get to.

The Archer - Ranged Fighter, one of the more common archetypes in fiction that features combat and adventure. Martial Archetypes include Deepwood Sniper, Pistolier (using firearms or crossbows. Most of it works just fine as a knife-thrower, as well, and there is definite overlap in the archetypes here), Dragoon (highly mobile, mount-bonded, can confer their mobility and defense features to their mount, probably capable of leaping from a mount or off of something without injury or falling prone, to attack someone up close), others. Uses Focus to fuel trick shots, and to simply add damage, activate a hyperfocused state similar to bullet time, shoot missile weapons out of the air, etc.

The Athamir - inspiration from the swordmage and other arcane warrior classes, from literary characters like the Witchers, Dragon Age's Wardens, as well as from various esoteric orders and schools of fighting IRL, like Spain's Magic Circle which inspired Thibault's Magic Circle. Has manuevers and spells, including ritual casting, and protective magic called an aegis, all of which use the same point pool, called Aether.

The Binder, or Witch - I'd love to come up with a more obscure and occult name for this, but it is a spellcaster that masters 3 ritual tools in the process of mastering the magic of binding power, or in old school occult terms, the arts of evocation and invocation. Pact Magic, special familiar they can use spell slots to enhance, lots of control and summoning and buffing with very little "blasting".

The Captain - Part leader, part warrior, but more Paragon. Doesn't "lead" in the sense of taking command, but rather in the sense of charging into the fray and inspiring everyone who charges beside and behind. Has some features that might instead go into a scholarly class, at the moment. Is in many ways what I wish the Fighter was. Mechanically, has an aura, can help as a bonus action, can reduce incoming damage to allies within aura, working on mechanics to enhance teamwork, like being able to use a bonus action or reaction or something to facilitate more effective holding of actions in order to do a cool thing with an ally.

The Fili - The Warrior-Poet, master of inspiration, curses, and debilitating insult, and competent fighter. Also where my scattered ideas for a scholar may find their home. Magical, but very little spellcasting. This is the least developed right now.

The remaining ideas I have are more tenuous, like the Knight, Swashbuckler, and Jack. The Knight mostly already lives in the Captain, Swashbuckler is fine with existing options, and Jack is mostly stuff stolen from the Bard and Rogue.

The non-class ideas I have are mostly new spells, feats, and a few variant class features, and maaaaybe a Monk rewrite that is a little more broad.

Well, actually most of it is downtime and followers and strongholds and organizations frameworks and options.

Basically I just wanted to share, see if anyone is curious about any of the ideas so I have a venue to discuss them, and not start a dozen threads this time lol.

Please keep feedback useful, and positive in the context of a +thread. Mostly, that just means don't tell me that adding classes is bad, that these ideas aren't needed, etc.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Worked on the Binder a bit today. Not a productive day.

Still, feels like a fun class. I think I'll keep the name.

Also looked at the Captain. Not sure I can take the genious scholarly tutor leader thing out of it without a total rewrite, so it isn't necesswarily the mundane knight/paragon class I had in mind.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Do you have them up on GMBinder/Homebrewery/anywhere else? Having a central repository thread to look them over seems useful to get more feedback.

I could make an argument for swashbuckler as a performance fighter isn't really covered, c.f. the Pathfinder Swashbuckler class and the panache mechanic. Like, it could be a fighter or captain subclass, but as a full class you get more wiggle room. Gladiator could be a subclass, as could pirate (for intimidation-based characters).

The only other concept I would note is the "enhanced individual" - basically a warlock but without pact magic and with even more invocations, for a more direct superhero analogy. This might fit into Athamir, depending on the details.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I could make an argument for swashbuckler as a performance fighter isn't really covered, c.f. the Pathfinder Swashbuckler class and the panache mechanic. Like, it could be a fighter or captain subclass, but as a full class you get more wiggle room. Gladiator could be a subclass, as could pirate (for intimidation-based characters).

The only other concept I would note is the "enhanced individual" - basically a warlock but without pact magic and with even more invocations, for a more direct superhero analogy. This might fit into Athamir, depending on the details.
Swashbuckler and pirate could probably combine without losing anything, and definitely aren’t covered outside of the existing rogue.

I do think that the Archer being a class suggests, in terms of design, a heavy fighter class and a light melee fighter class. The captain can maybe do some of both ideas if I take the scholar stuff out of the base class.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I do wonder if there is room in the game for a knight that isn’t a Paladin, and gets some light mysticism at most (because tbh most orders of anything we would call a knight have some religious or esoteric stuff in their writings and teachings), with some “rally to me!” Stuff and some defender mechanics.

Perhaps this is congruent with the esoteric warrior tradition class that the monk should have been. Building it to handle both the Shaolin Warrior-Monk and the romantic chevalier is an interesting challenge.

That would just leave the swashbuckler, as a fully mundane skill-only Zorro/musketeers/romanticized pirates class. Perhaps fit a Tumbler in there as well.

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