My first session!!!


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After months of trying to put together a group (here in Moscow), I had my first session.

There were four players, one of whom was my wife. I DMed. None of the players knew the rules, so I had to explain from the beginning concepts like race, class. They hadn't even seen any dice except the d6.

After a brief explaination of basic concepts (thanks everybody for all the comments on how do do so in a related thread), I gave them some pregenerated characters (I had quite a few, so the players could choose something they wanted in terms of race and class), and we went through <i>The Burniong Plague</i>. We got to encounter 6, and had to stop the session while being attacked by zombies.

I have to recommend <i>The Burning Plague</i> as an introductory module for newbies. It's got a little of everything. My players fell through thier first pit trap (a near TPK), got ambushed several times, tried sipping a potion, listened through doors, etc.

We did combat on makeshift battle sheets I did by drawing the rooms on a sheet of paper and drawing a grid with a pencil. We used small chess pieces for miniatures. It worked really well. It was the first time I had every used miniatures to such an extent. It really helps, I must say. I'm really interested in battlemats now.

To give them a taste of what might lie in the future, I showed them my Greyhawk map from LGG, which I plan to use in modified form (I'm going to add a Russian-flavored kingdom somehwere) They had never seen such a detailed fantasy setting map, and thought it was really cool.

I really hope the players are as interested in continuing as they say they are. It's always difficult to judge. They probably don't yet have the same passion I have, and may never will, but we have agreed to meet again, so their's real promise of an ongoing campaign.

Anyway, I can finally say my D&D-Moscow campaign has begun!!!
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Congrats! I remember my first game session. Was not pretty. :(

Was this your first ever game session, or first in Moscow?


First Post
Jeph said:
Congrats! I remember my first game session. Was not pretty. :(

Was this your first ever game session, or first in Moscow?

Well, first in a lot of ways.

First in Moscow, First in a language besides English, First DMing in 3rd edition, and finally, First in a LONG time.

I DMed a bit with 1e and Basic a while back, but I was a crap DM then. Played in a few other caimpaigns.

However, I hadn't played at all since about 1991 or so, save FRPG computer games, one session I sat in on in Berlin while visiting a friend, and some solo play I've devised.


Hey John,

In addition to the various Huts of Baba Yaga published by TSR over the years, here are a few more Russian D&D resources:

- there were a few articles in Dragon Magazine about the Bogyatyr's of Old Kiev (see issues 53 and 290; I think there's another, too, can't recall that one offhand)

- there was a pre-d20 D&D clone published in Australia called Rus which was strongly based on Russian folklore

- GURPS: Russia is a great resource, as is the Ars Magica book The Dragon and the Bear

Good luck, and keep us posted about your Russian Greyhawk efforts (perhaps on Canonfire! or Greytalk, too?).

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