D&D 5E My New Players Have Quit 5th Edition


I run a Pathfinder game.

Even in Pathfinder when my players started out (almost 4 years ago) I house ruled that at 1st level they start with max HD + their CON score. Not their CON modifier, their CON SCORE.

I have 5 players. Each one has lost AT LEAST 1 PC in combat.

Trust me, house ruling extra HP DOES NOT ruin your game.

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First Post
They do include average damage. For the bugbear (which is not the encounter originally discussed), I might roll. The average damage is...high. Rolling gives a chance of lower than average. :)


And a chance for higher..... But yes, you do miss the excitement of thinking you're about to get flattened and then the DM rolls a 1.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
And a chance for higher..... But yes, you do miss the excitement of thinking you're about to get flattened and then the DM rolls a 1.

If the bugbear hits most of the pregen characters, it's not going to matter too much if he gets average or higher. :)

He does (11) 2d8+2. I'd roll, because hey, maybe I roll a 4.


Yeah it seems that op did several things Wrong because there is no way the 4 goblins could kill the party in the surprise round. (If there were only two members of the party he over powered the party by two goblins)


First Post
I run a Pathfinder game.

Even in Pathfinder when my players started out (almost 4 years ago) I house ruled that at 1st level they start with max HD + their CON score. Not their CON modifier, their CON SCORE.

I have 5 players. Each one has lost AT LEAST 1 PC in combat.

Trust me, house ruling extra HP DOES NOT ruin your game.

Well, even if he, or others, thinks this or other methods of house-ruling in more hit points at first level will ruin their game, they could always simply give characters an advance on their 2nd level hit points. Hell, the DM could always advance them their 3rd level hit points if he/she thinks it's needed. Max the character's first level hit points out. Let them average the advanced hit points. Then when the character's reach 2nd, or even 3rd, they could keep the averaged points or roll in earnest. Either way you do it, advancing hit points would fill the need for more hit points at level 1 without it "ruining" the game.

Bah. D&D 5E is soft -- your player characters survived character creation! Once you have your newbs broken in, have them play a real game like Traveler where even chargen is fatal.


Seriously -- some days you get the owlbear; some days the owlbear gets you. Your players have just had their most memorable game of D&D ever. Roll up some new characters and charlie mike, man.


First Post
From my read of the OP it sounds to me like he was upset that 1st level characters didn't start with enough hp's in his opinion and so he decided to prove it with his new players and most likely went out of his way to kill them to justify his feelings on the matter.

In my book, a good GM is someone who's there to make sure his players have fun, even if it means house-ruling or fudging the dice a bit. Nothing worse that to bring in new players to the game and then attempt to take any fun they may have away to prove a point to yourself. Hopefully he didn't scare them off for good.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Man, [MENTION=85179]ren1999[/MENTION] hasn't been back since shortly after starting this thread. He has a bit of catching up to do. :)


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