Tom, if you're gonna ignore someone, please commence ignoring and don't rub their face in it. I don't go around telling which people are on my ignore list.
Doc, when someone asks for help and you practically punch them, that just seems downright mean. The old saying "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" comes to mind, though you could replace "nice" with "helpful" and that would work too. Now I realize you suspect the guy of being a troll, but still...
I'm gonna try a little experiment. If it doesn't work, sue me.
I'm gonna cull out the things I think are irrelevant or mean-spirited from this thread instead of locking the whole thing. I don't plan on doing this a lot (it makes moderating take more time) but we'll see how this goes.
Doc, when someone asks for help and you practically punch them, that just seems downright mean. The old saying "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" comes to mind, though you could replace "nice" with "helpful" and that would work too. Now I realize you suspect the guy of being a troll, but still...
I'm gonna try a little experiment. If it doesn't work, sue me.