NC Game Day XI: September 23! (Player Registration Now Open)


First Post
Hmmm... I definitely had fun running M&M last spring. Maybe I will run something this year as well. I could do another M&M Adventure. Or maybe something different. I will think about it. Maybe I could also play this year, must start buttering up wife now.

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Liquid Awesome
Alenda said:
Finally, Rel, is it at all possible that I can get into your Pirates game?

Pretty please? *uses puppy dog eyes*

Lola said:
I also want to snag a seat in the Pirates game, if at all possible.

For you local types who are interested, I'll probably run a session of this game at AF&G sometime very soon. So if you can make that one great and if not then hopefully we can get you in the one at the Game Day proper.

Old One

First Post
Holy Cr@p!

I may actually be able to come to this one...

I will be in Charlotte on business from 9/22-9/26 and might be able to arrange things for a quick run up to Raleigh. Hmmm...I need to arrange my schedule just so.


Rel, I totally want into the PotC WHFRP game.

As far as what I would run, I am thinking about returning to our intrepid team from the Emorian Imperial Inspection Bureau - who is fresh from rescuing the Senator's wayward daughter from the dreaded Corsairs of the Crescent Sea. I think I spot a storm brewing on the horizon!

This would be a Grim Tales/Mythic Heroes/True Sorcery game ( of my three G'Con purchases) with 10th level PCs and will probably run in the AM.

Which reminds me, Henry...I talked to Robert J. Schwalb (rjs here) at G'Con and he would love you to whip up a spell calc spreadsheet for True Sorcery. Any interest?

~ OO


First Post
Oh, I'd like a spot in the pirates game, Rel!

And I am thinking about running a game this year. Would anyone be interested in a WW2 commando Sgt. Rock type game using Grim Tales (and maybe Mythic Heroes)? Lot's of Nazi bashing fun!

Alenda said:
I will be running an "Order of the Stick" D&D game in which players get the opportunity to portray their favorite OoTS characters using Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 rules. The game should be lotsa laughs and while it will be sprinkled with OoTs in-jokes, it won't be confusing to those who have never read the comic.
Oh! Oh! Pick me! I want to be Elan!
"Bluff, bluff, bluff the pretty librarian GM!"
See, I can do it! :D


nakia said:
Oh, I'd like a spot in the pirates game, Rel!

And I am thinking about running a game this year. Would anyone be interested in a WW2 commando Sgt. Rock type game using Grim Tales (and maybe Mythic Heroes)? Lot's of Nazi bashing fun!


Darth K'Trava

First Post
Old One said:
Holy Cr@p!

I may actually be able to come to this one...

I will be in Charlotte on business from 9/22-9/26 and might be able to arrange things for a quick run up to Raleigh. Hmmm...I need to arrange my schedule just so.


Rel, I totally want into the PotC WHFRP game.

As far as what I would run, I am thinking about returning to our intrepid team from the Emorian Imperial Inspection Bureau - who is fresh from rescuing the Senator's wayward daughter from the dreaded Corsairs of the Crescent Sea. I think I spot a storm brewing on the horizon!

This would be a Grim Tales/Mythic Heroes/True Sorcery game ( of my three G'Con purchases) with 10th level PCs and will probably run in the AM.

Which reminds me, Henry...I talked to Robert J. Schwalb (rjs here) at G'Con and he would love you to whip up a spell calc spreadsheet for True Sorcery. Any interest?

~ OO

I'd love a spot in this one, OO, as well as Rel's game! DIBS!! (note: please don't run them in the same time slot!). :)

I won't be here for open Player Reg as I'll be down at Dragoncon. And net access from the Hyatt is $10 a day... ouch.

So far, I'll have a Fri game so, yet again, won't be able to be at the Friday Dinner. :(

Old One

First Post
nakia said:
Oh, I'd like a spot in the pirates game, Rel!

And I am thinking about running a game this year. Would anyone be interested in a WW2 commando Sgt. Rock type game using Grim Tales (and maybe Mythic Heroes)? Lot's of Nazi bashing fun!

Crap...I might have to bail on love me some Sgt. Rock. Can my .45 take out a Tiger tank too?

~ OO


First Post
Old One said:
Crap...I might have to bail on love me some Sgt. Rock. Can my .45 take out a Tiger tank too?

~ OO

If you use enough action points, maybe!

And don't let me dissuade you from running your game, OO. Although, the lack of competition for my first ever con game would not be so bad:

"Nakia's game was great. . . it was the only one!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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