NC Game Day XI: September 23! (Player Registration Now Open)

Old One

First Post
nakia said:
If you use enough action points, maybe!

And don't let me dissuade you from running your game, OO. Although, the lack of competition for my first ever con game would not be so bad:

"Nakia's game was great. . . it was the only one!"

That's it...I am officially "out"...provided you run your game in the AM so we can play Rel's in the PM ;)!

Actually, looking at my crazy schedule between now and the Game Day...I probably wouldn't be able to put a decent scenario together anyway (sorry Darth...I suck).

So I think I will be...hmmm...Corporal "Dozer" :p!

~ OO

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Jon Potter

First Post
nakia said:
Oh, I'd like a spot in the pirates game, Rel!

So would I! In the AF&G playtest most likely to make some room for others at the Game Day! Of course, I haven't played Warhammer since the late '80s, but that dwarf was one of my favoriet characters.

Would anyone be interested in a WW2 commando Sgt. Rock type game using Grim Tales (and maybe Mythic Heroes)? Lot's of Nazi bashing fun!

Anything featuring the words "Grim" and "Tales" in sequence like that is guaranteed to atract my interest! Cthulhu's Librarian and Henry have made a total convert out of me!

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Old One said:
That's it...I am officially "out"...provided you run your game in the AM so we can play Rel's in the PM ;)!

Actually, looking at my crazy schedule between now and the Game Day...I probably wouldn't be able to put a decent scenario together anyway (sorry Darth...I suck).

So I think I will be...hmmm...Corporal "Dozer" :p!

~ OO

No prob, OO. I then calls dibs on Nakia's game then! ;)

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Jon Potter said:
So would I! In the AF&G playtest most likely to make some room for others at the Game Day! Of course, I haven't played Warhammer since the late '80s, but that dwarf was one of my favoriet characters.

I've never played Warhammer. Closest I've been is one of my friends who stuck the Warhammer world into D&D.

Anything featuring the words "Grim" and "Tales" in sequence like that is guaranteed to atract my interest! Cthulhu's Librarian and Henry have made a total convert out of me!

Me too! :)

Mark Causey

Well, good for y'all that you didn't schedule this on my anniversary so I can make it without contemplating divorce. I'll be glad to see everyone again.

CL, can you get me in contact with that group that came down last time? I told them I'd inform them of the next Gameday (or you can do it on my behalf if you'd like).

adamantineangel said:
CL, can you get me in contact with that group that came down last time? I told them I'd inform them of the next Gameday (or you can do it on my behalf if you'd like).

Sure, drop me an email at rjmiller-at-gmail-dot-com and I'll send you their info.

nakia said:
And I am thinking about running a game this year. Would anyone be interested in a WW2 commando Sgt. Rock type game using Grim Tales (and maybe Mythic Heroes)? Lot's of Nazi bashing fun!

Yeah! I'd love to get me some more of that old time Nakia the GM action!


Obviously, I'd love to get into the pirate game and maybe the WW2 game. There is never enough time in the day. Rel, if yiu playtest at AFnG, then not the weekend before gameday. We'll be ib Philly for my annual meeting that weekend.


Liquid Awesome
BelenUmeria said:
Obviously, I'd love to get into the pirate game and maybe the WW2 game. There is never enough time in the day. Rel, if yiu playtest at AFnG, then not the weekend before gameday. We'll be ib Philly for my annual meeting that weekend.

Noted. I was thinking the weekend before that. Would that work for the other usual suspects including AdamantineAngel and Lola?

Voidrunner's Codex

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