Necromancer Games shutting down next year.(UPDATE post 93)

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I'll miss Necro, but they certainly have a reason to be proud. Some of the best d20 products.

Thanks for a great run, Necromancer!


Necro is the ONE d20 publisher that I would like to see saved. Maybe if we started a petition to let WW know how much we love NG products. I would like to do something.


Belen said:
Necro is the ONE d20 publisher that I would like to see saved. Maybe if we started a petition to let WW know how much we love NG products. I would like to do something.

Petitions mean little. To save Necromancer would require everyone to rush out and buy/order tons of products.

Show them you care by helping them raise their sales levels.

Fiery James

First Post
I completely understand their decision, and hope that their presence will still be felt after the lights are turned off.

Clark and Bill have been very good friends to the Fiery Dragon crew, and I hold them in high regard. They had a great run, and I hope they can look back proudly at what they've accomplished.

- JB


philreed said:
Petitions mean little. To save Necromancer would require everyone to rush out and buy/order tons of products.

Show them you care by helping them raise their sales levels.

I already own everything they have released and gotten my local stores to purchase as well. What else do you want me to do?


First Post

I'm the proud owner of a nice selection of their books, notably the Tomes of Horrors, and on occasion they've been some of my more useful D&D 3e / d20 fantasy books.

Thanks guys, for doing such good work, and enhancing so many gamers' enjoyment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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