D&D General Need help finding a specific dungeon/adventure/module


I genuinely feel like I'm going insane. I'm looking for a specific adventure/module I saw a few months back which I I'm pretty sure was not for 5e, but rather made for an older edition of dnd. The module had 1 or two towers which could rearrange themselves, and in an area inaccessible due to the current arrangement of the tower when the players arrived, there was a king or some other leader working on making/preparing something. I think it was officially published module for an older edition, but I could be wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can prove to myself I'm not going insane and because I need it tonight by 6 pst, lest there be dire consequences for my health.

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CR 1/8
That doesn't immediately ring a bell, but have you checked Adventure Lookup? It's a repository of adventures with descriptions, monster, types, edition, etc. It's searchable by all kinds of different parameters, helpful if you can recall a particular boss monster, terrain type, or other features.

e.g: here's a search by the pre-3e D&D and OSR adventures that include towers:


That isn't ringing a bell, but have you checked Adventure Lookup? It's a searchable repository of adventures with descriptions, monster, types, edition, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion, I have tried adventure lookup, as well as a few other similar sites, trying all sorts of combinations of things I remember, but haven't found what I'm looking for.


Maybe "out-of-phase" or even "out-of-time-phase" towers? I.e. two (or more) overlapping towers, sharing the same space?

C2 (The Ghost Tower) had something like that.
And the Desert of Desolation series (I3-5) also had something similar, I think.


Maybe "out-of-phase" or even "out-of-time-phase" towers? I.e. two (or more) overlapping towers, sharing the same space?

C2 (The Ghost Tower) had something like that.
And the Desert of Desolation series (I3-5) also had something similar, I think.
No, I remember they specifically physically moved due to a line about how when they moved the towers, they created a rumbling sensation similar to an earthquake for anyone inside, but that players wouldn't necessarily recognize that the towers moved unless were near a window or somewhere else where they could see outside


Oh. Maybe one of the Mystara modules. I didn't play it, but didn't one of the desert nomad modules have castle-sized juggernauts?
Looking through that, the Juggernauts there look more like siege machines. The module I remember moreso had one or more towers set in a location which had rooms which could be rearranged to make certain places accessible/inaccessible. I also think it was likely something more like 3rd or 4th edition since I vaguely remember the illustrations/map layout being in that particular style.


4e I'm out.
And I know it's not part of the 3.x adventure path. Beyond that, I'm not all that familiar with the 3.x official adventures (like Red Hand of Doom, etc. [though it's also not Red Hand]). Good luck.


Victoria Rules
No, I remember they specifically physically moved due to a line about how when they moved the towers, they created a rumbling sensation similar to an earthquake for anyone inside, but that players wouldn't necessarily recognize that the towers moved unless were near a window or somewhere else where they could see outside
This sounds vaguely similar to an adventure I was in as a player some years back. I've no idea what the adventure was called and-or how much the DM modified it, but (given his usual sources) odds are the original was from a 2e-era Dungeon magazine.


Looking through that, the Juggernauts there look more like siege machines. The module I remember moreso had one or more towers set in a location which had rooms which could be rearranged to make certain places accessible/inaccessible. I also think it was likely something more like 3rd or 4th edition since I vaguely remember the illustrations/map layout being in that particular style.
Perhaps it was Ex Libris? A multi-dimensional library from an old Dungeon Magazine (#29)?

Voidrunner's Codex

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