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Need help killin a 18th level cleric or a 17th level monk.


First Post
A stunned character is NOT helpless. You cannot CDG them.

As for the Gate spell (or other 9th level spell), you need to get at least a 20 on your Use Magic Device for it to be considered on your spell list. Then you have to make a caster level check, the difficulty of which is caster level plus one, so an 18. If you get better than a twenty on your Use Magic Device, then you are already mimicking a caster level. So, d20 plus that caster level must equal at least 18. Then, once you make the caster level check, you have to have the ability score in order to make it work. For a ninth level spell, that would be a 19. In order to simulate a nineteen on "emulate ability score" with Use Magic Device, you would need a total of 34. So, I hope that you already have a 19 in wisdom, charisma or intelligence. If not, only get scrolls up to the level that your ability scores can already cast.

Slim chance, but within the realm of possibility.

Best bet is to get a 9th level scroll of a wizard, but not cleric, spell.


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First Post
OK heres a rundown on my character:

Im a teifling.

im 3rd level rogue 1st level ranger and 2 level of a custom prestige class.

Chaotic Evil

HP 55
AC 23 (touch AC is1 19)
speed 60 feet (boots of springin and striding)

Str 18
Dex 20
Con 15
Int 19
Wis 10
Cha 12

BAB +5

I have 3d6 sneak dmg.
darkness 1/day
cannot be flanked dont lose dex bonus to being surprised or caught flat footed.

i can bluff in combat as a move equivalent action.
my int modifier adds to my AC.
My favored enemy is human.

As fo magical items:
2 Bladed gauntlets which are the pre errated type +1 magical and keen. so crit range is 13-20

a Psionic Battle Axe +1

a +1 Magical Pistol of distance.


A cloak which grants me spider climb and 180 ft of Dark vision.

a ring of mage armor
a ring of jump
a belt of feather fall
boots of springing and striding.

other things i have but just got and havent worn:

Boots of flying (which i can sell for 15,000 gold to get to get half of the 30,000)
a ring of the lance which can be used as a free action 5 times a day and raises your initiative to being the highest of all in the battle.
a 25 charge want of a adapted firetrap spell which does 4d6 damage when the trap is triggerd. you set the stipulations on the trigger. the stipulations on it can not be longer than 25 words.

i also have a headband that lets me use cursed items without them affecting me.

i have access to a level 20 mage who i can buy items from and get custom ones made. also i can aquire a cursed neckalce of chokeing.

i can buy a magical item which is one use and gives me +20 to my next skill check which i could use to pull of the roll i would need for the use magic device to use a level 9 scroll.

also i dont have to worry about deciphering the scroll.

the theme of the arena ill be fighting in is "water" however that is all i know about it.


First Post
If you can get an extra +20 on a UMD check... then by all means get a 9th level scroll, and use it! With one unlucky roll on the part of your opponent, you could end the fight.

Of course, facing a 17th+ level opponent might mean that they have protection against death effects....


First Post
yeah... well thats sorta why i was thinking id summon in a pitfeind or something.. or use a gate and shove him through it.

if he get transported to another plane i win also ^_^

The costs might not add up but I would suggest some potions of invisibility and a ring of the ram.

Another option is a decaunter of endless water in geyser mode.

Either way your only real chance is to go for the knock them out of the ring option. This can be done without stunning, killing, or even for that matter even hurting them very much.

This tactic though has little chance of working against a foe as agile as a monk that powerful so you are better off if the cleric wins the battle.
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First Post
Drink Haste Potion (750 gp)
Horn of Blasting (12,000 gp). Failed Save = stunned 2 rounds. Made save = stunned 1 round.

If they're stunned two rounds, whale on them. If they're stunned 1 round, whale on them for your partial action. Use your MEA to position for another blast if necessary (or use horn as the partial and get a FRA of attacks).

The downside: If you're playing in an underground or indoor area, the secondary damage from the horn might cause a collapse.

Downside #2. 10% chance per use of the horn blowing up from repeated use.

Downside #3: this method is filled with cheese.


James McMurray

First Post
If you're going for gate, your best bet is a Solar, since they pack the most bang for your buck. Of course, I would definitely think about having adarkness and invisibility ready, because even with a solar going after him, the guy may decide to take you out first, and become the defacto winner.


First Post
Even a few rounds of sneak attacks on 17th level characters won't amount to much. An 18th level cleric will crush you even if silenced


Ion stone of spell storing. 12000 gp.

Get it charged with Harm.

Set the 4d6 fire trap to go off when you speak a certain word (free action).

With the ring of the lance, you could go first, move, activate Harm, and then have the trap explode, hopefully for the killing blow.

All you have to do is reach them with one move, and land a touch attack. And hope they don't have anything that protects against fire or does a contigency.

Voidrunner's Codex

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