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Need help to build a proper druid.


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Asmo said:
Thanx for all the replies!! I will post the final build when I´m ready.

Just some questions regarding the updated version about the rules regarding the Wildshape ability in MotW: it says on page 11: "The druid retains her own Int Wis and Cha scores,lvls and classes,hit points (despite any change in her Con score) alignment, BASE ATTACK BONUS, and base save bonuses. ( New Str,Dex and Con scores may affect final attack and save bonuses)"

As I understand it,as a 12 lvl druid my bab is 9/4, that is I have 2 attacks.
If I wildshape into a dire bear (wich actually has 10 ft reach) with bab +18 for claws and +13 for bite, do I have 3 attacks (claw,claw bite) or my own attacks (9/4, claw,bite or claw,claw).The rules would indicate that I should have 2 attacks but the example with the giant octapus (wich ,btw , my DM assures me that I´ve never seen :p ) would indicate that I do have several attacks.
And how do I calculate my new attack score? Lets say that I´ve Str 16 and then I add the Str of the Dire bear,what would my final attack score be? ( Ithink the str. of a Dire bear is 27,but I´m not sure).


Wow, alot of stuff did happen during this time I wrote my answer. :D

Ok, an animal has a BAB equal to a druid would of the same HD. His attack bonus is figured out using his BAB, STR, and size modifiers. Sorry about the lack of reach on the dire bear, I was reading my 3.5 MM. Since a dire bear has the same HD and BAB you have, you use his attacks, exactly, which is nice. His claw/claw/bite-5 attack routine replaces your weapon/weapon-5 routine. If you ever do find a giant octopus, you'd attack at 3 points higher, because your BAB is 3 higher than his. And I do suggest you head for the ocean, and start searching for giant octopuses =P

Eldorian Antar

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To find your attack bonuses it's probably the easiest to calculate them from the beginning.

You have your own BAB (i.e. +9) plus the current Str modifier (i.e. +6 for STR 23) plus size bonuses (or rather penalties ;), i.e. -1 for being large) plus any miscellaneous modifiers (i.e. having a Greater Magic Fang spell running), much like with your normal weapons.

@Eldorian: Yes, I know where you are coming from, I just meant the attack modes, but it sure is a bit confusing with those extra limbs. It seems like a balance issue, that you can't get a huge number of attacks this way. Maybe with the Multiattack feat (wasn't there something like this in MotW?).

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Ok, after a phone call with my DM he allows the following:when I Wildshape I use the animals own BAB with no penalities. In the Dire Bear scenario it would mean that that I have 3 attacks 2 with claws at +18 and a bite attack at +13 with no penalty. That sounds really good. Almost to good. Ahh! My evil DM, he´s planning something really wicked this time I guess :D



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You are hurting your own abilities if you simply use the attack bonuses from the animal as listed (no scaling with level).

You should simply use the attack forms as listed but recalculate the attack bonuses as above.



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Asmo said:
Ok, after a phone call with my DM he allows the following:when I Wildshape I use the animals own BAB with no penalities. In the Dire Bear scenario it would mean that that I have 3 attacks 2 with claws at +18 and a bite attack at +13 with no penalty. That sounds really good. Almost to good. Ahh! My evil DM, he´s planning something really wicked this time I guess :D


Asmo, read my previous post. You use the animals STR mod and Size mod, and your own BAB. In the case of the dire bear, you share the same BAB, so you use his modified attacks. The 3.5 book clears this up by having the BAB listed seperately.

Basically, if a form has less HD than you, calculate how many HD less, and see how much BAB that is worth, and give yourself that much more to hit than the animal has.

As for balance, I think it should be based on CR and not HD, that would solve it. Giant Octapuses are CR 8, higher than the dire bear =)

Eldorian Antar


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So,what you are saying is that I could get better attacks than +18 and +13?
If I understands this right: my BAB = 9 . I add the bears Str mod wich is +8 if the bears Str is 27 and - 1 for size (large). 9+8=17 -1 = 16. How is this better than 18/13? Sorry,but I don´t understand how this works. An example would be nice. Thanx for the help so far!



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Asmo said:
So,what you are saying is that I could get better attacks than +18 and +13?
If I understands this right: my BAB = 9 . I add the bears Str mod wich is +8 if the bears Str is 27 and - 1 for size (large). 9+8=17 -1 = 16. How is this better than 18/13? Sorry,but I don´t understand how this works. An example would be nice. Thanx for the help so far!


Dire Bears have 31 str, thats a +10 modifier. 9 + 10 -1= 18. Like I said, you get the same bonus as the bear, cause you have the same number of HD. However, if you were to gain a few levels, and say you were level 14, you'd get a + 19 to hit, 10 for BAB, 10 for STR, and -1 for size.

The octopus, which has 8 hit dice, is BAB 6. It is large, and has a +5 str modifer. So it has a +10 to hit with primary attacks. However, if you were to take the form of the octopus, you'd use your BAB of 9. So you'd have 9 + 5 -1, or +13 to hit with primary attacks.

Saving throws work similiarly. Use your base saves, with the animal's stat adjustments. So, for instance, if you had a dex of 12, and a Base reflex save of +4, (overall bonus +5) turning into a giant octopus that had dex 15 would give you a reflex save of +6, +4 for your base, +2 for new dex. A giant octopus normally has a reflex save of +7, so you'd actually have a lower save than it, but thats ok, cause reflex is a primary save for the octopus, and it's a secondary save for druids.

Hope that is clear.

Eldorian Antar


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Yes,thanx alot, that made it much clearer. I was looking at this from the "weekend game only" aspect and not ahead in time, several levels later. I now see how it will hurt my attacks later on.


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Wait a minute. Alter self says you gain the natural weapons, but then says extra limbs do not allow you to make more attacks than normal. So if you get claws and bite, you can't use them? What is "normal"? I'm wishing I hadn't bought the first printing of the 3.5 stuff.. sooo much copy paste and poorly worded rules. I'm voting that the Masters of the Wild wildshape rules override 3.5.

It's not a copy/paste problem. In 3.5, Alter Self didn't used to have a restriction preventing you from getting extra attacks for having more limbs - primarily because it also didn't give you natural weapons at all. Now it gives you natural weapons and says you don't get attacks for having natural weapons.

The best part, is that when this particular direct contradiction was brought to Custserv's attention, the response was less than encouraging:

custserv said:
We don't know. We can't figure it out either.

Right now, when you wildshape into a bear, or an octopus in 3.5 - there is no way to determine what it is that is supposed to happen with your attacks - regardless of whether you are using daggers in your tentacles or not.

Make sure you get the natural spell feat from MotW. The legendary Ape form is off limits, first off it's got 13 HD, and secondly wild shape never applies to legendary animals.

1> There is no hit die restriction in 3rd edition. You only get a size restriction unless you take levels of "shifter". Shifters have a hit die restriction, Druids do not.

2> There is no restriction on becoming Legendary Animals, anywhere in 3rd edition. The restriction is that you can become anything that is an Animal and is not Dire. At 12th level you can become Dire animals. While the rules don't literally say that you ever can't become a legendary animal (and they fulfill all the restrictions) - most people I know restrict you to only become a legendary form when you can become a Dire form - as it is more than a little weird to be able to be a legendary Wolf at 5th level and have to wait to 12th level to become a Dire Wolf.

Fortunately, we are talking about a 12th level character - so there's no real reason he couldn't be a legendary Ape.

PHB said:
If a character's Constitution score changes enough to alter his or her Constitution modifier, the character's hit points also increase or decrease accordingly.

Yes. According to the new modifier. When you upgrade to a +3 sword from a +2 sword, you don't add +1 more to your to-hit and damage - you recalculate your to-hit and damage with a +3 enhancement bonus instead of whatever you had before. That's how all bonuses work in D&D.

That's how Constitution works too. When you raise your Constitution from 18 to 20, you don't add +1 to all of your hit dice - that wouldn't stack. You add +5 to all of your hit dice individually instead of adding +4 like you were doing before.

It recalculates, it doesn't delta. That's actually a good thing because otherwise being poisoned would be advantageous:

If you just did things by delta, then every wizard should poison themselves down to within an inch of their life. Con reduction can't lower your hit points below 1 point per level, right? So if you drop your constitution down to 1 (and there are reliable ways to do that), you would have a -5 modifier. But you'd be a Wizard, so the maximum you could roll would be 4 on any of your hit dice. Nevertheless, when your Constitution was 1, you'd have 1 hit point per level - as that is the minimum.

Then you'd start healing yourself - when you gained 2 con points, you'd gain 1 hit point per level. When you gained 2 more con points, you'd gain 1 more hit point per level, and so on all the way up to 11 - where you would now have a Con Modifier of +0 and 6 hit points per level. More hit points than you had in fact, actually rolled.

Fortunately, it doesn't work like that. You can't poison yourself for hit points, because when you drop your Con to 1, you recalculate your hit points with a -5 modifier (with a minimum of 1 per die). When you go back to a modifier of zero you don't add +5 hit points per die - you recalculate your original hit points with a +0 modifier. Nothing moves.

And that is why you can get the hit points after you polymorph or wildshape in 3rd edition. When your con changes, you recalculate your hit points as Original Rolls + (Current Modifier times hit dice). Polymorph doesn't trigger a recalculation, but an Endurance spell does - and then it's just like the Polymorph had changed your hit points because its alteration is factored into the new modifier.

At no time does Polymorph create a new modifier, or split your Con Modifier, or anything like that.



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Franktrollman, there is an explicit prohibition about becoming a Legendary Animal in 3.0, if you're using MotW Wildshape.

MotW page 11:
"At 5th level, a druid gains the spell-like ability to turn herself into a Small of Medium-size animal (but not a dire animal or a legendary animal)..."

I can't imagine it being clearer than that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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