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D&D 5E Need help to make a cool armor for my rogue


Hello everyone

Im a DM and one of my players is a rogue assassin, he met with a noble wizard that hired him to kill a rival, after he completed the assassination the wizard said that as a reward he would create him a powerfull magic item, the rogue asked for a studded leather armor that incresed his AC and helpd him do his assassinations, the problem is that a have no idea how a should make this armor i want it to be strong because it was a really hard mission but i don't want to make the armor too op, does someone have a suggestion?

(Sorry if my english is bad, it isn´t my native language)

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What power level are you talking about? (What level is the party and what sort of distribution of items do they have already?)
In terms of mechanics, the armour could do anything from change appearance to help the rogue infiltrate their target's defenders, to just plain cast invisibility once a rest. There are many options.

How does the rogue operate. Are they about careful infiltration and mysterious death, or do they just tend to break in and start stabbing?


What power level are you talking about? (What level is the party and what sort of distribution of items do they have already?)
In terms of mechanics, the armour could do anything from change appearance to help the rogue infiltrate their target's defenders, to just plain cast invisibility once a rest. There are many options.

How does the rogue operate. Are they about careful infiltration and mysterious death, or do they just tend to break in and start stabbing?
They are a level 8 party (5 players) with a pretty good assortment of magic items, as for how the rogue operates he is usually careful and stealthy but when he gets found he tries to go for the more direct approach

Hawk Diesel

Advantage on stealth checks might be cool. Being able to cast disguise self at will would be neat and allow your assassin easier access to targets and easier to lose in a crowd. Alter self is even better since you could give yourself gills and a natural weapon if you ever found yourself disarmed. An underappreciated spell that could be enchanted into armor could be casting the silence spell. That way no one can call for help even if you can't get the jump on them.


Armor that can change its appearance to look like various clothing would be handy sneaking around. Armor that stored in a magic ring and could teleport upon you would work as well.

Maybe a power that is 1/rest like misty step or 1/day for invisibility

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