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D&D General Nerdarchy interviewed David Harbour about D&D

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hey guys they from the urkki for nerds by nerds and today I'm hanging out with a celebrity nerd named in harbor and
we're gonna be just you know shooting the [ __ ] talking about D&D I got him for
for a brief window here so like I was just telling him I was just telling
David off-air that I found out that he plays Dean Dee because we did the fantasy cruise we've given away a cabin
and it was so cool because one of our winners had gotten picked it as asked a
question and she had asked the kids about if they had ever played D&D and her like no but we were kind of
interesting when we check it out you know maybe they were maybe they weren't but David threw them all under the
busses like I play a game every I don't know if he said you play the game every week or you run a game every week but
you had threw out an invitation for him to play some day and day yeah exactly yeah I ran a campaign I was at the
Emperor campaign this was like a couple years ago though because my schedule got so busy we had to and like all my
friends have like weird schedules and so we we started and we were actually doing Pathfinder you ever you planning a
Pathfinder a little bit that was like a weird time for us where you know 50 or
they went in the fourth edition we played a little bit of that and Emily were in ER we just got into a super
girls kick and we totally went in the mutants of masterminds okay and by the time we were coming back the addition
was coming out and as as the old the older I get the less I want crunch and
the more rules light systems I tend to go towards now wait you you like more
rules light systems I do I do actually which is just more freeform like more I
think think a D and E versus yeah Pathfinder okay yeah yeah I mean cuz we started up
cuz I hadn't played in years and my friends were like apparently the new system at that point wasn't very good or
people weren't happy with it they thought it had been more action-oriented or it sort of went along with World of
Warcraft or something they weren't happy with the D&D system at the time and he said Pathfinder was better so we started
like getting all those books and like starting a campaign but it was crazy man like I got
tremendous respect for a good Dungeon Master which I am NOT because it is a very hard job because maybe it's cuz my
friends are all jerks or something but like you set up this entire campaign and you're trying to guide them toward a
certain action then like all they want to do is like go explore some kind of drama with some orc in the corner of the
tavern Ursula and I have to like come up with a whole new mugging plan for them and it's uh it was awful it was quite a
disaster and also like the idea that like as an actor I mean you're constantly trying to play characters but
as a DM you're basically playing like a thousand characters like just sort of doing all the voices and all this stuff
and so I have great respect for people that are able to do that sophisticatedly
because I was not one of those people yeah Brian's gates in the chat there DM
is like herding cats exactly that's a lot of stuff we try and touch on on our channel too is like this whole idea of
writing out these elaborate campaigns and and mapping everything out for players is a waste your time because
it's because as soon as you as soon as everyone hits the table you might as well dump some gasoline on your notes
and throw match I didn't realize that but that isn't it you know what it's
it's it's what we all have to learn and go through and really like this is like Golden Age for playing role-playing
games like just like me I'm sure you will start when you're younger and there is no resources like
you know maybe a friend had an older brother you know or a sister that played and that's how you started yeah we had
like I was in kind of um I guess it was like fifth grade or fourth grade we had like an advanced placement teacher we
take like eight courses with him and he ran a campaign after school for like
three hours on Thursday afternoons I think our parents who pay like I don't know like 50 bucks a month for us to
play in this campaign and that's where I really fell in love with it he was really good like he would come up with his own campaigns and like you know we
got to multi class and like come up with sort of minions and he had all these different ideas so that's where I really
fell in love with it that was really my beginnings that was the old system in that was the
advanced D&D system the old Gary Gygax like the old monster manual and so I
actually got a reprint of that stuff a couple years ago there's like some
reprints of the original systems like deities and demigods that book and the
monster the old monster manual the old dm's guide the old player's guide and those are great like I love all the old
art in them like all the weird drawing some one that will be really good some of they'll be really horrible and all
the different gods in the way where they went into it it was you know it's a really cool game what actually one of
the guys that was on the cruise and we actually met him there he actually lives in your hometown now Brian Stoneman he
did the plastic galaxy documentary about Star Wars collectibles and action
figures but he's currently working on AI of the beholder the art of day and day oh wow yeah I think we're expecting it
out sometime next year but yeah that might be right up your alley and he's like you know he's interviewing every all the artists from
you know the original game all the way up to the current edition wow that's
super cool yeah I used to love all those old drawings and like that stuff was so
great yeah yeah you oh you know you
always hear these all these great stories about you know people talking about the art people buying the books
and not even know what the game is they just you know it was the only place for them to get a book of monsters like that
yeah yeah I felt like you know it was super cool about those old games too which I don't know if it exists so much
because I feel like now games are based much more in action but what I really loved about the old D&D games were like
the emotional connections or the relationship connections or just like hanging out in a tavern and like doing
weird story stuff that wasn't based on like you know killing monsters and so
when you did kill a monster was maybe like 30% of the campaign but most of the campaign was spent like negotiating your
histories with various races and like your tensions and even like political
tensions and things like that which I think it's so much more unique about a game like methan you know I feel like a
lot of stuff has gone into video games now where it's like all action and there's so little of that you know I felt like
D&D was such a human game in that way like you could really explore personalities of character and stuff and
so I love that aspect of the game yeah in one of the last sessions I ran a
couple of my characters had kind of like been taken in by this old widow and they
like returned from town from one of their adventures to the news that she'd passed away and her like trying to think
of like all this in-game stuff they can do but it just turned out she was old you know so they have to you know they
end up inheriting this state and they have to do a funeral and of course you know I had like demons and stuff show up
and zombie show up in the funeral because but yeah it's that kind of stuff that is a you know a lot of fun that we
can introduce into the game the human element interacting with people telling
these these cooperative stories and I feel like now more than ever like when I
used to play growing up as a teenager in a tween you would have that DM like like
you're talking about would that would plot everything out for you and just kind of go along with that story but it really has evolved from from that
point where we all share the story and kind of create it together yeah and I
love the like I love the complexity of the world because there's um you know even with the gods and the different
planes like you know limbo on the chaotic neutral side and then there's
like that mechanistic ordered world on the neutral side and then there's like Hades and all these different like the
mythos is so wide and huge and I always found that fascinating like with always
some little aspect that you can go into that you had known about and there's just so much lore there it was so cool
so I I thought I had let the guys on on our patron oh you'd be coming on and so
I said if it had any questions and we could get to them or whatever and her D&D related I would throw them out there
so Tom Donovan wanted to know what we from pre third edition what was your
favorite class or archetype of character to play I mean I guess when I first
started playing I love the cleric class um you know I I
think it's such a I guess it's different than a paladin but it's something where it's like these guys who would just you
know carry like a book and a mace and had like healing spells and stuff I got kind of where warriors of the light and
I like the whole religious mythos of those guys and sort of their passion and and I also love the idea of those guys
where they couldn't party with like evil members or like even neutral members they had personality issues with like if
you weren't on that sort of team with the cleric like he'd have a lot of issues with you so I like that
complexity with them but I really was like a um a cleric guy or like a warrior
guy I never really got into the like mage class the wizard class or the
theit's class like I always felt like they were too sort of weak in the beginning like they would just
ultimately get slaughtered until they got to higher levels and they would just destroy things but like when they were
they always had like eight hit points or something and they'd always get killed immediately so I was never into like those classes yeah whatever
one of the guys we used to play with you stories talk about his necromancer of Doom and he was like a fourth or fifth
level wizard you know but we finished that game any of like 15 hit points guys
are like glass cannons I always hated those good fifth edition is a little
more forgiving it's got a little bit easier they they give them a few more hit points and and they have you know
more spells that they can cast regarding like back in the day you cast you cast magic missile which is probably gonna be
your one star and like you were done for the day yeah or like burning hands was like another one right and then you were
like you had like two spells a day or something then you had to go study your books yeah they seemed wildly
inefficient as opposed to some guy with a mace who I you know who could really like take action yeah the earlier
addition dishes was really tough for getting that wizard off the levels but then once you got there you were like a
god mm-hmm and I feel like I feel like especially early on like dragon lands
did a lot for characters one the play Wizards Raceland Machir yeah and his brother was
like the warrior right yep and here that all's yeah I remember I read all those books those Margaret Weis
and Tracy Hicks books or whatever dragons of autumn something and Dragons of spring something yeah those books
were great and the Raceland was a really cool character yeah yeah that is probably that's probably the second
series I read after of Lord of the Rings yeah and did they had their own campaign
in the D&D universe as well like they came out with the the sort of Dragonlance campaign right they did have
one it had one of the best covers I think in the in the game for a for a while and then you keep referencing the
cleric and Deedee's and demigods was like what am i probably that's my favorite book to flip through yeah I
love those like all those I still can look through those different Norma thought oh jeez like the Norse gods and
the Egyptian gods and on stuff and I loved the art of those things and that
was great when like we'd sometime start campaigns where you characters would be like level 30 or something and they'd
all like fight like Odin and so it was all ridiculous like it didn't have any sort of grounding but like the idea that
like Odin had like 400 hit points and like certain kind of savings then you'd go up against him like I love that sort
of stuff too that was super cool right and in that book there was only like five gods that had straight twenty fives
for their stats and it was like Odin and Zeus and I don't remember what the other three were but you know it is very
limited and of course as nerds like it goes back to are you familiar with Noah
at Wyler no spoonie well he's another he's a comedian and YouTube personality
but yeah is yeah he's kind of known for saying if you stat it don't kill it and
that's exactly the truth because you know you can't put Cthulhu stats out
anywhere because then the players are looking looking to kill them right exactly
yeah exactly how long did you play Pathfinder for um we played for like six
months you know and we got this book like there's a campaign book called rise of the rune Lords which is like a pretty
specified like campaign and so that's the camp we played we had all the books and
everything but then I went through systematically like the rise of the rune Lords thing and that was the thing where I kept trying to steer my characters to
play this version like they had to go fight these orcs and these things and like they never would they'd always just
wind up like staying in the end and deciding to go to some city that I didn't know anything about like either but that campaign that campaign is
pretty cool and like I remember in Chapter two there was like these haunt
things where like your character goes into this house and like they'd be haunted by various figures and I thought
that was a really cool mechanic like they all had specific psychological haunts that would affect them in combat
and stuff like that and it was a really detailed interesting world but we we
only got to explore like a little bit of it and then all our schedule sort of got messed up it also did sound like your
players were interested in staying yeah yeah exactly yeah they wouldn't fight the monsters
that I want them to fight it was the point that's great no no good no good
gaming session survives first contact with the players this is the way it is
what was it what was it like for stranger things that have so much Obama revolving around a indeed for you like
did you know that going in yeah because when I first read the script like you
know one of the first scenes is all those kids in the basement playing D&D and you know the duffer's are like big
D&D nerds and I I am as well and so like even you know it's funny because we had
a conversation on set where I didn't I forgot that the demagogue in was an
actual monster in the Monster Manual like I thought they were confusing it
with some other demon guy and they brought it up like they brought in the
man who only had the page and they were like no look here the stats and everything and like the demo Gorgon is
an actual he is an actual demon like he huh he's in like the nine plains of Hell
or something now their best yep he was just recently featured in one of the
newer modules actually called out of the best okay that like the plains of Hades where
those guys the Devils exist so Devils are how okay and demons are the abyss
and is the abyss neutral or evil evil and they're both evil just what is chaos
and evil and one is lawful and evil okay so which is lawful and evil the hell
realm ooh yeah yeah Devils teeth tend to
be more about corrupting people through choice where you know where demons are
just all-out evil yeah that this module was really interesting in that it features a lot of the demon Lords and I
think at one point like they all fight oh that's cool and like I think the
players kind of have to like survive the fighting of the demons yeah I got really into in terms of those planes and stuff
I'm really kind of interested in this skull what is it this slab or the limbo plane that's like a sonic neutral or
whatever where like gravity doesn't exist those will rear reptilian beings that like the slab is that what they're
called they're the SCAD or something to slam it yeah they are like these frog demons that that they didn't have a limo
and limbo is what do they call it the howling plane that so yeah the new
Monster Manual right here and they're also the new monster manuals are the new books really they really had the feel of
the the old books because the pages are falling out of them just like late night in the second printing of the first
edition yeah there's the death sled like those are like the higher ones right and
there's like red and blue and yeah yeah
I just like a place of like chaotic neutral like this idea that it's not
good or bad it's just complete chaos like it has no I love that realm but
it's like my question for you would be like in terms of because you sort of put characters together right we do all
kinds of stuff so in of like a demagogue in-world or a demagogue and campaign like let's talk
about stranger things is like a demo gorgon campaign like you have a party that fights like the last boss is like a
demo gorgon right so I'd be curious to hear your theories cuz I'm not gonna
tell you anything but your theories in terms of in the next campaign if these
characters were to fight other creatures from that world what would be a step up
from the demagogue on like what would be another monster that might or another devil that might inhabit the universe of
that demagogue and it might be period to him or a general of his or like what
what would you put in that campaign well for one I don't know what the hell those kids are gonna do if it's a step up from
you know the creature from the upside down because that thing was pretty nasty of its own we actually do a series where
we where we D&D eyes monsters and we did do the creature from the upside down
well you did absolutely yeah I don't actually remember what we did at
this point though because it was right after we had been binge watched stranger things
but yeah so so it's definitely like the upside down is like this kind of like shadow roam right joins you know this
world the prime Material Plane which I loved like the you know the the teacher yo explaining to the kids how this all
works like in theory and they're actually like doing this yeah so so like
you can even turn out right the creature from the upside down isn't like anything but maybe there's more of them so so it
could be you know the whole race of them obviously like shat like so this is this plane its shadow you know 11 is
obviously psychic so that and that's what drew the creature so there must be some kind of
psychic connection right with them and you know maybe yeah it could even be
that like maybe there are like a hive mind which would be pretty wild and
crazy I can reveal nothing to you but I
I actually have no theories I just go in enjoy it I am and I'm also like the
worst movie critic because I don't cuz I because I have like no taste like I just watch enjoy be more like that's that
movie was terrible I don't know I liked it yeah did you see yeah did you see the
trailer for season 2 the Superbowl trailer let's say you know I don't know
if I did or not there's uh um they it's it was like a little trailer we put out for the Superbowl it just has like
little clips of this season different things that we have and there's one where we'll is standing at a doorway and
as he looks out the doorway the sky glows red and there are these lightning strikes and you see this like enormous
like spider looking being out there in the distance so there is this entity
that we kind of revealed that that exists in this world and uh you know
people have been speculating unlike whether or not it has to do with the these'll Hydra talked about in last
season at the end of last season or or what it really is but um but that's just
interesting to me in terms of the lore of D&D like what what cuz the demagogue
in in dungeons dragons is like a devil right like he's a demon mm-hmm and so
you have like other ranks of demons right do you remember like where the demagogue and fits in those ranks like
you thought he was pretty high up he ever Corrigan Demi Corrigan and orcas were two rivals and they're like the top
okay what's orcas orcas is like orcas is just another demon lord and like his
purview is on death and undead okay lord of ghouls someone's dropping the theory
of loft in the chat wow what is that Spider Queen right yes yes yeah I
remember fighting loft when I was a kid yeah I locked the Spider Queen I mean I
don't know man like that thing if you've seen the trailer that thing looks a little bigger than law but but I like I
like what it does it does have a spider like quality to it yeah it's pretty pretty freaky well in in previous editions loft was
just one of the demon Lords oh really I heard - was like a spider queen or something no she was actually yes she
eventually they eventually elevated her to a god she's one of the Susan's the god of the drow right right right okay
yeah so I actually I'm pretty sure I did see the trailer but I just data dumps since then right right right yeah my
brain is like now the new Star Wars trailer or the Ragnarok you're right
there's a lot of about there well what are you excited for I mean in terms of
this season man it's gonna be great like I'm really excited for you guys to see it we really have kind of like upped our
game in terms of the world expanding and
there's a lot of new mysteries that were able to start to play out in this season
like we you know we didn't know that we'd be a hit show like we were making a season last year and we didn't even know
if we get a season two we didn't know if people would like it so you know we had our story sort of self-contained with
these little pieces of cliffhangers like Elevens Rhian sand you know hoppers sort
of in with the the lab sort of stuff so
but we didn't know how big our series would be so in terms of this season we're able to know that we have I think
a couple more seasons ahead of us and so we start to create a really broader palette I mean it related to D&D it's
like if you have a campaign right and suddenly your campaign is like alright I can start to lay in this pipe that won't
be completely solved by the end of season two I can start to lay in these
characters or these monsters or these beings for these things that won't pay off until further down the road and so
they're creating we're creating our own sort of mythos around this universe and
the brothers have this document about the upside down this like huge document where they know all about it but we've
really only teased in season one just a little bit of it so we start to really go into this bigger world about what the
up side-down is what it means what its significance is what exists in it
whether or not it it has sort of sentience or like what it you know what
it's there to do and that's like exciting so we have like a rip-roaring
story for season two and yet we also are
able to start to like get even bigger and so there are things that are gonna
pay off like way further down the line and also like we're able to go a lot further into character which I'm really
excited about like hopper starts to get to reveal a lot more things about
himself and a lot more a lot more of really who he is which we started to
touch on and we start to see with his daughter and like you know his sort of reemergence into like becoming a man
again and like sort of reawakening but we start to sort of see more about who he is as a man in this season and that's
really exciting and also like I know a lot of the payoff if we're able to continue and do more seasons in terms of
where he's going so it's really fun you know it's it's a really fun world to
play and it's really exciting and it's amazing to be able to get to do something that is so exciting
cinematically and sci-fi and like monster movie and also has such heart to it and such soul and I feel like you
know are you so rarely you get that both those things in a TV show like you either get one or the other and I like
both of those things but when you put them together like it's just it's just like a dream come true it's a great it's
a great experience yes
yeah get some wasn't there before
might be my and my Internet's not so great something say it's okay it's going
down that was weird but yeah like when when the season ended like my concern was is are they self-contained seasons
where okay is it going to be a new slicking almost like an anthology we each season boo and I would hate to see
the characters go away because everyone that you guys all did such an awesome job and and you know what these
characters well they're adults and way the adults are so wonderfully broken yeah exactly yeah that's my whole thing
is like we're all you know I like to play guys you know I'm TV I think you
see a lot of heroic individuals or people that are so capable even in these comic book universes and stuff and I
really like to play people like myself that are broken and messed up and you know we're just trying to get by but who
are able to sort of take heroic actions amidst that and kind of grow and so that's been really exciting
um and you know it was originally structured we didn't know whether we'd
have be an anthology like American Horror Story or something where people play different roles and you do different things but I think we are so
in love with the characters and I think people fall in love with the characters and the writers and the dumpers and
everything too that we didn't want to let them go and like we want to explore them and there is so much more to
explore with these people so I think season will still have its own self-contained nature like you'll still
see a story and you'll be satisfied at the end but you'll still start to
unravel these characters more and more so so they can pay off further and further down the line and that's you
know so you have the kind of best of both worlds if you see me laughing or whatever it's because I'm kind of like poking around in a chat to someone else
someone else a great question I gotta ask what was your favorite hopper punch
yeah yeah I love them all so much I love them all so much I mean you know it was
funny like the one that we really kind of defined the character as was there's
the one where I go in the morgue and the guy won't let me in and I say like I
make up some excuse about like no I know ban and a mullah and he goes like I don't work for him and I just instead of
saying something I just pop him and I we you know we actually talked I think at one point the conversation with Netflix
was like Kent hopper like outsmart this guy like isn't there something that he can do that's like charming or
intelligent and they were like no it's just funny man he just punches people that began the whole hopper punch thing
and I love that about him is like he just gets frustrated at a certain point he's just gotta pop people so I think
that was my favorite the one in the morgue thank you for the question yeah I thought that was pretty funny I thought we would
never see you like have you guys even seen the character have you read it like we base them on iconic things like
Indiana Jones who like you know that great sequence where the sword guy comes out and prays law started doing all this
stuff and he just pulls a gun and shoots him like like that were that we loved in those older movies so we wanted to bring
some of that to him just that brute you know funny way of approaching a situation so so one of our patreon 7d
system has a question for you that uh oh thank you for the Tammy thank you so
much for the super chat much appreciated asked was there any was
there any resistance to putting D&D into the narrative of the story from from anyone um I don't think so it was sort
of integral to the whole thing because it was an 80's based story and uh and I
think because these guys are such fans of like horror and fantasy worlds and that's what our world is and because
it's a way that these kids interpret the sci-fi insanity that's going on around them and will continue to in season two
like they continue to you know it's sort of a fun thing for these characters to
have this world that you know the adults are all like this is crazy what are you talking about and they're like no no we
understand this like this is where we live and so there wasn't really resistance it was all you know it was
all sort of integral to the story and I don't think the story would work without it so you're getting a lot at you're
getting a lot of love in in the chat right now he awesome and they absolutely
love the hybrid monster yeah I love him - I love him too he's so funny so weird
strange kind of fat love him because
he's like a real dude they now Marcus is
Newark he's got a Dean die and Dean the eyes popper we could absolutely do that I bring that up yeah I wonder what is
armored glasses and his hip stuff you know what's funny there was uh there's a game
there's just came hearthstone that Blizzard puts out where they have like cards and stuff and a couple fans put
out some hearthstone cards and chief hopper had one and he wasn't that powerful I was a little bit disappointed
I feel like I'm gonna get sober for successive seasons so you can get a little bit stronger up his hit points
his saving throws and stuff it would be really fun to see a campaign I saw some art online too where they they mapped
out like 11 as a mage character like Lucas is like a thief character will as
as the wizard as like a fireball with throwing wizard and all these do it would be really fun to see people like
take that to the extreme and see how you could create a stranger things campaign I've seen people do like little video
games I've even seen people do like those choose-your-own-adventure old books they write like certain chapters
from that and it's like if you decide to do this like turn to page this so it would be really cool to see a stranger
things campaign for season one that would be really fun I would be tweet me that if you guys have ideas about that
that's that's a great idea that could be thing we might do make that happen so there's a couple character ideas
popping up rock hopper rock what do you guys got let me see we got drunk drunken master yeah and we
have a gunslinger nice both those apply very well so I don't know like how much
of a Redemption arc I would really want to see with hopper like I don't know if I want the character to change barbarian was popping up yeah I like all it's them
no it's true I mean you know I think that like I think hopper at the end of
the day does have an unresolved tragedy in his life and I don't want that ever
to be played down or ever to be completely resolved and while he does have a reawakening at the end of that
season when he saves will his daughter is still dead and he still has a lot of
remorse and guilt about that which you'll start to understand more of as the seasons go on and that stuff is real
that stuff never goes away and you can't just make himself feel better so I don't want complete redemption for
operators they're also talking about different feats tavern brawl you're
absolutely right Tamara where is a P in fifth edition that basically lets you attack unarmed and be better I'd also
use improvised weapons yeah especially when he has a couple beers in him
absolutely yes I'll buy like what eight nine in the morning exactly exactly very early on raft he
brushes his teeth he started to drink it yeah the eighties nostalgia in that
movie was so good plus and all the throw backs to them from you know from film and TV at that time as well yeah I love
that era I mean I think that we you know all the movie it kind of came out of
that era and all the yeah even the television shows like even stuff like
Columbo is looking back like different shows and stuff I just love that era I think it was a really kind of a golden
age for movies and TV and so we're trying to recapture some of that by using so the same lexicon while telling
an original story and I think that's just it's so fun to be a part of that
well what kind of music are you into a different direction here me I'm into
like all kinds like I I'm not a huge
like music music guy like my thing has always been pros like I've always been much more instant books and interested
in like reading but in terms of music like I like everything from like you know teeny bopper silly pop songs and
then all the way down to like I love Dylan I love Joni Mitchell I love like Jim
Croce I love Simon & Garfunkel I love a lot of old folk stuff as well
I'm not really into like rap and hip-hop and stuff like that although I admire
like a lot of the technique but it's just not really my thing I like more melodic stuff but yeah I'm kind of all
over the map I have a very terrible taste like you know I like a nice Carly Rae Jepsen song every now and again I
don't have like a good Bob Dylan taste as well so I'm all over the map nice so I always I always jokingly tell
these guys in different videos I'm like a late 80s Early 90s was like the peak of human civilization we can probably
just end it now yeah I kind of agree except for fashion choices maybe man
late eighties fashion whoo that stuff's pretty grim yeah yeah yeah it was kind
of I gotta keep my hair so damn long it's crazy it's like really annoying in
the summer in the 80s we had parachute pants and New Yorkers yeah exactly
MC Hammer that stuff yeah a good time for fashion but it I was more into like
heavy metal yeah I still listen to all that stuff anthrax and Judas Priest yeah I mean I love the original Black Sabbath
album is like I think one of the greatest albums of all time that there's some great metal stuff that I love so
you said you know you have to travel back and forth a lot you also said you
guys before we started you had some questions for me so if there's anything you want to throw
out there yeah no I was just curious about that Demma goring concept in terms of like what monsters you think fit with
that like other demon Lords or other like but I guess like and it's so funny
like my my interest in the slide or those reptilian creatures but I guess those guys are not on the same plane as
the demon Lords right yeah not really but they're on their own thing but you
know now like was that an easter egg oh
no III really I don't know about no it's not an easter egg but I just loved that
that world of like limbo where it's like chaotic neutral like I love the idea of
a chaotic world that's neutral as well but that is not a season two spoiler i I
just myself am fascinated by that stuff but I've had various in terms of the
theories because I see a lot of theories floating around about what that new spider monster might be that you see in
the distance what that Bay you know Red Storm creature might be and you know I was just curious in terms of
your D&D expertise if you if you know of any like who's above the demo Gorgon
like who's the ultimate ruler of the the hell realm or whatever the realm is so
in hell like if you had to pick an ultimate ruler it'd be Asmodeus like it's really easy house easy because
they're very organized okay right but but the abyss is a lot harder because
they all have their own like place yeah yeah because because there's no rhyme or reason everyone is always fighting for
power over everyone else and that's the same in hell but in hell there's a structure right and you have to work
your way through the ranks and and you know you kind of know where you are and you know who you have to beat but in
hell there's no rules of engagement it's you know it's a free-for-all I mean I know in in the best it's a free-for-all
so it's every man for himself and however you can make it happen alright interesting so yes so they I mean they
did drop the fissile Hydra right you know so that's that's a clue somewhere as I'm sure
and then then there is like are they really going by D&D mythology at all anyway and they just throwing stuff out
there right exactly exactly well you guys will have to find out I can't I
can't say anything else but it is it will be very exciting to see what you discover on season 2 what
we're up against it's pretty gnarly stuff oh yeah I was you my wife watched
the whole series the her and the kids watched it together just before the cruise they they were they were prepping
yeah it's a funny show where it's like kids can enjoy it like kids are like 13 and then like people that are like in
their sixties come up to me on the street and say they love it and like men and women you know it's got like it's
got so many different colors to it that I think everyone can find sort of an into the show and I'm really proud of
that um so what's adding the spiders are red herring so the spiders are red
herring yeah yeah we will see ladies and we will see if it's a red herring so and
then we're gonna have we're gonna have to de-ice hopper and then what we did at you so you can check
it out do we do we do a bunch of different uh fictional characters a lot of superheroes and oh cool and you know
different things from literature people you know people suggest them and if it's something we're familiar with will
absolutely do it they always try to get us to like video games and anime that we don't watch well I hope I have high
stats but thank you man I gotta take off
I'm running late but uh it's good talking to you that was really fun thank
you chat good thank you guys for watching and I hope you guys enjoy season 2 and thanks for all the hopper
love absolutely thanks for taking time out and hanging with us and you know
ever staying off for so long I know you said 20 minutes but I got like double no really not into it I love it I
appreciate it very much David thank you brother take care you know you guys out there until next time stay nerdy


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...

hey guys they from the urkki for nerds by nerds and today I'm hanging out with a celebrity nerd named in harbor and
we're gonna be just you know shooting the [ __ ] talking about D&D I got him for
for a brief window here so like I was just telling him I was just telling
David off-air that I found out that he plays Dean Dee because we did the fantasy cruise we've given away a cabin
and it was so cool because one of our winners had gotten picked it as asked a
question and she had asked the kids about if they had ever played D&D and her like no but we were kind of
interesting when we check it out you know maybe they were maybe they weren't but David threw them all under the
busses like I play a game every I don't know if he said you play the game every week or you run a game every week but
you had threw out an invitation for him to play some day and day yeah exactly yeah I ran a campaign I was at the
Emperor campaign this was like a couple years ago though because my schedule got so busy we had to and like all my
friends have like weird schedules and so we we started and we were actually doing Pathfinder you ever you planning a
Pathfinder a little bit that was like a weird time for us where you know 50 or
they went in the fourth edition we played a little bit of that and Emily were in ER we just got into a super
girls kick and we totally went in the mutants of masterminds okay and by the time we were coming back the addition
was coming out and as as the old the older I get the less I want crunch and
the more rules light systems I tend to go towards now wait you you like more
rules light systems I do I do actually which is just more freeform like more I
think think a D and E versus yeah Pathfinder okay yeah yeah I mean cuz we started up
cuz I hadn't played in years and my friends were like apparently the new system at that point wasn't very good or
people weren't happy with it they thought it had been more action-oriented or it sort of went along with World of
Warcraft or something they weren't happy with the D&D system at the time and he said Pathfinder was better so we started
like getting all those books and like starting a campaign but it was crazy man like I got
tremendous respect for a good Dungeon Master which I am NOT because it is a very hard job because maybe it's cuz my
friends are all jerks or something but like you set up this entire campaign and you're trying to guide them toward a
certain action then like all they want to do is like go explore some kind of drama with some orc in the corner of the
tavern Ursula and I have to like come up with a whole new mugging plan for them and it's uh it was awful it was quite a
disaster and also like the idea that like as an actor I mean you're constantly trying to play characters but
as a DM you're basically playing like a thousand characters like just sort of doing all the voices and all this stuff
and so I have great respect for people that are able to do that sophisticatedly
because I was not one of those people yeah Brian's gates in the chat there DM
is like herding cats exactly that's a lot of stuff we try and touch on on our channel too is like this whole idea of
writing out these elaborate campaigns and and mapping everything out for players is a waste your time because
it's because as soon as you as soon as everyone hits the table you might as well dump some gasoline on your notes
and throw match I didn't realize that but that isn't it you know what it's
it's it's what we all have to learn and go through and really like this is like Golden Age for playing role-playing
games like just like me I'm sure you will start when you're younger and there is no resources like
you know maybe a friend had an older brother you know or a sister that played and that's how you started yeah we had
like I was in kind of um I guess it was like fifth grade or fourth grade we had like an advanced placement teacher we
take like eight courses with him and he ran a campaign after school for like
three hours on Thursday afternoons I think our parents who pay like I don't know like 50 bucks a month for us to
play in this campaign and that's where I really fell in love with it he was really good like he would come up with his own campaigns and like you know we
got to multi class and like come up with sort of minions and he had all these different ideas so that's where I really
fell in love with it that was really my beginnings that was the old system in that was the
advanced D&D system the old Gary Gygax like the old monster manual and so I
actually got a reprint of that stuff a couple years ago there's like some
reprints of the original systems like deities and demigods that book and the
monster the old monster manual the old dm's guide the old player's guide and those are great like I love all the old
art in them like all the weird drawing some one that will be really good some of they'll be really horrible and all
the different gods in the way where they went into it it was you know it's a really cool game what actually one of
the guys that was on the cruise and we actually met him there he actually lives in your hometown now Brian Stoneman he
did the plastic galaxy documentary about Star Wars collectibles and action
figures but he's currently working on AI of the beholder the art of day and day oh wow yeah I think we're expecting it
out sometime next year but yeah that might be right up your alley and he's like you know he's interviewing every all the artists from
you know the original game all the way up to the current edition wow that's
super cool yeah I used to love all those old drawings and like that stuff was so
great yeah yeah you oh you know you
always hear these all these great stories about you know people talking about the art people buying the books
and not even know what the game is they just you know it was the only place for them to get a book of monsters like that
yeah yeah I felt like you know it was super cool about those old games too which I don't know if it exists so much
because I feel like now games are based much more in action but what I really loved about the old D&D games were like
the emotional connections or the relationship connections or just like hanging out in a tavern and like doing
weird story stuff that wasn't based on like you know killing monsters and so
when you did kill a monster was maybe like 30% of the campaign but most of the campaign was spent like negotiating your
histories with various races and like your tensions and even like political
tensions and things like that which I think it's so much more unique about a game like methan you know I feel like a
lot of stuff has gone into video games now where it's like all action and there's so little of that you know I felt like
D&D was such a human game in that way like you could really explore personalities of character and stuff and
so I love that aspect of the game yeah in one of the last sessions I ran a
couple of my characters had kind of like been taken in by this old widow and they
like returned from town from one of their adventures to the news that she'd passed away and her like trying to think
of like all this in-game stuff they can do but it just turned out she was old you know so they have to you know they
end up inheriting this state and they have to do a funeral and of course you know I had like demons and stuff show up
and zombie show up in the funeral because but yeah it's that kind of stuff that is a you know a lot of fun that we
can introduce into the game the human element interacting with people telling
these these cooperative stories and I feel like now more than ever like when I
used to play growing up as a teenager in a tween you would have that DM like like
you're talking about would that would plot everything out for you and just kind of go along with that story but it really has evolved from from that
point where we all share the story and kind of create it together yeah and I
love the like I love the complexity of the world because there's um you know even with the gods and the different
planes like you know limbo on the chaotic neutral side and then there's
like that mechanistic ordered world on the neutral side and then there's like Hades and all these different like the
mythos is so wide and huge and I always found that fascinating like with always
some little aspect that you can go into that you had known about and there's just so much lore there it was so cool
so I I thought I had let the guys on on our patron oh you'd be coming on and so
I said if it had any questions and we could get to them or whatever and her D&D related I would throw them out there
so Tom Donovan wanted to know what we from pre third edition what was your
favorite class or archetype of character to play I mean I guess when I first
started playing I love the cleric class um you know I I
think it's such a I guess it's different than a paladin but it's something where it's like these guys who would just you
know carry like a book and a mace and had like healing spells and stuff I got kind of where warriors of the light and
I like the whole religious mythos of those guys and sort of their passion and and I also love the idea of those guys
where they couldn't party with like evil members or like even neutral members they had personality issues with like if
you weren't on that sort of team with the cleric like he'd have a lot of issues with you so I like that
complexity with them but I really was like a um a cleric guy or like a warrior
guy I never really got into the like mage class the wizard class or the
theit's class like I always felt like they were too sort of weak in the beginning like they would just
ultimately get slaughtered until they got to higher levels and they would just destroy things but like when they were
they always had like eight hit points or something and they'd always get killed immediately so I was never into like those classes yeah whatever
one of the guys we used to play with you stories talk about his necromancer of Doom and he was like a fourth or fifth
level wizard you know but we finished that game any of like 15 hit points guys
are like glass cannons I always hated those good fifth edition is a little
more forgiving it's got a little bit easier they they give them a few more hit points and and they have you know
more spells that they can cast regarding like back in the day you cast you cast magic missile which is probably gonna be
your one star and like you were done for the day yeah or like burning hands was like another one right and then you were
like you had like two spells a day or something then you had to go study your books yeah they seemed wildly
inefficient as opposed to some guy with a mace who I you know who could really like take action yeah the earlier
addition dishes was really tough for getting that wizard off the levels but then once you got there you were like a
god mm-hmm and I feel like I feel like especially early on like dragon lands
did a lot for characters one the play Wizards Raceland Machir yeah and his brother was
like the warrior right yep and here that all's yeah I remember I read all those books those Margaret Weis
and Tracy Hicks books or whatever dragons of autumn something and Dragons of spring something yeah those books
were great and the Raceland was a really cool character yeah yeah that is probably that's probably the second
series I read after of Lord of the Rings yeah and did they had their own campaign
in the D&D universe as well like they came out with the the sort of Dragonlance campaign right they did have
one it had one of the best covers I think in the in the game for a for a while and then you keep referencing the
cleric and Deedee's and demigods was like what am i probably that's my favorite book to flip through yeah I
love those like all those I still can look through those different Norma thought oh jeez like the Norse gods and
the Egyptian gods and on stuff and I loved the art of those things and that
was great when like we'd sometime start campaigns where you characters would be like level 30 or something and they'd
all like fight like Odin and so it was all ridiculous like it didn't have any sort of grounding but like the idea that
like Odin had like 400 hit points and like certain kind of savings then you'd go up against him like I love that sort
of stuff too that was super cool right and in that book there was only like five gods that had straight twenty fives
for their stats and it was like Odin and Zeus and I don't remember what the other three were but you know it is very
limited and of course as nerds like it goes back to are you familiar with Noah
at Wyler no spoonie well he's another he's a comedian and YouTube personality
but yeah is yeah he's kind of known for saying if you stat it don't kill it and
that's exactly the truth because you know you can't put Cthulhu stats out
anywhere because then the players are looking looking to kill them right exactly
yeah exactly how long did you play Pathfinder for um we played for like six
months you know and we got this book like there's a campaign book called rise of the rune Lords which is like a pretty
specified like campaign and so that's the camp we played we had all the books and
everything but then I went through systematically like the rise of the rune Lords thing and that was the thing where I kept trying to steer my characters to
play this version like they had to go fight these orcs and these things and like they never would they'd always just
wind up like staying in the end and deciding to go to some city that I didn't know anything about like either but that campaign that campaign is
pretty cool and like I remember in Chapter two there was like these haunt
things where like your character goes into this house and like they'd be haunted by various figures and I thought
that was a really cool mechanic like they all had specific psychological haunts that would affect them in combat
and stuff like that and it was a really detailed interesting world but we we
only got to explore like a little bit of it and then all our schedule sort of got messed up it also did sound like your
players were interested in staying yeah yeah exactly yeah they wouldn't fight the monsters
that I want them to fight it was the point that's great no no good no good
gaming session survives first contact with the players this is the way it is
what was it what was it like for stranger things that have so much Obama revolving around a indeed for you like
did you know that going in yeah because when I first read the script like you
know one of the first scenes is all those kids in the basement playing D&D and you know the duffer's are like big
D&D nerds and I I am as well and so like even you know it's funny because we had
a conversation on set where I didn't I forgot that the demagogue in was an
actual monster in the Monster Manual like I thought they were confusing it
with some other demon guy and they brought it up like they brought in the
man who only had the page and they were like no look here the stats and everything and like the demo Gorgon is
an actual he is an actual demon like he huh he's in like the nine plains of Hell
or something now their best yep he was just recently featured in one of the
newer modules actually called out of the best okay that like the plains of Hades where
those guys the Devils exist so Devils are how okay and demons are the abyss
and is the abyss neutral or evil evil and they're both evil just what is chaos
and evil and one is lawful and evil okay so which is lawful and evil the hell
realm ooh yeah yeah Devils teeth tend to
be more about corrupting people through choice where you know where demons are
just all-out evil yeah that this module was really interesting in that it features a lot of the demon Lords and I
think at one point like they all fight oh that's cool and like I think the
players kind of have to like survive the fighting of the demons yeah I got really into in terms of those planes and stuff
I'm really kind of interested in this skull what is it this slab or the limbo plane that's like a sonic neutral or
whatever where like gravity doesn't exist those will rear reptilian beings that like the slab is that what they're
called they're the SCAD or something to slam it yeah they are like these frog demons that that they didn't have a limo
and limbo is what do they call it the howling plane that so yeah the new
Monster Manual right here and they're also the new monster manuals are the new books really they really had the feel of
the the old books because the pages are falling out of them just like late night in the second printing of the first
edition yeah there's the death sled like those are like the higher ones right and
there's like red and blue and yeah yeah
I just like a place of like chaotic neutral like this idea that it's not
good or bad it's just complete chaos like it has no I love that realm but
it's like my question for you would be like in terms of because you sort of put characters together right we do all
kinds of stuff so in of like a demagogue in-world or a demagogue and campaign like let's talk
about stranger things is like a demo gorgon campaign like you have a party that fights like the last boss is like a
demo gorgon right so I'd be curious to hear your theories cuz I'm not gonna
tell you anything but your theories in terms of in the next campaign if these
characters were to fight other creatures from that world what would be a step up
from the demagogue on like what would be another monster that might or another devil that might inhabit the universe of
that demagogue and it might be period to him or a general of his or like what
what would you put in that campaign well for one I don't know what the hell those kids are gonna do if it's a step up from
you know the creature from the upside down because that thing was pretty nasty of its own we actually do a series where
we where we D&D eyes monsters and we did do the creature from the upside down
well you did absolutely yeah I don't actually remember what we did at
this point though because it was right after we had been binge watched stranger things
but yeah so so it's definitely like the upside down is like this kind of like shadow roam right joins you know this
world the prime Material Plane which I loved like the you know the the teacher yo explaining to the kids how this all
works like in theory and they're actually like doing this yeah so so like
you can even turn out right the creature from the upside down isn't like anything but maybe there's more of them so so it
could be you know the whole race of them obviously like shat like so this is this plane its shadow you know 11 is
obviously psychic so that and that's what drew the creature so there must be some kind of
psychic connection right with them and you know maybe yeah it could even be
that like maybe there are like a hive mind which would be pretty wild and
crazy I can reveal nothing to you but I
I actually have no theories I just go in enjoy it I am and I'm also like the
worst movie critic because I don't cuz I because I have like no taste like I just watch enjoy be more like that's that
movie was terrible I don't know I liked it yeah did you see yeah did you see the
trailer for season 2 the Superbowl trailer let's say you know I don't know
if I did or not there's uh um they it's it was like a little trailer we put out for the Superbowl it just has like
little clips of this season different things that we have and there's one where we'll is standing at a doorway and
as he looks out the doorway the sky glows red and there are these lightning strikes and you see this like enormous
like spider looking being out there in the distance so there is this entity
that we kind of revealed that that exists in this world and uh you know
people have been speculating unlike whether or not it has to do with the these'll Hydra talked about in last
season at the end of last season or or what it really is but um but that's just
interesting to me in terms of the lore of D&D like what what cuz the demagogue
in in dungeons dragons is like a devil right like he's a demon mm-hmm and so
you have like other ranks of demons right do you remember like where the demagogue and fits in those ranks like
you thought he was pretty high up he ever Corrigan Demi Corrigan and orcas were two rivals and they're like the top
okay what's orcas orcas is like orcas is just another demon lord and like his
purview is on death and undead okay lord of ghouls someone's dropping the theory
of loft in the chat wow what is that Spider Queen right yes yes yeah I
remember fighting loft when I was a kid yeah I locked the Spider Queen I mean I
don't know man like that thing if you've seen the trailer that thing looks a little bigger than law but but I like I
like what it does it does have a spider like quality to it yeah it's pretty pretty freaky well in in previous editions loft was
just one of the demon Lords oh really I heard - was like a spider queen or something no she was actually yes she
eventually they eventually elevated her to a god she's one of the Susan's the god of the drow right right right okay
yeah so I actually I'm pretty sure I did see the trailer but I just data dumps since then right right right yeah my
brain is like now the new Star Wars trailer or the Ragnarok you're right
there's a lot of about there well what are you excited for I mean in terms of
this season man it's gonna be great like I'm really excited for you guys to see it we really have kind of like upped our
game in terms of the world expanding and
there's a lot of new mysteries that were able to start to play out in this season
like we you know we didn't know that we'd be a hit show like we were making a season last year and we didn't even know
if we get a season two we didn't know if people would like it so you know we had our story sort of self-contained with
these little pieces of cliffhangers like Elevens Rhian sand you know hoppers sort
of in with the the lab sort of stuff so
but we didn't know how big our series would be so in terms of this season we're able to know that we have I think
a couple more seasons ahead of us and so we start to create a really broader palette I mean it related to D&D it's
like if you have a campaign right and suddenly your campaign is like alright I can start to lay in this pipe that won't
be completely solved by the end of season two I can start to lay in these
characters or these monsters or these beings for these things that won't pay off until further down the road and so
they're creating we're creating our own sort of mythos around this universe and
the brothers have this document about the upside down this like huge document where they know all about it but we've
really only teased in season one just a little bit of it so we start to really go into this bigger world about what the
up side-down is what it means what its significance is what exists in it
whether or not it it has sort of sentience or like what it you know what
it's there to do and that's like exciting so we have like a rip-roaring
story for season two and yet we also are
able to start to like get even bigger and so there are things that are gonna
pay off like way further down the line and also like we're able to go a lot further into character which I'm really
excited about like hopper starts to get to reveal a lot more things about
himself and a lot more a lot more of really who he is which we started to
touch on and we start to see with his daughter and like you know his sort of reemergence into like becoming a man
again and like sort of reawakening but we start to sort of see more about who he is as a man in this season and that's
really exciting and also like I know a lot of the payoff if we're able to continue and do more seasons in terms of
where he's going so it's really fun you know it's it's a really fun world to
play and it's really exciting and it's amazing to be able to get to do something that is so exciting
cinematically and sci-fi and like monster movie and also has such heart to it and such soul and I feel like you
know are you so rarely you get that both those things in a TV show like you either get one or the other and I like
both of those things but when you put them together like it's just it's just like a dream come true it's a great it's
a great experience yes
yeah get some wasn't there before
might be my and my Internet's not so great something say it's okay it's going
down that was weird but yeah like when when the season ended like my concern was is are they self-contained seasons
where okay is it going to be a new slicking almost like an anthology we each season boo and I would hate to see
the characters go away because everyone that you guys all did such an awesome job and and you know what these
characters well they're adults and way the adults are so wonderfully broken yeah exactly yeah that's my whole thing
is like we're all you know I like to play guys you know I'm TV I think you
see a lot of heroic individuals or people that are so capable even in these comic book universes and stuff and I
really like to play people like myself that are broken and messed up and you know we're just trying to get by but who
are able to sort of take heroic actions amidst that and kind of grow and so that's been really exciting
um and you know it was originally structured we didn't know whether we'd
have be an anthology like American Horror Story or something where people play different roles and you do different things but I think we are so
in love with the characters and I think people fall in love with the characters and the writers and the dumpers and
everything too that we didn't want to let them go and like we want to explore them and there is so much more to
explore with these people so I think season will still have its own self-contained nature like you'll still
see a story and you'll be satisfied at the end but you'll still start to
unravel these characters more and more so so they can pay off further and further down the line and that's you
know so you have the kind of best of both worlds if you see me laughing or whatever it's because I'm kind of like poking around in a chat to someone else
someone else a great question I gotta ask what was your favorite hopper punch
yeah yeah I love them all so much I love them all so much I mean you know it was
funny like the one that we really kind of defined the character as was there's
the one where I go in the morgue and the guy won't let me in and I say like I
make up some excuse about like no I know ban and a mullah and he goes like I don't work for him and I just instead of
saying something I just pop him and I we you know we actually talked I think at one point the conversation with Netflix
was like Kent hopper like outsmart this guy like isn't there something that he can do that's like charming or
intelligent and they were like no it's just funny man he just punches people that began the whole hopper punch thing
and I love that about him is like he just gets frustrated at a certain point he's just gotta pop people so I think
that was my favorite the one in the morgue thank you for the question yeah I thought that was pretty funny I thought we would
never see you like have you guys even seen the character have you read it like we base them on iconic things like
Indiana Jones who like you know that great sequence where the sword guy comes out and prays law started doing all this
stuff and he just pulls a gun and shoots him like like that were that we loved in those older movies so we wanted to bring
some of that to him just that brute you know funny way of approaching a situation so so one of our patreon 7d
system has a question for you that uh oh thank you for the Tammy thank you so
much for the super chat much appreciated asked was there any was
there any resistance to putting D&D into the narrative of the story from from anyone um I don't think so it was sort
of integral to the whole thing because it was an 80's based story and uh and I
think because these guys are such fans of like horror and fantasy worlds and that's what our world is and because
it's a way that these kids interpret the sci-fi insanity that's going on around them and will continue to in season two
like they continue to you know it's sort of a fun thing for these characters to
have this world that you know the adults are all like this is crazy what are you talking about and they're like no no we
understand this like this is where we live and so there wasn't really resistance it was all you know it was
all sort of integral to the story and I don't think the story would work without it so you're getting a lot at you're
getting a lot of love in in the chat right now he awesome and they absolutely
love the hybrid monster yeah I love him - I love him too he's so funny so weird
strange kind of fat love him because
he's like a real dude they now Marcus is
Newark he's got a Dean die and Dean the eyes popper we could absolutely do that I bring that up yeah I wonder what is
armored glasses and his hip stuff you know what's funny there was uh there's a game
there's just came hearthstone that Blizzard puts out where they have like cards and stuff and a couple fans put
out some hearthstone cards and chief hopper had one and he wasn't that powerful I was a little bit disappointed
I feel like I'm gonna get sober for successive seasons so you can get a little bit stronger up his hit points
his saving throws and stuff it would be really fun to see a campaign I saw some art online too where they they mapped
out like 11 as a mage character like Lucas is like a thief character will as
as the wizard as like a fireball with throwing wizard and all these do it would be really fun to see people like
take that to the extreme and see how you could create a stranger things campaign I've seen people do like little video
games I've even seen people do like those choose-your-own-adventure old books they write like certain chapters
from that and it's like if you decide to do this like turn to page this so it would be really cool to see a stranger
things campaign for season one that would be really fun I would be tweet me that if you guys have ideas about that
that's that's a great idea that could be thing we might do make that happen so there's a couple character ideas
popping up rock hopper rock what do you guys got let me see we got drunk drunken master yeah and we
have a gunslinger nice both those apply very well so I don't know like how much
of a Redemption arc I would really want to see with hopper like I don't know if I want the character to change barbarian was popping up yeah I like all it's them
no it's true I mean you know I think that like I think hopper at the end of
the day does have an unresolved tragedy in his life and I don't want that ever
to be played down or ever to be completely resolved and while he does have a reawakening at the end of that
season when he saves will his daughter is still dead and he still has a lot of
remorse and guilt about that which you'll start to understand more of as the seasons go on and that stuff is real
that stuff never goes away and you can't just make himself feel better so I don't want complete redemption for
operators they're also talking about different feats tavern brawl you're
absolutely right Tamara where is a P in fifth edition that basically lets you attack unarmed and be better I'd also
use improvised weapons yeah especially when he has a couple beers in him
absolutely yes I'll buy like what eight nine in the morning exactly exactly very early on raft he
brushes his teeth he started to drink it yeah the eighties nostalgia in that
movie was so good plus and all the throw backs to them from you know from film and TV at that time as well yeah I love
that era I mean I think that we you know all the movie it kind of came out of
that era and all the yeah even the television shows like even stuff like
Columbo is looking back like different shows and stuff I just love that era I think it was a really kind of a golden
age for movies and TV and so we're trying to recapture some of that by using so the same lexicon while telling
an original story and I think that's just it's so fun to be a part of that
well what kind of music are you into a different direction here me I'm into
like all kinds like I I'm not a huge
like music music guy like my thing has always been pros like I've always been much more instant books and interested
in like reading but in terms of music like I like everything from like you know teeny bopper silly pop songs and
then all the way down to like I love Dylan I love Joni Mitchell I love like Jim
Croce I love Simon & Garfunkel I love a lot of old folk stuff as well
I'm not really into like rap and hip-hop and stuff like that although I admire
like a lot of the technique but it's just not really my thing I like more melodic stuff but yeah I'm kind of all
over the map I have a very terrible taste like you know I like a nice Carly Rae Jepsen song every now and again I
don't have like a good Bob Dylan taste as well so I'm all over the map nice so I always I always jokingly tell
these guys in different videos I'm like a late 80s Early 90s was like the peak of human civilization we can probably
just end it now yeah I kind of agree except for fashion choices maybe man
late eighties fashion whoo that stuff's pretty grim yeah yeah yeah it was kind
of I gotta keep my hair so damn long it's crazy it's like really annoying in
the summer in the 80s we had parachute pants and New Yorkers yeah exactly
MC Hammer that stuff yeah a good time for fashion but it I was more into like
heavy metal yeah I still listen to all that stuff anthrax and Judas Priest yeah I mean I love the original Black Sabbath
album is like I think one of the greatest albums of all time that there's some great metal stuff that I love so
you said you know you have to travel back and forth a lot you also said you
guys before we started you had some questions for me so if there's anything you want to throw
out there yeah no I was just curious about that Demma goring concept in terms of like what monsters you think fit with
that like other demon Lords or other like but I guess like and it's so funny
like my my interest in the slide or those reptilian creatures but I guess those guys are not on the same plane as
the demon Lords right yeah not really but they're on their own thing but you
know now like was that an easter egg oh
no III really I don't know about no it's not an easter egg but I just loved that
that world of like limbo where it's like chaotic neutral like I love the idea of
a chaotic world that's neutral as well but that is not a season two spoiler i I
just myself am fascinated by that stuff but I've had various in terms of the
theories because I see a lot of theories floating around about what that new spider monster might be that you see in
the distance what that Bay you know Red Storm creature might be and you know I was just curious in terms of
your D&D expertise if you if you know of any like who's above the demo Gorgon
like who's the ultimate ruler of the the hell realm or whatever the realm is so
in hell like if you had to pick an ultimate ruler it'd be Asmodeus like it's really easy house easy because
they're very organized okay right but but the abyss is a lot harder because
they all have their own like place yeah yeah because because there's no rhyme or reason everyone is always fighting for
power over everyone else and that's the same in hell but in hell there's a structure right and you have to work
your way through the ranks and and you know you kind of know where you are and you know who you have to beat but in
hell there's no rules of engagement it's you know it's a free-for-all I mean I know in in the best it's a free-for-all
so it's every man for himself and however you can make it happen alright interesting so yes so they I mean they
did drop the fissile Hydra right you know so that's that's a clue somewhere as I'm sure
and then then there is like are they really going by D&D mythology at all anyway and they just throwing stuff out
there right exactly exactly well you guys will have to find out I can't I
can't say anything else but it is it will be very exciting to see what you discover on season 2 what
we're up against it's pretty gnarly stuff oh yeah I was you my wife watched
the whole series the her and the kids watched it together just before the cruise they they were they were prepping
yeah it's a funny show where it's like kids can enjoy it like kids are like 13 and then like people that are like in
their sixties come up to me on the street and say they love it and like men and women you know it's got like it's
got so many different colors to it that I think everyone can find sort of an into the show and I'm really proud of
that um so what's adding the spiders are red herring so the spiders are red
herring yeah yeah we will see ladies and we will see if it's a red herring so and
then we're gonna have we're gonna have to de-ice hopper and then what we did at you so you can check
it out do we do we do a bunch of different uh fictional characters a lot of superheroes and oh cool and you know
different things from literature people you know people suggest them and if it's something we're familiar with will
absolutely do it they always try to get us to like video games and anime that we don't watch well I hope I have high
stats but thank you man I gotta take off
I'm running late but uh it's good talking to you that was really fun thank
you chat good thank you guys for watching and I hope you guys enjoy season 2 and thanks for all the hopper
love absolutely thanks for taking time out and hanging with us and you know
ever staying off for so long I know you said 20 minutes but I got like double no really not into it I love it I
appreciate it very much David thank you brother take care you know you guys out there until next time stay nerdy
Thanks. "Dean Dee" lol

Man that's great for the guys! I'm a longtime friend of the Nerdarchy dudes and have interviewed on their channel before. So cool they've taken off like this!

Voidrunner's Codex

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