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Neverwinter Nights MMO Rumour

Dire Bare

Well, BG2 and its expansions were based on 2e rules even during the 3.x era, and while I'd have to check on it, I think they took place, time-wise prior to 3.x (though there wasn't a time jump or massive changes to the world between 2e and 3e, so not much difference really as much as a 3e to 4e transition).

I think you're right . . . but BG2 was obviously a sequel to BG1 which was a 2e based game. And if I remember correctly, development on BG2 was well underway before 3e was released.

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Dire Bare

Given recent developments, I think the question might be: can the current one manage to survive?

Possibly. But I think the current game, DDO Eberron, is a good example of a good game that keeps chugging along while not offering any serious threat to WoW. Naysayers (and I am not saying you are) have been predicting the death of DDO since it released, and it's still here!

The addition of a free-to-play option next month is intriguing. I would think if the game was raking in the millions they'd hesitate to shake things up like that, but I don't think this new pricing structure is an indicator of a game in trouble.

I'm excited, personally. I can only afford to pay for one MMO at a time (which is currently WoW), but I do love the DDO game and would like to get back to it!

If the potential new NWN MMO is a rocking game, and if DDO continues to improve, it's possible for both to survive . . . but chances are the older game will fade away . . .

Dire Bare

Given recent developments, I think the question might be: can the current one manage to survive?

I also think, regardless if we get one or two games down the road, that WotC needs to better cross-promote.

If you visit the World of Warcraft homepage, you can't avoid seeing links and blurbs about the trading card game, the collectible miniature game, and other licensed stuff.

If you visit the D&D homepage, you'd never know that DDO: Eberron exists!

Sometimes makes me wish Blizzard would buy WotC! They really know how to build a brand!


An MMO. Yay. Ah, well, Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 are coming. And Bethesda will spit something cool out soon, I'm sure.


An MMO. Yay. Ah, well, Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 are coming. And Bethesda will spit something cool out soon, I'm sure.

Except Dragon Age is getting slammed hard at E3. No more free rides for Bioware, it seems. :p

Surprisingly enough, Alpha Protocol seems to be received very well. Looks like no more auto hate against Obsidian to go with it.

get the Circle of 8 patch for TOEE, it makes it into a truly astounding game, best D&D game ever, or at least, since Eye of the Beholder (which holds a spot close to my heart :p)

I agree with what has been said that TOEE had by far the best interface ever, for a D&D game, what makes Neverwinter Nights suck, in one area, and TOEE shine, is that fact that D&D can ONLY be played properly in a turn based way.
You simply cannot run the good tactics of D&D in NWN, it happens ot fast, where as in TOEE, my fighter/rogue with spiked chain and Combat Reflexes, I can position to cause havoc on moving enemies, muhaha! ;) You simply cannot do that in "real time" games

Yes Nevewinter seems destroyed in 4th ed, ugh!!! But I'd rather have a 4th ed game, sorry ;)
Computer games do take the drudgery out of 3.5 ed though, which is why TOEE is so damn good. I'm very happy for the CPU to work out all the blasted rules, and let me have fun :)
4th ed games woudl have to be turn based, folk need ot avoid this "youngsters haven't the patience for turn based games" mentality, as many turn based games are still played and iirc, the Japanese don't mind them at all, showing there's a market for them.

By the way, TOEE has one massive flaw I don't know if the CO8 has yet fixed: it's die roller is, or was broken, it was heavily weighted to low rolls for the PCs (seriously)

I loved playing D&D Online, it has the BEST gameplay of any MMO I've played, not just because I'm a D&D fanatic, lol, but because it wasn't the usual insanely stupid "wait until a mob spawns and kill it!" garbage, yeesh, and in DDO you could use good tactics.
The smell of Symbol of Charming, Mind Fog and dead, burned gnolls in the morning, it smells like...XP!! :devil:
I miss playing with Cashiry etc, sigh, alas, DDO was ruined by one thing: lack of content! It really needed 4 new dungeons every 2 weeks, at least.


get the Circle of 8 patch for TOEE, it makes it into a truly astounding game, best D&D game ever, or at least, since Eye of the Beholder (which holds a spot close to my heart

Thanks! I'll do that.

It was indeed an awesome game, but literally unplayable for me since I could never progress past certain points without the game crashing every time I got there. And as far as I could tell, none of those bugs were ever fixed by the few official patches that were released.

If I can finally finish the game, you'll have made me a very happy person. :)

My pleasure! :)

Troika made 2 of the best games, ever, IMHO, but both horribly bug ridden and fan's have made fixes for them, the other being Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.

The CO8 patch also adds back in content that was not showing, like, ahem, the cathouse, and a section with drow.
You run the patched verison, after install, from a new starting icon, which runs a loader, you can set it so you can have 6 PCs, instead of 4 PCs and 2 NPCs, and other stuff.
They added in children NPCs (cut out for German version, omg...) who you can ask in Hommlet for information on what the new patch does (a really nice touch!)

It's MUCH less bugged, but also a bit tougher in parts, as the enemy is "better", or ones that were missed out are put back in.
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Cryptic Studios, according the the rumour? Really? They are working on two MMOs already (the stuck-in-development-hell Star Trek MMO they got from Perpetual and Champions) - and now they are supposed to work on a third one?

Sure, CoH/CoV were pretty good - but working on three big time projects sounds a bit over-ambitious. :erm:

If this rumour is true, they are either that good and it will be an absolutely great game... or it will end in tears.

Cheers, LT.

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