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Have you been noticing any kind of time delay with the links on the Document Outline or the right hand scroll bar on the PDF? curious With the Document Outline, I would click on a link, and then have to wait a couple of seconds for it to take me to the start of the section I want to look at. As for the scroll bar, the same time delay has resulted in me sometimes overshooting a page, and then trying to nudge it back .

The problem seems to reside in the MoAR: Complete PDF as I didn't experience any kind of time delay in another PDF on my computer.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Have you been noticing any kind of time delay with the links on the Document Outline or the right hand scroll bar on the PDF? curious With the Document Outline, I would click on a link, and then have to wait a couple of seconds for it to take me to the start of the section I want to look at. As for the scroll bar, the same time delay has resulted in me sometimes overshooting a page, and then trying to nudge it back .

The problem seems to reside in the MoAR: Complete PDF as I didn't experience any kind of time delay in another PDF on my computer.
The sheer size of it is probably the culprit; there are some lower-res versions in the downloads (look for the 72p files) that should hopefully render a bit faster.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
That said: I have also been made aware of a bookmarks issue with one of the files, so I'll be reviewing that this evening and I'll see if I can do anything to speed up the rendering while I'm at it.

What I really liked in the Elementalist class was the Control Element and Improved Control Element. I could see they were based off of the elemental cantrips in 5e. But instead of being cantrips, they were something the Elementalist could do effortlessly without the need of spell components. The indirect control element feature is very Sleight of Hands. ;) Elemental Defense was also nice simply because it got better as you leveled up. The PF1 version of Elemental Defense just sat there. 😋

I can see this class being a favorite among the Essence Dragonborn and the Genasi for obvious reasons.


I thought I was going to be here for the Elementalist, but I'm really into the Wielder. How could I have missed the obvious parallels between the Arthurian sword-in-the-stone legend and magical girls?!

In all seriousness though, I love having two very flexible character chassis to build on, it's immediately interesting to me the sheer diversity of characters that could be represented with all the options available.

Voidrunner's Codex

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