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New adventure path: Age of Worms

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frankthedm said:
So 1st level characters are not allowed to fight cool battles? i can easily think of ways to stat those things for level ones to fight them.

The worms are weak with hunger and just waking up from a death sleep. Huge with 8 HD, exhausted down to a 5 str [ +1 to hit / 2d6-3 ], barely enough dex to move and a con that leaves it with 20 or fewer Hp. [i'd bet on a CR 1 half orc barbarian]

Look at the cover again. The PCs include a drow, an LA race therefore not 1st level. :)


First Post
LeapingShark said:
Keith Baker suggested:

Diamond Lake = Sharn, City of Towers
The Spire of Long Shadows = somewhere in Q'barra
The Rift Canyon = the Goradra Gap in the Mror Holds
the Ebon Triad (who play a large role) = the Lords of Dust

Not quite...Diamond Lake will remain Diamond Lake in the conversion notes, probably set in Breland not far from Sharn (that last bit is an educated guess). Sharn will take the place of the City of Greyhawk, as a couple of the adventures will be set in that large metropolis (a nice change of pace from dungeon-based adventures).

Also, a site in the Lhazar Principalities will substitute for the Greyhawkian city of Alhaster.
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First Post
takasi said:
They didn't include the Eberron sidebar? I guess we're not running this adventure anytime soon...

We've been promised that the conversion sidebars will be posted on the Paizo site next week.


First Post
Isn't Kelek the wizard from the D&D cartoon that robbed the horns of the unicorns and tried to double-cross Venger? He who had a bunch of wolves, bald and long white beard, plus a "Ming the Merciless"-style collar?


Morrow said:
Oh, and what's coming next month?
The Three Faces of Evil by Mike Mearls

Clues discovered in Diamond Lake lead to the Black Cathedral, a forlorn chmber hidden below a local mine. There they battle teh machinations of the Ebon Triad, a cult dedicated to three vile gods. What does the Ebon Triad know about the Age of Worms, and why are they so desperate to get it started. An Age of WOrms Adventure Path scenario for 3rd level characters.

Backdrop: Denizens of Diamond Lake

WOndering who's the best liar in Dimaond Lake? Did you PCs pick a fight with Kurlag the half-ogre? Need ot convert the Age of Worms to the FOrgeotten Realms or Eberron? Looking for wandering monsters for the hills surrounding town? This article has all the crunch you'll need to run adventures based in Diamond Lake.

Pit of the Fire Lord by Andy Collins and James Wyatt

A madman hidden deep below Sharn plans to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. Can a band of heroes reach him in time to save the city from conflagration? "Pit of teh Fire Lord" is part three of the three-part "Shards of Eberron" Campaign Arc. An Eberron adventure for 6th-level characters.

Seekers of the Silver Forge by Tim Hitchcock

Strange things have long plagued fishermen's nets - but none so starange as rotting fish that twitch for days after taken from teh water, or a gilled githyanki's severed head found in a shark's belly. Do these briny omens lend credence to rumors of a sunken githyanki city caught in a necromantic civil war? Find out in this D&D adventure for 15th-level characters.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Nightfall said:
*cheers* Greyhawk FINALLY gets another Armaggedon! ;)
Hopefully, this time (if it is another one) the PCs get to participate in it, rather than be spectators before and then after the fact but not during.

I wonder if we'll get an article in the future, "Backdrop: Rift Canyon"?

Voidrunner's Codex

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