D&D 5E New Baldur's Gate 3 Video


Follower of the Way
Personally, I wouldn't mind if there are no dragonborn. After all, they include a couple of races that are not in the core rules. It's just a case of "this campaign has a curated list of playable races". Maybe dragonborn are not suitable hosts for mindflayer infestation?
The thing is, as I noted, they promised early on that everything in the PHB would be playable, and thus far they've done all except half-orc and dragonborn. Gnome was officially included in the most recent patch (patch 8), and a modder working to extend their existing expanded customization mod discovered (as I noted above) actual dragonborn heads. Further, there's several voice lines which depend on being a dragonborn--you can view them by setting a flag on your character save data marking you as a dragonborn rather than whatever race you're actually playing. It's not just a few, either; the githyanki party member, for instance, makes reference to the "blood of dragons" flowing in your veins after mentioning that there are red dragons serving Queen Vlaakith.

Further, it's not like they have no experience working with reptilian humanoids. They made Divinity: Original Sin 2, after all. The Red Prince was an excellent, fully-fleshed-out character,* and custom PC lizards were also fully playable with a distinct story.

*I love playing the Red Prince, because not only is he tied to dragons, if you choose to play him as actually noble, not just a person of noble blood, he goes through a genuine transformation, coming to understand that the slavery practiced in his homeland is wrong and that great strength can come from egalitarian unity. His dialogue with the Lady Vengeance in particular is really cool if you have the Hero tag (easily acquired by just...being a good person on the prison island.) He's also a Snark Knight, with a delightfully acerbic Brit VA.

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Follower of the Way
They did, but I don't think it matters enough to hold them to that if they don't think dragonborn fits their narrative. Things change.
It would be most odd for them to abandon newly-added voice lines, ones that have grown from one patch to another. Not totally impossible, to be sure, but if they weren't intending to do a thing, why keep investing expensive VA time and money into it, instead of just...not? Why add test renders of heads? Faces are probably the single most complicated thing to design, particularly non-human faces. It would be incredibly bizarre to keep investing resources like this into something they were even merely unsure of, let alone outright opposed to.

It would be most odd for them to abandon newly-added voice lines, ones that have grown from one patch to another. Not totally impossible, to be sure, but if they weren't intending to do a thing, why keep investing expensive VA time and money into it, instead of just...not? Why add test renders of heads? Faces are probably the single most complicated thing to design, particularly non-human faces. It would be incredibly bizarre to keep investing resources like this into something they were even merely unsure of, let alone outright opposed to.
Sure, we know they are fully capable of doing dragonborn. Ergo the most likely explanation for dragonborn not being in the trailer is they where not ready in time. So nothing to get into a flap about.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if there are no dragonborn. After all, they include a couple of races that are not in the core rules. It's just a case of "this campaign has a curated list of playable races". Maybe dragonborn are not suitable hosts for mindflayer infestation?

I'm pretty certain they will be in.

Anyways it's come to my attention that there is an outside chance that the winged flying figure might be a Battleforce Angel being imported from Guildmaster's Guild to Ravnica to the Forgotten Realms as hinted at in the Battle Angels of Tyr card, if that is the case, all bets are off.

Honestly when I saw that card, I never noticed how odd it was, how simular the name was to GMGtR's Battleforce Angels, which unlike Aasimon Angels like Devas, Planetars, and Devas, have Plate Armour right in the stat block.

This would have huge implications for D&D if the Angels of Ravnica (not including the Guildmaster of course), got imported into actual D&D settings.

I always thought Firemane Angels were a good fit for Sune and other passion, chsos, and fire based Gods, and Deathpact Angels could be fitting for Death and Evil Gods, but Battleforce Angels give them a much lower level Angels, ones that can be summoned with Conjure Celestial.
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I'm pretty certain they will be in.

Anyways it's come to my attention that there is an outside chance that the winged flying figure might be a Battleforce Angel being imported from Guildmaster's Guild to Ravnica to the Forgotten Realms as hinted at in the Battle Angels of Tyr card, if that is the case, all bets are off.

Honestly when I saw that card, I never noticed how odd it was, how simular the name was to GMGtR's Battleforce Angels, which unlike Aasimon Angels like Devas, Planetars, and Devas, have Plate Armour right in the stat block.

This would have huge implications for D&D if the Angels of Ravnica (not including the Guildmaster of course), got imported into actual D&D settings.

I always thought Firemane Angels were a good fit for Sune and other passion, chsos, and fire based Gods, and Deathpact Angels could be fitting for Death and Evil Gods, but Battleforce Angels give them a much lower level Angels, ones that can be summoned with Conjure Celestial.

So not only would they be just using the name as a cheap grab for nostalgia reasons, but now they are going to use it to import naughty word MTG into the Forgotten Realms?

Man, I cannot wait for Larian to fly Swen to my house and kick my dog next.

Look. BG3 needs to have Minsc discover he and Boo are animated statues, and not the real Minsc. He struggles with this for a while, then decides any Minsc that kicks the butt of evil is a TRUE MINSC! The real Minsc died heroically long ago, just the way he would have liked.

BOOM! You now have an immortal Minsc and Boo who can continue to cameo in games and campaigns FOREVER. They can do funny things like shatter him occasionally, and Boo can make Ship of Theseus jokes.

Sigh. Dragonborn will be in the game; they just haven't been added to the beta yet. It's the most obvious and reasonable conclusion. If this were a week before launch, all this hand-wringing would be justified, but there's still nearly a year to go, and they have been steadily adding races and classes throughout the beta. Half-orcs and dragonborn are undoubtedly the hardest to model, so them being the last to be added is a no-brainer...

So not only would they be just using the name as a cheap grab for nostalgia reasons, but now they are going to use it to import naughty word MTG into the Forgotten Realms?

Man, I cannot wait for Larian to fly Swen to my house and kick my dog next.

WotC did that, not Larian Studios, and I still don't think it's a Battleforce Angel, it's just more likely then Planetar, Solars, or Devas, I still think it's a Aasimar.

Folks keep pointing out that the wings on both of Aasimar are not spectral, they are solid, but video I just watched pointed out that Larian Studios will want to make the Aasimar visually distinct as the Tieflings are, what if the wings are permanent parts of the Aasimar model to give them a distinct look equal to the Tieflings tail & horns?

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