D&D Movie/TV New D&D movie details? Vecna?!

If you really think a D&D movie is the first step of "fixing the world," I got some bad news for you...

Just curious, I get that Drow are supposed to be based on Norse mythology... but has anyone done analysis on why medieval Norse associated dark-skinned elves with evil?
i never said it was.

Actually i consider the first step to be popularizing the ignoring of those who whine. Its already a highly successful step. Gen z hates the whining politics of millenials. As a result many of the sacred cows of millenials have died in the ears of gen z far more than most intergenerational political transitions. Ignoring petty racial squabbling is all the rage with gen z.

Lol...the movie being a step...nah...but if the drow are in it (and played by europeans as would make most sense) and the director ignores whining, it wont be a step in itself but it will be a continuation of current gen z political persuasion and a small example inside of the first step. Ignoring.

These are the politics of gen z. It is how they feel about things. Its the direction they are going. Its not racist its just apathetic to rhings too minor to care about. Like black face that isnt black face.

Also um...ancient norse didnt associate dark skinned elves with evil.

They associated evil with dark elves (among other groups of fey too) which was something they did with lots of mysterious creatures. It had nothing to do with africans of sub-saharan african ancestry. "Dark skinned elves" vs "dark elves" also means ccompletely different things. Subtle but massively signifficant difference.

Its not even related to africans and in truth wouod probabpy be best portrayed by european actors.
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I don’t care, honestly. I don’t care about tradition, or dnd races being faithful to their origins, or anything like any of that.

I am pointing out that drow have very little to do with mythological dark elves, and vanishingly few people are going to say “oh, these black face caricatures of evil matriarchy are just the svart alfar! No big deal!”

That won’t happen, is all I’m saying. The connection, even for most people who realize it exists, won’t matter.
maybe you should care. Maybe you should help correct them. Maybe those who lie on their backs and let people say something is race related whike knowing better, maybe they are the problem.

Im not saying any of this definitively. Its all a maybe. But its a maybe that i think should be considered.

Maybe eeeverything is backward.

Wouldnt you rather live in a world where you werent surrounded by people who say stupid crap about things that have nothing inherently offensive about them?

In normal conditions the people would notice drows as fictional race can have got a negative reputation, but maybe there is some potential risk drow be used later as a new racist insult in the real life. How to explain it better? Let's imagine a Spanish sitcom where a character says to other "you are a piece of australopithecus!". It is fun because both characters are Caucasians. But now this episode is translated with English subtitles, and then "piece of australopithecus" starts to be used as a racist insult in the social nets.

What can we do against racism? Easy, to defend the respect for the human dignity, the core of our rights as citizens.


I have yet to hear or read anything that inspires confidence in me that any attempt to produce a D&D movie will be anything other than crap . . . Just like the previous attempts. I have a "believe it when I see it" attitude, but I am trying to be optimistic.

It is kinda like being a Detroit Lions fan. You know they will suck, but you still hope for the best.

I have yet to hear or read anything that inspires confidence in me that any attempt to produce a D&D movie will be anything other than crap . . . Just like the previous attempts. I have a "believe it when I see it" attitude, but I am trying to be optimistic.

It is kinda like being a Detroit Lions fan. You know they will suck, but you still hope for the best.
Oh i have 99.99 repeating% confidence it will be crap lol. No disagreement here.


I have yet to hear or read anything that inspires confidence in me that any attempt to produce a D&D movie will be anything other than crap . . . Just like the previous attempts. I have a "believe it when I see it" attitude, but I am trying to be optimistic.

It is kinda like being a Detroit Lions fan. You know they will suck, but you still hope for the best.
By that logic Iron Man movie should have been crap because the previous movies were.

Nobody has a clue what the movie will be like.


One thing I like about the potential movie is that they have a pretty solid base for it being good so far.

A dragon heading an order of knights, the knights worship a triumvirate of good dieties focusing on courage, endurance, and sacrifice. They are based in a small and protected village, giving us an idyllic setting to protect.

We have a main character with a magic sword, haunted by the death of a sister, pursuing a villain who enslaved both siblings and likely killed said sister.

We have a masked character who is set to take over the order from the dragon, so is likely a penitent who has reformed through their devotion to the gods. They will likely act as the rock for the party, and perhaps do a heroic self-sacrifice. Probably revealing their dark secret in the process or it will be immediately followin.

The Gnome Thief might be comic relief, but is most defintely going to either be the sarcastic and cynical one who has a change of heart or will be the light hearted "you guys take things too seriously" type who is going to go on an emotional rampage at the masked persons sacrifice.

There are solid bones to this story. Now they have to just not #$%^@ it up

One thing I like about the potential movie is that they have a pretty solid base for it being good so far.

A dragon heading an order of knights, the knights worship a triumvirate of good dieties focusing on courage, endurance, and sacrifice. They are based in a small and protected village, giving us an idyllic setting to protect.

We have a main character with a magic sword, haunted by the death of a sister, pursuing a villain who enslaved both siblings and likely killed said sister.

We have a masked character who is set to take over the order from the dragon, so is likely a penitent who has reformed through their devotion to the gods. They will likely act as the rock for the party, and perhaps do a heroic self-sacrifice. Probably revealing their dark secret in the process or it will be immediately followin.

The Gnome Thief might be comic relief, but is most defintely going to either be the sarcastic and cynical one who has a change of heart or will be the light hearted "you guys take things too seriously" type who is going to go on an emotional rampage at the masked persons sacrifice.

There are solid bones to this story. Now they have to just not #$%^@ it up
And if its crap anyway at least its our crap. Its d&d.

It'll at least make people smart enough to see past a bad movie see the fun game its based on.

Either way. Cant wait for the newbies it brings in.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
i never said it was.

Actually i consider the first step to be popularizing the ignoring of those who whine. Its already a highly successful step. Gen z hates the whining politics of millenials. As a result many of the sacred cows of millenials have died in the ears of gen z far more than most intergenerational political transitions. Ignoring petty racial squabbling is all the rage with gen z.

Lol...the movie being a step...nah...but if the drow are in it (and played by europeans as would make most sense) and the director ignores whining, it wont be a step in itself but it will be a continuation of current gen z political persuasion and a small example inside of the first step. Ignoring.

These are the politics of gen z. It is how they feel about things. Its the direction they are going. Its not racist its just apathetic to rhings too minor to care about. Like black face that isnt black face.

Also um...ancient norse didnt associate dark skinned elves with evil.

They associated evil with dark elves (among other groups of fey too) which was something they did with lots of mysterious creatures. It had nothing to do with africans of sub-saharan african ancestry. "Dark skinned elves" vs "dark elves" also means ccompletely different things. Subtle but massively signifficant difference.

Its not even related to africans and in truth wouod probabpy be best portrayed by european actors.

The step thing was a joke, no need to deconstruct it...

As for gen z... as someone who actually is from gen z, I'll say you're painting way to broad a brush as to how people actually think. Sure, there are some who think PC culture has gone to far... but how people think is largely paired to their own experience, like gender, education level, urban/rural divide, etc.

I've yet to see a single piece of evidence that a majority of people in gen z are more "against PC culture" especially as most studies show younger people are more liberal/progressive and aware of social issues...

But if you've got a study, I'd be interested to see it.


The step thing was a joke, no need to deconstruct it...

As for gen z... as someone who actually is from gen z, I'll say you're painting way to broad a brush as to how people actually think. Sure, there are some who think PC culture has gone to far... but how people think is largely paired to their own experience, like gender, education level, urban/rural divide, etc.

I've yet to see a single piece of evidence that a majority of people in gen z are more "against PC culture" especially as most studies show younger people are more liberal/progressive and aware of social issues...

But if you've got a study, I'd be interested to see it.

Being liberal/progressive does not mean that one supports all the PC censorship and excesses or the habit of inserting political leatures into every movie that is supposed to be fun.

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