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I really hope the "elven" in elven bladesingers is only as a shout out to the original creatores of said style and the class will state how elves had to start to train members of other races in bladesong, after the spanking the received during the second fall of Myth Drannor.

We have non-LG paladins in 5e, don't re-introduce race-bound classes
Both the duskblade and the 4e bladesinger had no racial restrictions despite being "elven", so I doubt it.

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Unless they have a reason to. You know, because it's a role playing game with no limits to the imagination.

Preservation of the flavour is just as important as an "anything goes" direction. If it's elves only then you can always homebrew it into allowing other races. If you research Bladesinging then you will see that it is a guarded secret amongst elves. It's what makes the fighting style unique and flavourful.

I wouldn't be assuming anything because of 4th edition.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Preservation of the flavour is just as important as an "anything goes" direction.

I agree. The flavor should make it clear it's intended just for elves but they might teach a non-elf for really good reasons, so ask your DM if you can take this if you're not an elf.

If it's elves only then you can always homebrew it into allowing other races

Why not mention it right in the class? Fantasy novels are full of races breaking racial barriers for special things like this - it's a good story trope. As long as the rules make it clear there should be a good story reason for a non-elf to take it, I see no issue with it.

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