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New Imperial Order IC

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OK, here's the In Character thread for the Imperials. If you're a Republican, stay out of here. The Imperials aren't allowed to read yours, so don't read theirs.

Here's an intro to each character:
KitanaVorr: Pheonix, Human Scoundrel 1/Noble 1
Krizzel: Vek-Tu Mang, Male Human Guardian 1/Soldier 1
Xael: Xado Naar, Male Human Scoundrel 2
Thomas Hobbes: Cabe Docam, Male Human Soldier 2

The New Imperial Order has assigned the 4 of you to a mission. You are to go to Correlia, undercover, and meet with a contact of the Republic. He'll give you more information so you can continue with the second phase of your mission. Xado is your transport and getaway guy, Vek-tu and Cabe are along for muscle, in case things get hairy. Pheonix will be doing any computer work.
Post some intro/roleplaying, then when you're done, post yourselves on to the ship, and once xado's requested clearance for launch, the game will begin.. (You've been loaned a newer ship, a transport called the "Pearly Haven". It's fairly state of the art, with about the same armaments as a y-wing fighter, and fair speed.

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Vek-Tu Mang rose from his morning meditations, rolling his neck slowly and stretching his arms out to the sides, then above his head, willing the blood to flow and awaken his limbs just as his consciousness awakened to the present from the far-flung reaches to which it had ventured. Eyelids lifted slowly, vibrant, pale violet irises peering out through narrowed slits that squinted against the bright, warm light of ivory colored room.

The small, simple quarters were nestled deep within the secret Imperial base, simply and neatly arrayed, with recessed lighting that seemed to flow out of panels of the walls themselves. Few things broke the Spartan appearance, the small collection of books and arcane artifacts being the most obvious of them. A small holo of a pretty young woman which sat next to the bed, and a rack of weapons and armor arrayed neatly on the wall were the only other things which stood out from the background, aside from Mang himself.

One-and-a-half meters of lean-muscled gymnast’s physique was covered in a black body glove, its inky fabric making Mang’s dark cream colored skin look bright in comparison. He brushed a hand over his shaved scalp as he padded quietly over to the bed in its recessed alcove, reaching for the neatly folded clothes on the bed’s end.

It was time to leave for his ‘mission,’ and while the thought annoyed him, he didn’t feel any of the frustration that he was sure lesser beings did. It was only the first of many steps needed to gain access to the mysterious and secretive leaders of the New Imperial Order. They would have the wisdom to see the true power of the Force, and how the law dictated that the strongest, the most righteous and true, should be the ones to wield the gavel of authority. The inept peons Mang had to deal with here could hardly be expected to have such insights.

Loose-fitted white pants quickly covered the body glove on his legs, followed by the leathery white blast vest that sheathed his chest and shoulders in its flexible white pads. Matching glove-gauntlets were next, leaving only slivers of the black undergarment visible here and there that emphasized the stark brightness of his other clothes. He checked the equipment on his belt briefly before securing it around his hips, and then walked to the wall rack to retrieve his lightsaber and blaster.

Next he settled a simple white helm over his bare head, pulling down the black visor until it completely covered his face. The sides of the mask curved together until they formed a slight ridge running down the centerline, drawn slightly forward in a way that gave him a hawkish appearance. A thin but dense white cloak completed his ensemble after he had stepped into his matching boots, masking his form in snow-colored drapery.

There was no more time for contemplation now, Mang thought as he stepped outside, heading for the transport bay to get a ride to the spaceport. There should be only concentration on performing his mission perfectly, and wringing every possible advantage out of the situation that he could…

OOC - edit: all finished now
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First Post
It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair.

Nothing was happening the way Lady Meiko Erelen had wanted it to at all. Being ‘summoned’ to put it nicely…summoned….the nerve of this new Imperial order. If it wasn’t for the ridiculous favor that weird friend of her parents had wanted her to do, to accept this assignment, she wouldn’t be here at all.

How had he known? And how long had he suspected?

Her dark eyes narrowed slightly as she adroitly avoided a collision with a very angry Sullustan and his aircar. Spinning the speederbike precariously for a moment, Lady Meiko flashed the other driver a less than ladylike salute with one finger and echoed it with a rev of her engine.

So what? It wasn’t as if anyone was going to recognize her in this get up anyway? Her long and lovely black hair tucked neatly underneath a striking golden blonde wig that covered part of her face, her warm brown eyes hidden behind vibrant blue lenses, what was left to see of the real her? Still even in disguise how could she not be a slave to fashion?

Groaning she turned her bike back on course, increasing the speed with a flex of her very expensively manicured fingernails. What kind of people would she have to deal with? Probably a bunch of lower rung thugs. Men and women with more brawn than brain and about as much fashion sense as the Sullustan she nearly ran over. Really! What was he thinking? That color was so last season.

The ratty spaceport came into view and her lips curled in slight disgust before smoothing out into a neutral expression. Dropping her speeder by the indicated hanger, she threw her legs over one side and slipped off the bike. The heels of her well-tailored black boots clicked briefly on the hard gravel before graduating to a regular pattern as she walked toward the hanger and then entered it.

Head to toe, the young woman looked like something out of fashion holo. A soft supple tan long leather coat fitted her trim toned figure to perfection. Black high boots with square toes and sensible block heels had the mark of one of the most expensive shoe designers on Corellia. Perfectly pressed pants hung low on her slender hips, a thin gold chain hanging around her bare abdomen exposed by the tight cropped tank top she wore that probably cost more than a average being’s monthly salary.

Even the golden wig was made of real human hair, hanging partly over her delicately exotic features and covering one almondine eye that also glinted a rather deceptive blue.

She clutched one silver brief case in her hand, the other pulling a generously sized suitcase both of which had been strapped precariously to the speederbike earlier. Well nothing to do now but introduce herself as Phoenix, the underworld slicer, to men who didn’t know her and personally whom she didn’t really want to get to know.

Walking up the ramp of the ship, she called out in a soft silvery voice with an unmistakable upperclass Corellian accent, “Hellooooo? Is anyone there? Hellooooo?”
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First Post
Xado stepped back a little, inspecting the ship in front of him carefully. So this was the ship that was supposed take him and few other people to a mission. The New Imperial Order sure seemed to have resources when they were lending ships like this to be used on some backwater contact mission. Oh well, it wasn't his problem, Xado thought, as he was just the pilot.

Larger problem were the thugs that were inevitably coming aboard the ship, probably trying to show off how important or tough they were.

His thoughts shifted to more pleasant things; The ship was his to use for the mission. As he examined the ship further, he had this one thought racing on his mind.

His ship.

He was snapped out of his megalomanic dreams by a voice. Woman's voice. He decided that he was familiar enough with the controls and walked to the ship's entrance, spotting a woman with briefcases.

*What is this, a holiday trip? Oh well, at least she doesn't look like a thug* (thought)

Then he says: "Hello, I'm Xado Naad, the ship's pilot. I take it that you are coming to the trip", trying to sound as neutral as he can.
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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Cabe, quite frankly, detested the New Imperial Order uniform; lucky for him, his job didn't require him to wear it very often. Currently he was wearing street clothes, and except for perhaps his physique, he was indistinguishable from any other being on the public transportation air car he was traveling on. Of course, they probably weren't packing a Imperial-issue blaster under their coats, and weren't wearing gloves reinforced with a metal framework, the better to bash people's skulls with. But outwardly they were all about the same.

Cabe was a thug, and knew it, and didn't really care. There were certain things he enjoyed, like fighting (and more importantly, winning fights), and if his tastes meant some people didn't like him, that was their problem, and not his. Unless of course they made it his, in which case it became very quickly no problem at all. Cabe smiled slightly and began to whistle as he disembarked from the air car and headed towards the ship.

ooc: I don't know how the NIO is organized, so I don't know where Cabe would fit in the framework. If anything like the Imperial Security Bureau exists, he'd be a good fit (he is, after all, a jack-booted thug :D).


First Post
Lady Meiko set down her things. A brow arched slightly as she took in Xado's appearance. Not a thug, and thankfully clean looking, but certainly not the kind of man she was used to. One of those underworld scoundrels no doubt, hired to be the chauffer perhaps. Well then, at least there were some perks to this journey. Servants!

“I’m Phoenix. Now if you’ll just take my things to my quarters, I believe I shall rest up before we leave.” Brushing past him, she tossed her blond hair over one shoulder as she took in the interior ship. “Not exactly luxury accommodations, is it?”



First Post

"Wha...", Xado started, his face shifting to expression of complete astonishment.

After a few seconds (after he had come to the conclusion that she was actually serious), he turned towards the "Phoenix" and said: "Hey! I'm NOT a cabin boy and you are old enough to carry your own stuff."

*This is worse than thugs...*
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First Post
OOC: ROFL she cracks me up! :)

“This place smells,” Phoenix remarked, her artificially blue eyes observing the entire layout with one sweep. Glancing back at him, she frowned slightly, leaned closer and sniffed. “I take it back…you smell.”

Her nose wrinkled slightly. “Never mind! I don’t want you touching my stuff at all. And take a bath!” She ordered imperiously before sweeping up her things and heading directly, of course, to the largest personal cabin in the ship, ie: the captain's cabin.
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First Post
Xado watched the goings of Phoenix in disbelief, and when she was out of the hearing range he sighed; "Fine, suit youself..."

Deciding that he needed some fresh air before he would leave at the trip (and to clear his head) he walked outside, stopping at the end of the ramp. First he looked around and made sure nobody was watching... then he sniffed his clothes, this time with irritating look on his face.

Then he decided to walk around the ship couple of times, quietly mumbling to himself while walking.

"I don't smell..."

OOC: She's killing me... :p
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