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New Imperial Order IC

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Oothar, Brassa, Wepps, and Garek charge onto the ship right behind Xado.. Mangs aim is interferred with b/c he needs to avoid hitting Xado as the pilot rushes on board, but Cabe's blaster pistol is out in an instant. Unfortunately as he fires, Xado brushes past them and the blast goes wide, sizzling into the wall right behind Palpa and causing him to trip.. As he trips he stumbles into an open shuttle he was passing by and the door closes behind him.

Wepps takes a shot, but his aim, too, is spoiled by his own comrade as Garek knocks his blaster off-aim (What is with the Jedi and their Fighting? *L*).
Oothar, takes a swing at Mang, who is barely able to get his lightsaber up to block it, and they start heading backwards into the ship, clearing the top of the ramp, as Wepps and Garek charge up.. Garek trying to keep between Wepps and Cabe as they again start to aim at each other.
Brassa, seeing an opening, shouts something nobody understands (A common occurance with the Gungan), and leaps inside, right past the astonished Cabe.. Who turns to take a shot at at one of the Republicans but is hit on the back of the head as the ramp he was standing RIGHT at the top of closes with a thump. (No damage but stunned for 1 round).

Current Positions:
Brassa + Oothar are facing Mang, all 3 have lightsabers drawn.
Cabe is standing in front of the closed ramp, holding his gun in hand and staggering slightly, but quickly bringing it up to bear again.
Xado is rushing to the cockpit to keep that silly little girl from doing anything to hurt HIS ship.
Garek is trying to calm down Wepps, who had begun to take aim at Cabe again.
Palpa is laying in the shuttle with his 3 beeps hovering over him worriedly.
Meiko pushes a button. (hehe.)

As the fight seems like it is about to begin anew, there is the loud, unmistakable sound of yet ANOTHER Laser Cannon blast being fired inside a launch bay, and then a lare explosion (Meiko missed the wall due to the cramped space needed to shoot a ships weapon inside a cargo bay, but she did manage to blow up 2 of the uglies, and a nice hole in THAT Bulkhead, behind which she sees several bodies flying away in flames.)
Just then Xado arrives in the Cockpit and the count-down timer hits 24 seconds (4 rounds)

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As the energy crackles and spits as their blades meet, Oothar says to Mang, "Deactivate your weapon and you will live, false one. You face two REAL Jedi now."


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"What the hell is going on out there?" Meiko asks as the door opens and the noise from the sabers + blasters come barreling in. "What is going on? Is someone dare hurting my ship?! Some one dare?!"

"Keep firing, Xado. They're pissing me off." She picks up her blaster and opens the cockpit door with one hand on the controls. Without hesitating, she starts firing into the melee crowd, aiming specifically at the republics if she can. If anyone approaches the door, she's going to shut it and lock it.

"What kind of Jedi are you?" Meiko snaps, clearly angry as she fires without pause. "You must be from Dark Jedi stock...attacking an innocent freighter with Republic markings. Stop now or we all die."
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Here's the layout of the ship.

AS you can see, the Cargo hold is in a seperate room, with its own set of doors. Therefore Meiko hears nothing when Xado enters the cockpit.
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ok then...

Meiko locks the door behind Xado keeps firing to make nice bigger holes in the station and confirm that any decompression of the landing bay will result in the stations own destruction...ie: they won't decompress so our intrepid explorers will be safe. Once she confirms that, she'll tell everyone over the loud speaker that everything is order and all the visitors can get out now...opening the door for them to leave.

Thomas Hobbes

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Cabe staggers under the force of the blow, his ears ringing. He tries blearily to focus on what's going on around him, but he hears nothing.

ooc: Doesn't being stunned mean I drop whatever I'm holding? I seem to recall something like that. Anyway, if I get to hold on to my blaster, that's nice too. :D AoO from people with lightsabres are bad.


"Stop, stop, STOP!" Garek shouts at the three Jedi. "Lower your weapons, and let's work together, at least until we're off this station."


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Meiko's face paled slightly, her fingers slowly lifting from the ships voice connection linked to comm units across the ship. The voices of the other Jedi came whirling through her ears, and along with it their threats to Mang.

They're coming! she thought, two close steps to dispair. Everything is over...my life, my world...they'll come and take me to those awful interrogations rooms...trying to make me betray secrets...barbaric lower class nefarks...and whoever designed their clothes should be shot as well.

Xado didn't seem to notice, busy firing his gun loudly on the other side of the cockpit.

For a long moment, Meiko flitted with the thought of taking them all down...but something else caught her eye instead. Something gleaming, something still warm from being fired earlier. A cowards way out...only a cowards way out...

Sliding it back into her hand, she went up to Xado and without another mistep caused a pause in his happy explosions when she kissed him. Not lightly, not firmly, but throughly.

"I wanted to do that later, but now there's no time," she told him quickly, backing up with an arched dark brow. "And might I suggest you invest heavily in some cologne, Stinky?"

With those last words, and that one last smirk, the cold steel pressed against her forehead and she pulled the trigger.

OOC: Whew! It's been fun everyone! TPK disaster removed. Hehe. And I'll email you my equipment list, Xael. I think you'll like what she's got.


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This thread is closed for the moment. If we get this resolved, the game can continue. Let's take a day or two to simmer down, and let Jemal and Kit discuss this via e-mail.

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