D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!

From IGN, the cover of the 2025 Monster Manual!



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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I just mean that there seems to be a difference in the way people (here at least) respond to "That cover sucks" versus "That adventure sucks." Maybe people (broadly) tend to care less about art and more about writing/design, and therefore are more willing to push back or argue in the latter case?

Or, I could be imagining it. That is certainly possible. But this and the other art threads brought it to mind.
Hmm...Okay, I'll give this to you. I think part of it is that most of us are better able to discuss what we like and don't like about an adventure. We can actually have a discussion. Fewer of us can engage in meaningful conversations about art beyond I like/hate this. I think people with strong and dismissive views are just as strong and dismissive whether commenting on art or adventures. But with art, it barely goes beyond "this sucks!" "Why?" "It's too cartoony" (or "looks unfinished" or "looks like AI" or something about marvel poses). Don't get me wrong, we've had hundreds of posts about a D&D character depicted with glasses, but that was focused more on something depicted that some people could tie to setting, rule, and time period expectations, moreso that the quality of the art piece overall.

I certainly find myself getting annoyed or rolling my eyes at some of the comments about hating some piece of art moreso than similar comments about an adventure. But pressing people to expound on what they don't like about art feels a bit hypocritical to me when I can't do much better when describing what I like about the art.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Looking down at my old 2014 MM... despite the fact that I generally prefer scaley and spikey beholders to fleshy ones... I like this new one better. It appears as more of an abomination, the glowing eyes give a sense of power, the lighting is better across the art, and the size is much more fearsome.
Yeah, I like my scaley and spikey beholders, but recent depictions don't really capture the flavor of outsider madness that I think of when I think of beholders.

Thinking about it, I think my favorite 5e depictions are some of the art depicting Xanathar:


Though I also like artist Chris Rahn's (@ChrisRahnArt) concept art for Xanathar, that has a much darker theme:


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Except the problem almost always is, "This is bad" is followed by the question of "Why do you think it's bad" and then a ringing silence or examples of "bad" that are just more cases of "Well, I don't like X, and this looks like X, thus it's bad".

IOW, there's virtually nothing underpinning the opinions other than, "I don't like it."
And vice versa. I can't easily articulate what I like about art more than what I dislike. What I find more curious is why some people need to express such strong, almost emotional, reactions about something they they can't articulate in a discussion forum.


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
And vice versa. I can't easily articulate what I like about art more than what I dislike. What I find more curious is why some people need to express such strong, almost emotional, reactions about something they they can't articulate in a discussion forum.
You are hitting at my bewilderment precisely, MN. The forums here thrive to the extent that there is fruitful discourse about ideas. "I hate it" or "it sucks" or "well, I guess I ain't buying those books" contributes nothing to any kind of conversation because there are no ideas involved. People share these gut reactions with friends in conversation, but why people would want to have such idea-less opinions represent themselves and the extent of their ability to participate in these forums is beyond me. It is a bit embarrassing for them, really. But, such are among the consequences of free will and free discourse. ;)


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
Yeah, I like my scaley and spikey beholders, but recent depictions don't really capture the flavor of outsider madness that I think of when I think of beholders.

Thinking about it, I think my favorite 5e depictions are some of the art depicting Xanathar:

View attachment 366778

Though I also like artist Chris Rahn's (@ChrisRahnArt) concept art for Xanathar, that has a much darker theme:
View attachment 366779
Those are both awesome. The cover of Xanather's Guide has always been a favorite of mine as well.

I just wonder a bit at all the people for whom the cover art is apparently enough to sell or unsell them on the book. Seriously, you don't see the cover while it's on the shelf, you don't see it while you're reading the book, and it does nothing to change the contents of the game rules for better or worse. It is literally the least important part of the book, in my view.
I 99.9% agree with this but I would say that if the cover was pornographic or excessively violent, that might just turn me away from buying the book. That isn't the case here of course.

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