New monsters book for Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game

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Bit expensive once shipped to UK.

Unless Nordvorn does so well that we crush the $25,000 offset print run goal (and I'm not ruling that out), I expect shipping to not be too bad for my part of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG product support effort.

If we slam the stretch goal for an offset print run, it's likely because we are doing so well that I can afford to try and be "clever" with staging. In any case, at the moment it's looking good.


This week brings to a close the week of blatantly shilling for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Kickstarters. Both Citadel at Nordvorn and the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 and Boxed Set Reprint campaigns end this weekend, with DFM2 closing tomorrow (Friday), and Citadel coming to an end on Sunday. Both funded and passed at least one stretch goal, and Citadel - which had fewer to begin with - is on the cusp of passing another.

Thursday is GURPSDay! March 15 to March 21, 2019


This week brings to a close the week of blatantly shilling for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Kickstarters. Both Citadel at Nordvorn and the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 and Boxed Set Reprint campaigns end this weekend, with DFM2 closing tomorrow (Friday), and Citadel coming to an end on Sunday. Both funded and passed at least one stretch goal, and Citadel – which had fewer to begin with – is on the cusp of passing another.

Thursday is GURPSDay! March 15 to March 21, 2019


$20,000 Stretch Goal PILLAGED!! (Also: check your pledges and add-ons)

We just pillaged the $20,000 stretch goal for 128 pages. This makes me happy. Not the least reason for which is the unfinished draft lays out at 115 pages on a 112-page budget. So . . . I don't have to cut anything. Thank you all for making this my strongest Kickstarter ever.

As both Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 and The Citadel at Nordvorn enter their final hours (fewer than 12 for DFM2, about 60 as I type this for Nordvorn), it's time to check and see if what you've got listed is really what you want, and (if it's not) push the proejct to the offset print run by adding what you want NOW rather than in Backerkit.

Ah, it's a glorious month for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG! I'm thrilled that the Citadel at Norðvorn is blowing past so many stretch goals. I'm eager to read all 128 pages!

I also appreciated your conversation with Matt Finch, Top 5 DM Tips with Douglas Cole. A great mix of D&D, GURPS, Dragon Heresy, and this current campaign.

With less than 100 minutes to go, we're over $53,000 on DF Monsters 2. Can we break the next stretch goal in the final hour? I am hopeful!


New Final Stretch Goal: Hall of Judgment 2nd Edition($35,000)

As we enter the final two days of the Citadel at Nordvorn campaign, it has become clear that the "best we can do" figure is significantly in excess of the prior goal for the campaign at $30,000.

After thinking about it for a bit, I know what to do. At 35,000, I will get a reprint of Hall of Judgment done in the same style and quality as the offset run for Citadel at Norðvorn. Sewn and lay-flat binding. Heavy paper (100-105#, or 150-157gsm).

The new printing will include all of the new battle-maps done by Glynn Seal for the 2nd Edition of Lost Hall of Tyr, so the basic file is already done. If we hit this goal, everyone that already has a PDF of Hall of Judgment will get it upgraded to the new edition at no cost.

New maps?


The new images show a lot more custom detail, all done by award-winning cartographer Glynn Seal (who has a Kickstarter of his own going on right now). He did the maps of Logiheimli in Hall of Judgment, and he's doing the maps in Citadel.

You can see the new maps in this blog post on GB.

If we hit the new goal, Hall of Judgment will have the maps inserted into the art spaces where the old maps were; I'll look into what it would take to get full-page maps in the back of the book as well, but no promises on that . . . it's already a full book and I'd need to add 16 pages to make it work.

But I'm not saying no either.

Regardless, a digital map pack will be available as well (HoJ PDF purchasers in the past may already have it; I uploaded it to Backerkit a while ago and sent it out).

"And That's All I Have to Say About That" (-F. Gump)

Wow. What a campaign. A potential offset print. Maybe a 144-page version of Citadel. Fantastic Dungeon Grappling in the boxed set itself (pinch me!), and contemplating awesome reprints of my old books.

No question: you guys are awesome.

However . . . to get the Big Goals, we need Big Conversion.

That means popping into Forum threads like these and commenting. A word from a backer goes so much further than a word from the creator. One is an endorsement; the other is spam. You know it, I know it, so I need your help:

There's also Social Media - tweet, facebook, etc. I'll be repeating this announcement in a blog post over at Gaming Ballistic, and that will show up at @GMingBallistic on Twitter, the Gaming Ballistic page on Facebook, and on my page and account on MeWe (and if you're looking for ALL the places to find me on the net, go here and you can see them all).

We have 36 hours.

With 11 hours to go on the The Citadel at Norðvorn, Douglas Cole needs just over $1100 to hit the next stretch goal: an offset print run. If you're on the fence, now's the time to jump in. The quality of the first book, Hall of Judgment, was amazing. It had a great adventure at its core along with some mini-adventures. It also introduced a town and culture with gobs of adventure and roleplaying hooks for GMs to latch onto. Then there were the wilderness rules, the grappling rules, the bestiary, the maps, the pregenerated characters... It is a fine product and this one looks to be just as good (if not better). It's well worth the investment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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