New SCAG Info: Someone Got The Book

Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide hits preferred stores tomorrow (and everywhere else in a couple of weeks). However, some stores have jumped the gun - which only benefits us, as folks on social media are telling us all about it! Below is a compilation of that information. I'm sure come tomorrow, the amount of information on the book will increase dramatically.

Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide hits preferred stores tomorrow (and everywhere else in a couple of weeks). However, some stores have jumped the gun - which only benefits us, as folks on social media are telling us all about it! Below is a compilation of that information. I'm sure come tomorrow, the amount of information on the book will increase dramatically.


[h=4]Original Post[/h]
Thread is here, Gnunn and others are answering questions about it:

The info:

I'am trying to compile the answers here by those who have new information. The answers do not represent me in anyway I'am just passing on the information.

Q: Name all the subclasses (submitted by me)


Not really interested in spoiling all of the specifics, but here's what I noticed to be new at first glance:
Gray Dwaves (Duergar)
Ghostwise Halflings
Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin) -- also provides a new feat "Svirfneblin Magic" (same as EE)
Half-Elf Variants
Tiefling Variants

Classes (only new class options, not new classes):
Barbarian - Path of the Battlerager, new Totem Spirits
Bard - New musical instruments
Cleric - Arcana Domain
Fighter - Purple Dragon Knight
Monk - Way of the Long Death, Way of the Sun Soul
Paladin - Oath of the Crown
Ranger - Several paragraphs that amount to nothing
Rogue - Mastermind Swashbuckler
Sorcerer - Storm Sorcery
Warlock - The Undying
Wizard - Bladesinging

New cantrips for sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards
Booming blade, green-flame blade, lightning lure, sword burst.

City Watch
Clan Crafter
Cloistered Scholar
Faction Agent
Far Traveler
Knight of the Order
Mercenary Veteran
Urban Bounty Hunter
Uthgardt Tribe Member
Waterdhavian Noble
This only covers about 50 pages of the almost 160 page book. There's a TON of info on the Sword Coast itself. I'm sure DMs who already have the book are salivating at the moment.

Q: No Bard, Ranger or Druid subclasses?

There are new bard colleges. I only listed non-flavor changes (in my opinion at least each one is paired with an existing class option so nothing new in terms of mechanics.

-Q2: Wait WHAT? So the Bard Colleges AND Druid Circles don't list fully new subclasses that offer new mechanics to that class? And no "spell-less" Ranger variant or anything?

Correct on all accounts.

Q: Monk Subclasses specifics

Sun Soul gives the monk methods of dealing radiant damage. Burning hands makes an appearance as well.It seems almost too obvious, but all of the Long Death abilities are triggered by death in some way - either yours or an enemy.

Q: Warlock the Undying

Hard to explain. It's Lich-like, but not undead it seems.

Q: Paladin Oath of the Crown

The new paladin oath is a straight up tank. They seem to have added a ton more detail for the paladin codes. Too much to go into here.

Q: Fighter Purple Dragon Knight

A:Party buffs/heals. Would be a good party leader out of combat as well.

How do the Half elf and tiefling variants work?

Tiefling variants are pretty different. I'm not next to my book currently, but I believe there were three options. Half elf replaced the half elf skill dealy with a selection from the elf half. Like Drow magic replacing the skill selection for example.

Q: What does it say about Aasimar?

A: It basically just says, "See the DMG.

(I guess that makes Eldarin valid as well)

Edit 1: Did some cleaning, added cantrips and explanation that is not me giving the answers.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm really sorry, guys. I promoted this to news status, but somehow managed to lose all the comments in the process. There were about 35 comments at the time. My apologies if yours was one of them!


That guy, who does that thing.
The info may benefit us, but if WotC finds out about the stores that sold early, it certainly won't benefit them.



Ah, my guess for the cleric was an Arcane domain tied to Mystara. :)

Everything seems to be as hinted. Only surprises to me are 2 monk paths and the class entries focused instead on lore which is.. mkay i guess. I like how the options sound, now I just need the pretty pictures.


Knight of Solamnia
Some things I would like to know about, if the info becomes available:

1. What are the half-elf and tiefling variants?
2. What are the barbarian's new totem spirits?
3. What new bardic colleges are there?
4. Purple Dragon Knight - Only fighters can become Purple Dragon Knights? Or can you be a paladin and join, but not get the benefits?
5. Paladin's Oath of the Crown - Is that gaining powers from your faith in a king or queen?
6. More info on The Undying, please!
7. Knight of the Order background - What does that represent?
8. Conversions to other worlds - Thought there was something on that. Any details? I'm specifically interested in Dragonlance (i.e. does PDK = Knights of Solamnia?)

Thanks in advance!


Bladesinging for wizards is pretty cool, something I would want to try immediately. Also, a lot of expansion for the tiefling, four new racial trait variants (one replaces ability score modifiers, the other three can replace Infernal Legacy).

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