New Server Drive - donation and prize thread (Final total: $13,310!)

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Mark said:
I think he's just taking a bit of time to square away some things that aren't board related. I'm guessing he'll be back around fairly soon.

Rather than bump this daily, why not make a note to give this a bump late this week (perhaps Friday).

That's my advice, anyway.

I expect we'll hear from him this weekend.


First Post
megamania said:
The link doesn't seem to want to work. What was the new drive geared to do? I am completely computer techno dumb so go easy on me.

The "Server Drive" replaced the server used for the site to increase speed and reliability.


Okay, everyone should have an email waiting for them with apology, explanation and details. If you don't, please email me asap at kevin at kulp dot org. I've had a few bounces, and I want to get this right.

Thank you!


Penguin Herder
Piratecat said:
Okay, everyone should have an email waiting for them with apology, explanation and details. If you don't, please email me asap at kevin at kulp dot org. I've had a few bounces, and I want to get this right.

PC, as I said in email: no worries. Trinkets are nice, but a speedy EN-World is the real crown jewel, and we have that today. :)

Thanks, -- N

PS: Note that I *do* want my trinkets... it's just not that big a deal when specifically.

Voidrunner's Codex

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