New Server Drive - donation and prize thread (Final total: $13,310!)


I missed this place, too. I needed to spend some time away from the computer in order to straighten out my priorities... I just regret that in doing so, I shirked my responsibility to you folks.

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Piratecat said:
I missed this place, too.

"...hold me..." - Mark Clover (

Piratecat said:
I needed to spend some time away from the computer in order to straighten out my priorities... I just regret that in doing so, I shirked my responsibility to you folks.

"It's not you, it's me." - Mark Clover (

Welcome back. :)


First Post
Piratecat said:
I missed this place, too. I needed to spend some time away from the computer in order to straighten out my priorities... I just regret that in doing so, I shirked my responsibility to you folks.


I was one of the people asking for an update and I want to thank you for your e-mail.

It was very upfront and truthfull which I am sure was hard to write.



First Post
He's Back!

I was gonna post something similar in the first thread of yours I saw. Glad I scrolled down a little. Now my dweebiness is shared with everyone else's. :)

Good to see you again, Mr.Cat.


In case my email gets caught up with the flood of emails you might get PirateCat, I have changed email addresses since the server drive.

I can be contacted at maransreth at iinet dot net dot au.

But I understand the jist of the email from others reactions.

Hope all goes well.

I hope more folks that have already posted to this thread will also check in here so we're sure they received the email. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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