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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

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Mal Malenkirk

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That's the adventure thread. Contrary to most adventure, I started it like a good samaritan intervention; all the PCs were near a market when a bunch of zombies attacked.

To add you, I'd use the same formula. Right now the team is in the very last legs of fighting a big Chtullu-esque solo monster, it has something like 12 hp left. There are several wounded civilians strewn around and your character is a healer.

Your character will simply be in the neighborhood and hear the commotion. He'll go to help the wounded, ask about what's going on.

The other players will tell you... well, I am curious as to how they will present the problem but I am sure it will involve at least a gang leader, lots of zombies, shadowy monsters and a dangerous artefacts about to be stolen by a very bad man which will make the zombie infestation worse.

Since your character is Good aligned, that should be enough motivation to help.
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[sblock=ooc to Mal]OK, I'm in. Assuming that this isn't happening at a time when it would be extraordinarily rude to call on someone, One-Who-Waits will head to the area on an errand for his apothecary friend. I'll post in the adventure thread soon.[/sblock]


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One-Who-Waits eats his meager repast sedately, with several meditative pauses. When he is finished, he thanks his "honored host" in the same ornate style that he used to greet the boy before. He then quietly exits the tavern, apparently off on some errand.


Callen begins to snore in his seat as his head dips back at which point he wakes with a start accidentally slamming his knee into the bottom of the table. Looking around groggily he sees mostly familiar faces and a dwarf. "Um I think I missed something here, my apologies. I'm Callen Stewart, I don't believe we've met." he says extending his hand to 7 Rabbit.


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"Welcome back, Callen." Kama'zer comments with a smile. "7 Rabbit here has a quest of some importance in the offing. So, sir dwarf, do we meet your satisfaction for a group to assist you or is there something missing. Someone 'sneaky' I believe you said? Is there anyone available to fill that role or would that make our group too large? We've seemed to do well so far without a sneaky type in our group."


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7 Rabbit seems amused by Mri'Thas's response. "My studies indicate that the optimum group of adventurers consists of five archetypes: the Leader, the Warrior, the Sage, the Healer and the Trickster. During a quest, obstacles may be encountered that can't be overcome by brute force, or even by the superior strategy and insight provided by the Leader and the Sage. The Trickster is needed to provide alternate, unconventional approaches.

Of course, the composition of a group is not always obvious. Sometimes the most surprising person takes on the role of Leader, for example. The Trickster usually appears as a charming rogue, or even a thief, often with an ambiguous morality which must be overcome. However, occasionally a magician will fill the role, or even a warrior who fights outside the normal rules of warfare: I found a delightful example of this in the history of the Imperium, in the tale of the Gordian Knot.

In any case, I was merely commenting that we seem to have many people of both martial and magical skill, who would most obviously fill the roles of Warrior and Sage, but nobody obvious to fill the role of Trickster. But there is no second-guessing the stars: the group should arise naturally, brought together by their own lives' paths through the heavens, not assembled artificially by some task master. Doubtless one of us will be shown to be the Trickster in the course of our endeavours."

7 Rabbit pauses, suddenly struck by a thought. "You said you were brought together to fight the fire that raged here... Thank you again for that, by the way - I was in the library when it broke out, I was worried that the building would be engulfed! But, I've heard that it has some protection against flame, so perhaps it was in no danger. Nonetheless, thank you. Now, a fire - an act of nature, or perhaps I should say an act of the Gods, bringing together unacquainted bystanders against a shared threat: and now you have stayed together, forged by that shared threat into a fellowship! This is a classic Call to Adventure - the patterns are there for anyone versed in the art to see. I will follow your careers with interest!" He smiles happily at them.

"And now that we all are awake," he continues, nodding to Callen, "I can help you to move on to the next stage of that career. Here is the task I have for you:

As I said, I am 7 Rabbit, scholar and astronomer in the court of Choca Paquiliz. My elder brother, 6 Eagle, is... was... IS one of our greatest warriors. Two years ago, he came to the portal to the Shifting Seas on a quest for... well, that's a long story, and it doesn't matter right now. The important thing is that he never returned. I never knew whether he was killed on his quest, or was held captive somewhere, or merely travelled on to farther lands and was unable to send word back to me. But my own duties prevented me from searching after him.

Now I am here, on my own errand, and I have been keeping my eyes and ears open for any news of him. I found nothing, until only a few hours ago, a nobleman entered this very tavern wearing this."
He tugs on a chain around his neck, and pulls out a pendant in the shape of a face.

[sblock=The Laughing Man]


"It is called the Laughing Man, and it is a family heirloom. The nobleman was gracious enough to return it to me when I told him this. He said that he had bought it from a shady dealer in stolen goods named Castor. I propose to find this 'Castor' and find out how he came to own my brother's pendant. The ruffian's shop will doubtless be guarded, which is why I am asking your help - it does not need to come to violence, but it might. And then who knows where the search will take me next? I may have need of brave companions.

I do not know enough about you to know your motives in adventuring, yet. For some of you, the excitement of the chase, or the intellectual stimulation of an investigation may be enough. Others may be driven by the desire to do good deeds - I will tell you that 6 Eagle's quest was of vital importance to the future of my homeland, and perhaps the world! And for those of you who seek only riches and glory..."
Rabbit places the chunk of gold on the table. "As I said, I have brought some wealth with me from the Golden Kingdoms. I can pay you well for your aid, if that is what you wish.

So... are you with me?"

I think Mal should tell me how much I should offer exactly, since players giving money to other players is a bit fishy...


First Post
I know not about zees armiez but zer iz somezing suzpizious. Lord Belingras vill explain more. Follow me.

Magnus clumps heavily out the door of the Hanged Man following the heavily accented halfling out into the evening.

Strange things...strange times...eehehehe...

Voidrunner's Codex

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