Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Revised Artificer

The Artificer Returns, and it's a better Beast Master than the Beast Master

ICYMI, enjoy! It's got two new subclasses, new spells, and some tweaks to multiclassing. Plus, you know, typos.

Now to the meat of the matter. The Battle Smith. Everyone's better at having pets than the poor Beast Master Ranger. Discuss!

Yeah, maybe TWF needs to be fixed, too.

In general I think the bonus action economy is ok.
It is just some classes that should do well do not because it is triggering from taking the attack action and because it competes in an unfavourable way with a different feature.

Good: cunning action/twf.

ranger in general with hunter's mark
- beastmaster
- hunter lvl 11 feature
- horizon walker

I also don't like that there is no penalty for using two weapons as a wizard etc.

So my solution would be something along the line of:
- twf needs an ability to be used.

For example:
Cunning action gives twf as it is now.
Twf fighting style allows twf as a free attack with your offhand weapon doing no stat bonus to damage.
You need to check if you allow both features at once. But since both weapons need to be light then it seems ok.

TWF feat changes to:
You may use a bonus action to attack with an off hand dagger.
You gain +1 AC
You can draw 2 weapons as part of the attack action.

Note that it overwrites the rogue feature with an attack that does stat bonus to damage.

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ICYMI, enjoy! It's got two new subclasses, new spells, and some tweaks to multiclassing. Plus, you know, typos.

Now to the meat of the matter. The Battle Smith. Everyone's better at having pets than the poor Beast Master Ranger. Discuss!
Since the Beast Master is a worse beast master than everyone else, hardly a difficult feat to achieve.

Am I the only one who thinks that an intangible, flying, invulnerable spellcasting psychically attacking familiar is potentially abusable?

How so? As a familiar it's limited in several ways. As an offensive tool it's just a re-fluffed offensive Cantrip with a built-in Smite feature. Yes, there's potential for clever and creative players to do new things, but isn't that what we want out of a new class? Nothing about it screams broken to me.

Not bad this time around. And nice to see only two of the sub-classes being pet sub-classes, with those two having companion creatures (pets) and the other two sub-classes having "mobile artifices" (not pets), as Jeremy Crawford calls them on Twitter.

I chuckled at this particular line from him and wondered whose poor, little feelings it hurt:

"If your artificer would like to treat a weapon or an A.I. as a pet, I think that's sweet. I'm all for creating in-character connections to other creatures and things."

How so? As a familiar it's limited in several ways. As an offensive tool it's just a re-fluffed offensive Cantrip with a built-in Smite feature. Yes, there's potential for clever and creative players to do new things, but isn't that what we want out of a new class? Nothing about it screams broken to me.

Send the AM into the dungeon whilst the party wait in a safe location outside. It can kill anything that isn't immune to psionics at no risk to the party (slowly and boringly). Whist it can't pass through objects, it has no size, so there is nothing to prevent it passing through keyholes or under doors. It has a range of 300 feet, which is large enough for most dungeons.

seems all the other pets scale but the turret still doesnt? or did I miss something

They scale slightly (HPs with level and INT mod for other things), with the only real level-based bonus is being able to summon a second turret once a day at 14th. (And activate them both with the same bonus action).

So yeah, I'm with you - they barely scale.

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