D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED


Thanks! I figured I was missing something... :)

That brings up an interesting issue. If we allow DEX to break ties, I think Vecna would still have gone first, but I assumed your +3 was just from DEX so gave the tie to the player. I'll just keep the order as is I guess. 🤷‍♂️

4.2.12 (Vecna) Vecna casts dispel magic on Ezabard, who loses his truesight! (Roll 11+6=17 vs. DC 16)

@Stalker0 you do see Vecna now through the arrow slit. Do you want to try to counterspell his dispel magic? I need to know before I continue his turn.
I will indeed.

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The High Aldwin
4.2.12 (Vecna Con't) Vecna casts dispel magic on Ezabard, who loses his truesight! (Roll 11+6=17 vs. DC 16)

Ezabard casts counterspell in an attempt to stop the powerful Archlich, but Vecna utters a dread word and Ezabard's spell is interrupted, as he takes 14 psychic damage and loses his truesight spell. (This damage depleted the last of your false life spell.)

With the truesight spell gone, Ezabard no longer sees the magical traps and the stone tower is hidden from him in the dancing darkness of the shadowy pillar.

Vecna's powerful dispel magic also stripes Ezabard's mage armor (automatic) and fireshield (Roll 9+6=15 vs DC 14) spells! (Ezabard's AC is 14 again.)

Suddenly, Ezabard falters slightly as he takes another 6 psychic damage, and Vecna steps out from the shadow to Ezabard's right and slashes at him twice with his cruel dagger, but his wild swings soar over the gnomes head (believe it or not, Vecna rolled double 1's and MISSED with both dagger attacks!!!) as he moves past the wizard, heading into the shadows.


@sleepyInsomniac it is now Vyrlim's Turn on Initiative 2.


The High Aldwin
Ezabard will also communicate the location of the symbols to his party, using a genius shorthand that he created.
Luckily, your Passive Investigation 22 is exactly what you needed to spot the DC 22 glyph and symbol spells normally anyway.

So, yeah with INT 20 you'll recall the location of each spell.


Question: since we came here specifically to destroy Vecna I assume some research took place ahead of time. What do we know of Vecna abilities if anything?


The High Aldwin
Question: since we came here specifically to destroy Vecna I assume some research took place ahead of time. What do we know of Vecna abilities if anything?
I would think the general lore, for starters, and that he might have the Book of Vile Darkness, a powerful artifact.

As for features: he deals powerful necrotic damage (which is why Pyre has armor of necro-resistance), and he is difficult to cast a spell against (which Ezabard has learned firsthand as well), he likely has undead servants, and of course he has powerful magic in other respects. Ezabard has already seen several magical wards in this lair.

His other features (Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, etc.) are probably not known. After all, I can't imagine many creatures who've dealt with Vecna have lived through these features.

Within another round or two, probably other features will be quickly revealed.

I think more importantly is for you all as players to be mindful of what is happening to other PCs and the situation in general. I feel like somethings might be overlooked, but I could be wrong.

Metagaming, was there anything specifically you wanted to know about?


I would think the general lore, for starters, and that he might have the Book of Vile Darkness, a powerful artifact.

As for features: he deals powerful necrotic damage (which is why Pyre has armor of necro-resistance), and he is difficult to cast a spell against (which Ezabard has learned firsthand as well), he likely has undead servants, and of course he has powerful magic in other respects. Ezabard has already seen several magical wards in this lair.

His other features (Flight of the Damned, Rotten Fate, etc.) are probably not known. After all, I can't imagine many creatures who've dealt with Vecna have lived through these features.

Within another round or two, probably other features will be quickly revealed.

I think more importantly is for you all as players to be mindful of what is happening to other PCs and the situation in general. I feel like somethings might be overlooked, but I could be wrong.

Metagaming, was there anything specifically you wanted to know about?
Nope just making sure I’m playing based on the knowledge I would have

Voidrunner's Codex

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