D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

So, you typed where you where going and what you were doing, but not that you were picking up your bow even though you meant to?

This doesn't say you stopped or intended to do anything. It is a direction to the location you moved to before misty stepping.

And the retconning is because of rule issues, not action issues.

If you had posted, "Oh, by the way, I wanted to pick up my bow before I misty stepped" anytime before your next turn, I would have been fine with it. I've been strict from the beginning about people posting exactly what they are doing and where they want to go. I don't mind a bit of leeway within a few posts, etc., but not a couple of rounds later.

I mean, honestly, if you simply forgot to say you picked up your bow, that's fine. Playing like this is weird enough, but writing one thing while you mean another doesn't help me DM it. The best compromise I can give you is having the bow on the room side of the sliding wall, so you can go and retrieve it if you wish to. I don't think that is unreasonable. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, I'm not gonna argue with you (I think there's been too much of that already) but I had intended to pick up the bow, planned my movement around it, and when it got to my turn and I typed it out, I forgot to put those words down. Not only that, but I didn't even know that I hadn't written it, until I went back and reread it, which is why I threw in the line about having done it, to point out that I would have.

You can chose to believe me or not. It just seems to be to be a strange one to be a stickler on, considering all the other retconning. Personally, I don't even see this one as a retcon (like, at all). It's just a "Remember when I passed by my bow? Well, I picked it up, of course. Why wouldn't I have?" I mean, she's there passing by where she left it something like 18 seconds earlier. Me, it's been a couple of weeks, or whatever, and I'm not actually in the room. She'd be a lot less likely to forget it than I would be.

I'll live with your call, though, of course.

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4.5.21 (Selossen) Disengaging from the Shadows, Selossen flies out into the room, divine providence allowing him to shrug off the symbol spell (Roll 3+15+1 bless + 5 favor=24 vs DC 22 CHA save).

He lands and quickens meteor swarm, but again the archlich utters a vile word and the spell is interrupted, as Selossen takes 3 pyschic damage.


It is now Lair Actions on Initiative 20.
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I'll live with your call, though, of course.
First, I want to thank you for that.

I understand it is frustrating, but I thought I had been very clear about explicitly stating what you are doing. In my live games, players forget these types of things all the time. So, it isn't that I don't believe you meant to say but that such things get overlooked all the time.

but I had intended to pick up the bow, planned my movement around it, and when it got to my turn and I typed it out, I forgot to put those words down. Not only that, but I didn't even know that I hadn't written it, until I went back and reread it, which is why I threw in the line about having done it, to point out that I would have.
When you wrote about moving next to Selossen, that is the extent of your 30 speed so it made sense to me you would move as far as you could.

It just seems to be to be a strange one to be a stickler on, considering all the other retconning. Personally, I don't even see this one as a retcon (like, at all). It's just a "Remember when I passed by my bow? Well, I picked it up, of course. Why wouldn't I have?" I mean, she's there passing by where she left it something like 18 seconds earlier. Me, it's been a couple of weeks, or whatever, and I'm not actually in the room. She'd be a lot less likely to forget it than I would be.
I've been a stickler on everything LOL, which is why we've retconned two times.

You make a good point, so how about this: Pyre will roll a DC 10 Intelligence check to remember/notice to grab her bow in the heat of the fight? Remember, you guys are under attack, the wall is closing you off from the others, etc. With rapier in hand and planning to misty step, it seems reasonable to me that Pyre might not think to grab her bow. Since DC 10 is "easy", I feel that is reasonable. Even if she fails it, the bow will be on the room side, but back at the wall and you'll have to retrieve it.

Here we go...

Success! (Roll 16-1=15 vs DC 10). Pyre remembered to grab her bow as her free object interaction before she cast misty step.

So, Pyre will have her bow after all.

4.5.20 (Lair Action) A howling apparition of a fallen hero appears near Selossen and its black form blasts into the genasi (successful Roll 17+15=32 vs DC 22 CON save), who takes 32 necrotic damage! The apparition then vanishes...

UPDATE: Selossen makes his concentration check so his bless is still active (Roll 8+13=21 vs. DC 16 CON save).

As the shadows burst into shreds as the holy aura of the paladin inflicts 20 radiant damage (double 10) to each!


@FitzTheRuke it is now Pyre's Turn on Initiative 19.
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@FitzTheRuke do you still want to do this: bonus action hide and shoot?

Do you want to move anywhere after shooting?

Otherwise, she'll pull her bow (which she picked up off the ground when she ran by where she left it earlier), see if she can't duck behind the statue (hiding if possible) and pop out the other side to shoot Vecna.

FWIW, normally, since Venca knows you are there, moving behind a statue isn't much cover to "hide" behind. It isn't like the 10-foot-wide pillars in the other scenario... But with the statue, altar, and balcony wall, I am thinking Pyre should have enough "things" to hide behind and use stealth to gain advantage on her bow shot.

@FitzTheRuke where would you like to move to while under cover to attack from?

Yeah, I will stick with that plan (fair ruling on the bow, BTW, thanks for that.) She will go counter-clockwise around the statue, stay low, sneak/roll across to the corner of the balcony wall (next to Selossen) and shoot from there, low down. Hopefully he'll be too busy to see her do it!

As Ezabard gets stabbed, and starts bleeding upon the ground, in his final words he..... acts like a highly intelligent nerd and outlines a battle plan!

"stop splitting up your focus, you cannot beat him this way. No matter what else he throws out, more shadows, other creatures, all attention must be on vecna, or you will never beat his evil healing. Give it everything you have, no holding back!!! Vrylim is the key, his holy powers are your only hope now"

And then Ezabard lays still, and his soul moves on to the eternal library.

4.5.19 (Pyre) Pyre slinks around the statue, moving low and hugging the wall (Roll 15+17=32 vs. DC 25 Passive Perception).

Prye stand and shoots at Venca, hitting! (Roll 8,18+12=30 vs. AC 18) She does 36 piercing damage (12 piercing + 24 sneak attack).

Vecna curses the rogue and uses fell rebuke, dealing 7 necrotic damage (half 15) to Pyre, and Venca teleports, appearing right next to Selossen!!


It is now Vecna's Turn on Initiative 12.

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